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07 - Still Breathing

Steven Seagull

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What a great song....much needed right now as I've been through hell and back in the last year or so....nearly getting a divorce, watching my son be affected by what he sees and hears, depending on outside things to get me through some tough days...


But I'm still breathing.


Once again Green Day has provided the soundtrack to my life.


Anyone else tear up at the line "I'm like a son that was raised without a father":cry:

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I just can't get the chorus out of my head. I think I'm falling in love with it more and more. The song doesn't sound like GD at all, but at the same time, I have the strange feeling that there has never been a song before that has so much GD in it. Okay that sounded a bit weird, but what I mean is, how I wrote earlier, there has never been a song that felt so honest and grown up. The ambiguity is just fascinating. They will blow us away with it live.

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The song kinda saved me. I’ve been really sick all month and depressed. I was about to relapse last night, but then i chose to listen to the song and it stopped me. Thank you green day. 

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I think this song could have been the "new whatsername" type of song (rythm, mood are quite the same), if it was a little better mixed/produced (seems too superficial and powerless at this time imo).

But to me it's ok, I don't hate it. I think I would apreciate it more with the context of the whole album (as Oh Love is a cool ending track but a weak single imo). Maybe it'll be a good breath in a heavy/fast revolution radio album! Still very hyped for Revrad to come.
 I hope they made an other imperial and epic song in the album though.

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I have to agree with @MMwhatsername. It's so different for them and yet it's this curious combination of everything they've ever been delivered in a very mature, evolved format. There's something about listening it that feels very natural to me. Like, "Oh, yes. Of course this is what this song was going to sound like." It so easily has become part of the Green Day catalog I have loved for years and have listened to hundreds of times. It fits. It's them.

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has anyone figured out the chord progression ? i really would like to cover it :) and if I don't have to start from scratch it would be so much more easy!


and btw.. i had some rough weeks personal and this song just pushed me so hard! its like holy fuck... it showes you the end of the rainbow after a very sad journey! thanks GD

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20 minutes ago, crock6000 said:

You not only misunderstood me but I literally wrote that it's highly relatable. What I didn't get, not that it matters, is how someone can think of the song as though it is being "sung by someone else" but i still wasn't saying that was wrong. There is no wrong in art, just discussion. There's nothing more subjective than art. If anything, it was that thought that I was pushing.

go have a re-read. Or don't and just believe me. ;)

Rememver when I was your favorite? The good old days.

Well now if you don't get snotty with me you will still be my favorite.  I still love you even if you need a smack from time to time.  

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4 minutes ago, RustyJames said:

has anyone figured out the chord progression ? i really would like to cover it :) and if I don't have to start from scratch it would be so much more easy!

Yeah, check out this post from yesterday by @jordanlolss. 99% right! I recorded guitars for my cover of it last night using this tab.


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1 minute ago, JardyOfSuburbia said:

Might this be the most polarizing Green Day song?

I'd imagine that honor goes to Good Riddance, right? I mean at this point it is accepted and beloved by most, but at the time that was pretty wild for them to release a ballad.

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1 minute ago, JardyOfSuburbia said:

Might this be the most polarizing Green Day song?

Of recent times, definitely. I know there were songs on the Trilogy people didn't like but the difference in opinions for this one is stark. From "this is an abomination" to "this song saved my life". Amazing!

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2 minutes ago, dolce_amore93 said:

I'd imagine that honor goes to Good Riddance, right? I mean at this point it is accepted and beloved by most, but at the time that was pretty wild for them to release a ballad.


2 minutes ago, Jenn. said:

Of recent times, definitely. I know there were songs on the Trilogy people didn't like but the difference in opinions for this one is stark. From "this is an abomination" to "this song saved my life". Amazing!

True to both of you. Maybe I should have specified "of the last decade". Good Riddance will probably always hold that title.

Side note, happy Bang Bang CD release date! Going to Best Buy in an hour :)

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This song is everything I needed. My father was diagnosed with pancreas cancer about a year ago and he's still fighting his battle, he's still breathing after all. I find myself crying every time I listen to this song and that line about the son without a father hits me so fucking hard. Now I know one thing: no matter what is gonna happen, no matter how things are going to end up upsetting my life - this song, this band will always be there for me.

Now this is a highly personal song but I tried to give it a less obvious interpretation as well. It may not quite fit with the lyrics, but that's why I said it's not so straightforward. I think we all live in a world where everything is taken for granted. Health, prosperity, peace, even life itself are the basis of a senseless conviction that we are all invulnerable. But it's only when we take a moment to fully appreciate the air inflating our lungs, when we figure out that it then blows out just to come back filling them again and that this cycle will repeat only for an exact, limited number of times - it's only then that everything will finally make sense. In spite of everything, we're still breathing.

