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07 - Still Breathing

Steven Seagull

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Put Still Breathing and Lazy Bones side by side and it's a complete polar shift. I'm happy he's in a good place now :) 

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59 minutes ago, Maria Gloria said:

I was debating whether or not I wanted to post this yesterday, but you other people sharing your (beautiful!) stories have convinced me.

This song hit me as hard as it did because I nearly lost my fiance to the same addictions as Billie. I can still hear the doctor saying he had three weeks to live and I was constantly expecting to wake up to the news that he wasn't around anymore. Everyone told me to get out because nothing would change and I'd be a young widow but I ignored them all and it was hard, but so worth it because I eventually got to see the most beautiful recovery. I went from knowing he didn't even want to be alive to hearing him say for the first time that he wanted to live, that life is beautiful and that he was so wrong to have ever thought otherwise. I thought I was going to lose him again when he got cancer as a result of the substance abuse but he was so strong going through all the surgeries and he's OK. I know he was truly "scared to death to live" but he did live. Now he smiles instead of sulking, he wants to go back to school, he does phone service for NA and saves the lives of other people like him.

It's hard to articulate quite how each line touches me, but I see him in every line and I just start sobbing when I hear "my head's above the rain and roses / making my way to you", because I don't think it had truly sunk in that I'm not going to lose him until I heard that. I'd bottled up more angst and hurt than I even knew for years and finally got it out of my system last night thanks to this song.

I am so going to break down when I hear this live. Here ends my gushing!

I'm not going to lie, the fact that you stuck with him through all of that brought a couple of tears to my eyes. That's what love is supposed to be.

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I just want to put "are you scared to death to live" on an infinite loop and listen to it forever. 

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I think this song is definitive proof that when Billie said "destroy the phrase pop punk" he was only saying he isn't keen on the phrase and wasn't setting out plans for new music :P. As I've been saying since he tweeted it :P 

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1 hour ago, Joe K said:

Okay, this song has truly touched me. My dad and I used to play guitar together all the time and go to concerts (he actually took me to my first Green Day show and my second show back in 2013 when I was 14). He got me in to rock music overall and got me started in playing guitar when I was 8. Music was our thing. Anyway he passed away about 4 months ago and was actually quite young. This obviously fucked me and my family over big time. Like I was thinking that this is my life? Spending all that time with my father just for him to die and leave me and my family alone? Green Day is my all time favourite band like it is many other's in this forum and now that they released a song like this has made me realise that life is not just a bunch of shit and all that. It has made me realise that I am indeed still alive and life will get better. I mean Next year will be a lot better already (I mean I'm gonna see these guys live again for example). Sorry if this text is a mess but I just needed to get that out of my system.

Joe K, I'm so sorry for your father's passing.

My dad unexpectedly passed away 2 years ago. He took me to my first Green Day concert in 2005 (and several other rock concerts too). He was my rock and roll influence when I was growing up too and he bought me guitars and taught me a little too. Though I gave up playing haha. The last time I saw my dad was in 2012 when he visited me to see Green Day play VooDoo Festival (which they cancelled due to Billie's rehab). I remember coming back from the 2005 show and he said that was the best concert he'd ever been to. 

The line in this song about being raised without a father totally broke my heart. Though I was fortunate enough to have my dad through my child and college years, it's sad to realize that their experience with you stops after they pass on. 

But, indeed, life does go on and it WILL get better for you, I promise. :) 

8 minutes ago, spider man. said:

I just want to put "are you scared to death to live" on an infinite loop and listen to it forever. 

That is a fantastic lyric in the context. 

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Finally listened to the song completely and I really loved it!

'The end of history' is a concept that states if everyone started thinking similarly then the history of almost everything will cease to exist, so I actually appreciate of our quality to think differently, efficiently and judging rationally but most of you saying that the song is pop sounding/forced material is what I don't agree with. It is definitely melodic and catchy and tbh I expected it to be much heavier and still expect from remaining songs from the album but this song is unique and amazing and many complaints are like have you even heard songs on AI and 21stCB? Do we still have threads when Blvd. Of Broken Dreams or WMUWSE were released? Because I just want to have a good laugh reading posts where how everyone is bashing them for being catchy and different. And stop comparing GD to other artists as these pop posers are total hacks and rock music rules anyway.

Great song and the lyrics "Cause I'm still breathing" is like Green Day declaring "Watch out kids, we're back and still kicking ass."

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I love this song so much. It hits on a level I don't really feel like talking about but it's the first Green Day song I've heard since the AI years where I went from totally fine to crying by the time it finished. 

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This is one of the few songs that while I'm sure I'll scream along to live, when I'm listening to it in car or at home, I just want to listen. I just want to hear it and experience it and take it in. 

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19 minutes ago, spark in the night said:

Joe K, I'm so sorry for your father's passing.

My dad unexpectedly passed away 2 years ago. He took me to my first Green Day concert in 2005 (and several other rock concerts too). He was my rock and roll influence when I was growing up too and he bought me guitars and taught me a little too. Though I gave up playing haha. The last time I saw my dad was in 2012 when he visited me to see Green Day play VooDoo Festival (which they cancelled due to Billie's rehab). I remember coming back from the 2005 show and he said that was the best concert he'd ever been to. 

The line in this song about being raised without a father totally broke my heart. Though I was fortunate enough to have my dad through my child and college years, it's sad to realize that their experience with you stops after they pass on. 