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13 hours ago, Tek said:

This song hits me so hard on a personal level. I've probably listened to it several times through out the day and every single time, I would start crying. I went through the worst depression of my life four years ago, I gave up on myself, I would just take ambien to sleep constantly. I called into work eight days straight, stopped eating and lost 40 pounds in five weeks. I started drinking, started abusing drugs and just gave up on life. These lyrics brought back so many memories for me. Im so thankful I'm still here, but I know if they play this live on Monday I'm going to be a sobbing mess. I absolutely hate crying in public too but I know the emotions of not only seeing my favorite band live, but hearing this for the first time would be one incredible experience. 

In other news I found out that I'm having a baby and my fiance got me this for my birthday on the 16th


Wow, congratulations! Crying in GD concert is not a big deal cause everyone is a fam:lol:  so happy you didn't give up. 

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1 minute ago, Harry Potter. said:

I bet The Needle Drop will feature this in his "worst tracks of the week" segment.

Is that the same guy who put Bang Bang as one of the worst tracks of the week too?

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So I've finally listened to it now that it's officially out. I was a bit scared to because I read it's very poppy - and I agree it is definitely poppy and probably proves Billie's endeavor to "destroy the phrase pop-punk" wrong. But I LOVE IT! The beginning reminded me of something All Time Low would do (with the "oooh oooh"s) and all in all this song had me more excited than Revolution Radio. It's so completeley different from Bang Bang but I love that it is - there can only be one Bang Bang. But Still Breathing is totally amazing and I could totally imagine it doing really well in the mainstream charts - like BOBD, WMUWSE and 21 Guns did. 

The lyrics seem so heartfelt and honest, and Billie's voice seems less polished throughout this entire song than it is in Bang Bang and Revolution Radio (except for in the beginning but it seems like an artistic tool). I love that his voice doesn't sound *pure* and that he doesn't hit every note *perfectly*, that gives the song so much more charm. Anyhow, this is just the feeling I get. 

This song just completely destroyed every small doubt I had that this album is going to be anything less than absolutely brilliant and my anticipation skyrocketed.

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My favorite part of this song, by far, the first time he sings, "cause I'm STILL breathing." It makes my heart skip a beat. The way he nearly screams "still" it is so powerful.

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2 minutes ago, dolce_amore93 said:

My favorite part of this song, by far, the first time he sings, "cause I'm STILL breathing." It makes my heart skip a beat. The way he nearly screams "still" it is so powerful.

Imagine when he does it live. :wub: 

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Another thing I love about the song is we can finally hear Mike's awesome back vocals. The parts when he joins Billie for "my head's above the rain and roses" and when he sings "my way to you" in the background during the last chorus are beautiful. It's so emotional that we get to hear him on this heartfelt tune after all he's been through with Brittney.

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This song hits me right in the feels.

I lost my brother when I was 12 years old. My adolescence years sucks big time but around that time, I discovered Green Day and they literally save me. Right now I'm a little bit better but sometimes my depression keeps coming back. And here they are, saving me again and telling me to still breathing, that everything's gonna be ok at the end.

I love them with all my heart.

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9 minutes ago, dolce_amore93 said:

My favorite part of this song, by far, the first time he sings, "cause I'm STILL breathing." It makes my heart skip a beat. The way he nearly screams "still" it is so powerful.

You're absolutely right, there is so much passion and pain in that scream, it gives me goosebumps!

Hey folks in Germany, aren't you able to watch the lyrics video, too? I broke my rule and wanted to watch it although the album isn't out yet, but I only get this. It's blocked by GEMA although it's GD's official video, for heaven's sake, there's no need to block it.... :fuckyou: I could watch RevRad and Bang Bang videos though, that's just strange.


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So I really really like this song, I've listed to it a ton already and I love the passion in Billie's voice. That said, I feel like this song is pretty "cookie cutter" and most of the album was somewhat intended to be more favorable to the masses and mainstream radio. One striking thing about the album is there's what, one song with swearing? So maybe Billie has cleaned it up a bit just for that fact. I think the lack of success of the trilogy really has made them want to crank out an album that puts them back in the limelight...I say that and I'm a big fan of the trilogy.  I really like bang bang, revolution radio is alright, and now we have this song and I'm sure I'll like the whole album it's just all this is in the back of my mind when I say that.

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