But, indeed, life does go on and it WILL get better for you, I promise. :) 

That is a fantastic lyric in the context. 

Sorry for you father's passing too. It seems like we had a pretty similar experience considering your dad teaching you the rock n roll way too and all that! But yeah thanks for the consolation.

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I hated the first 30 seconds, but I had tears in my eyes by the end of the song. :cry::wub: Fuck you too, Green Day.

"I've been running all my life, just to find a home that's for the restless" :cry:

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Yeah...so I cried during the first listen yesterday. In the car on the way to work this morning, I listened to it two more times and was sobbing uncontrollably. This song can have so many different meanings for so many people. For me, it's about going through a ton of shit in past relationships...being mistreated, being cheated on, etc. I was in a VERY bad place after things ended with Kevin almost a year ago. But four months ago Nick came into my life. So, for me, it's like those numerous years of struggling and never being happy were just setting me up to meet Nick and become happier than I've ever been. THAT'S why I love this fucking band. This is a song that is obviously all about Billie and his personal feelings, yet so many of us are able to relate to it in completely different ways.

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So I didn't see it in the GDA report... is this being released to radio at all?  Cuz, well, for obvious reasons, it should be.

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13 minutes ago, greenalert997x said:

Only 187k views on yt?

It'll probably take a while to update with the real number 

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44 minutes ago, dolce_amore93 said:

This is one of the few songs that while I'm sure I'll scream along to live, when I'm listening to it in car or at home, I just want to listen. I just want to hear it and experience it and take it in. 

That is exactly how I have felt. I usually like to move around and play air guitar to green day songs, even songs like Good Riddance, but this song is one where I am more than content to just lay down and have it play and really take it in. This song seriously has taken me on an emotional journey that no song has done before. I can't say that I have experienced the loss of a close relative or faced depression, but I have close friends who have, and whenever I hear this song I put myself in their shoes. Listening to this song from the perspective of those people, or even Billie, is what makes this song so powerful to me

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So many stories on this thread and this song is growing even more to me on each listen. It's like a collaborative feeling and the more you listen to it and filter the lyrics, the more the message gets to you through different perspectives.

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I think that if there's one thing to be said about this song, regardless of how 'poppy' or 'un-green-day' it sounds, it's connecting with people. I've spent all morning browsing through all these stories, the demons this song brought up, and how it's helping people coop with them. If that isn't a successful song, I don't know what is. To me, if a song has lousy lyrics, but a cool sound, I'm unlikely to willingly listen to the song on loop. But when there's lyrics like this, ones you can marry your soul to, and feel and express yourself through, then that's pretty damn cool. 

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9 minutes ago, xXRustyJamesXx said:

For the German Folks out here:


Now YouTube are just being assholes

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Billie wasn't exaggerating at all when he said: "I hope it makes people happy and creates a difference in some way, just by people recognizing themselves in the song."

Reading throughout all these wonderful stories you guys shared and how they connect with my own, It's truly wonderful how music can make you realise how we're truly all intertwined, like Billie said.

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9 minutes ago, 21guns&novacaine said:

To me, if a song has lousy lyrics, but a cool sound, I'm unlikely to willingly listen to the song on loop. But when there's lyrics like this, ones you can marry your soul to, and feel and express yourself through, then that's pretty damn cool. 

This exactly. Great lyrics/lyrics I can relate to is what makes me love a song. And now I love this song if only just for of all the responses in this thread.

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It just sounds like a pop band to me, maybe like a boy band trying to venture into rock music.

I'm not saying it's bad, it's pretty catchy and will probably grow on me more.

My hopes for RevRad were sky high after Bang Bang, now I'm not sure if I'm going to like it that much.

Still gonna get the album, of course!

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15 minutes ago, 21guns&novacaine said:

I think that if there's one thing to be said about this song, regardless of how 'poppy' or 'un-green-day' it sounds, it's connecting with people. I've spent all morning browsing through all these stories, the demons this song brought up, and how it's helping people coop with them. If that isn't a successful song, I don't know what is. To me, if a song has lousy lyrics, but a cool sound, I'm unlikely to willingly listen to the song on loop. But when there's lyrics like this, ones you can marry your soul to, and feel and express yourself through, then that's pretty damn cool. 

You're so right. I fell in love with Green Day when I was 11 and going through a really rough time in middle school. They released American Idiot and not to be cliche, it got me through some really rough years of my life. I loved the album but never felt some overwhelming connection to any one song. It's been the same with all of their albums. But honestly, Still Breathing connects with me on such a deep level. I've never really experienced a song that I connect to on such a deep level, but wow does this song speak to me. 

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Every time I've listened to this song this morning, there's a handful of lyrics that just punch you in the chest. Reminds me of when I finally came to terms with my depression. I felt cheated, since I was a perfectly happy kid up until my sister's troubles came along. I was eleven when it happened, and I was so concerned with hiding the depression from my friends and family that it just got bottled up. Green Day became the escape. Just listening to their music made the dreadful numb feeling disappear. It was sometime in there that I washed upon the shore of GDC and finally got to connect with other Green Day fans, because up until that time, I kept my love for them a secret. Damn, I'm so lucky to be here to talk to you guys. :wub: 


Kinda wish we could screenshot and send this entire thread to Green Day just to show them how much we love them. So they could see all the stories and see how much their music, no matter what era, has impacted people's lives. 

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