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07 - Still Breathing

Steven Seagull

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Just now, Steven Seagull said:

This chorus is so fucking awesome. Wish Bang Bang had a chorus like this or Revolution Radio.

Both of those have better choruses.

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Personally i really liked the song, but what I found most interesting was that it's the first time Green Day has really experimented with using such heavy effects on guitars like they did in the verses. Normally it's all pretty cut and dry strummed or muted chords. 

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8 minutes ago, DookieLukie said:

I'm getting a ton of notifications that my posts have gotten likes, so I think all the older fans are coming home from work and supporting my side. I think maybe the younger audience likes the poppier stuff and are StillBreathing-heads, whereas the older fans might agree with me and be more BangBang-heads.

Now this is a funny post 

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Just now, Jenn. said:

Now this is a funny post 

Dismissing my opinion as "funny" is insulting.

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Just listened to it for the first time. Absolutely love it.  I'm almost surprised they didn't release this as the first single, it's much more radio friendly.  

I didn't like RevRad too much, it's fine, bit to similar in sound to the trilogy.  

I think still breathing will be one of my favourites on this album. 

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Just now, DookieLukie said:

Dismissing my opinion as "funny" is insulting.

I don't think what you said was an opinion. Dismissing everyone who likes the song as young or into pop (not that that's a bad thing but still a generalisaton) is insulting.

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I was a little taken aback at just how poppy it was at the beginning but then he did the little growl/strained vocal thing starting the chorus and it's honestly what saved the song for me. 

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Just now, Jenn. said:

I don't think what you said was an opinion. Dismissing everyone who likes the song as young or into pop (not that that's a bad thing but still a generalisaton) is insulting.

I just trying to figure out why I can't get into this song. Everyone else loves it, and I think it's the worst thing ever!

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3 minutes ago, Khaleesi. said:

I really like both songs for different reasons. Not sure where I fall on your spectrum, but I'd consider myself to be an older fan :P

Same haha

I don't think DookieLukie is seriously trying to pigeonhole people though, just an attempt at a theory on who might like the song more on average.

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Sad to say I'm slightly disappointed in this one. The intro alone sounds like something that Avicii would release (you can have your own tastes, but I personally can't stand that style of plastic-sounding generic music). Not to mention the fact that they got some inside help from that songwriting company, just gives me this uncertain feeling that the material has been running a bit uninspired lately. Hopefully, it'll be my least favourite on the album.


That being said, it's not a terrible track that I would skip over, but definitely underwhelming in my books, especially coming from Green Day and following the previous two singles.

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1 hour ago, DookieLukie said:

But yeah, the album feels a bit...messy?

It's funny tho. We only have 3 fucking songs but somehow you feel the album is messy.

Some of the comments here... In the great voice of BoJack Horseman: THIS IS RIDICULOUS! 

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1 minute ago, Hermione said:

Same haha

I don't think DookieLukie is seriously trying to pigeonhole people though, just an attempt at a theory on who might like the song more on average.

Hermoine, your opinion doesn't count because you love everything :)

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Just now, Jaymee!! said:

However people feel about this song, it's gonna be mental when performed live.

Definitely. Regardless if people like or hate the song, the lyrics, at least one lyric in the entire song is going to connect with someone in that stadium, and when that lyric comes, they're gonna scream their hearts out. :lol: It's a song with lyrics that I feel like can touch anyone in some way, because no matter who you are, you've been down on luck before, maybe poor or going through a breakup - something that will connect, and it's really unique to see. Can't wait to see this live. 

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2 minutes ago, DookieLukie said:

I just trying to figure out why I can't get into this song. Everyone else loves it, and I think it's the worst thing ever!

it's called personal preference. maybe to you it's too poppy, and that's why you don't like it. i personally like it because of the lyrics. and that's all fine. you don't have to try to explain your distaste by inaccurately lumping groups of people into different categories.

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1 minute ago, DookieLukie said:

I just trying to figure out why I can't get into this song. Everyone else loves it, and I think it's the worst thing ever!

It's just people getting different things out of it. Some like the lyrics, some don't. Some like that they experimented, some hate it. I don't think age is a factor.

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2 minutes ago, Jake69 said:

Absolutely! It's going to be awesome when they explode into the chorus. 

I feel like it's gonna be similar to when they play When I Come Around...just like strangely heavy moshing

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Maybe I'm just at a point in my life where these sort of lyrics don't connect with me anymore. I remember Lazy Bones hit me hard bc I was in a rough spot, but I'm pretty content now and maybe these angsty lyrics don't do it for me. I loved Bang Bang's lyrics bc it's an issue I'm interested in, and RevRad's lyrics were sort of the same way.

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This is the only one of the three so far that has left me feeling kinda "meh".

It's not that it's too "poppy", because I actually really like a lot of pop music. I own every Taylor Swift album, all the Katy Perry ones apart from the gospel one and don't even TRY to tell me the first two Avril Lavigne albums aren't great.

This wasn't bad, I just feel like it's kind of halfway between a pop sound and a Green Day sound and it just didn't really grab me. Kept expecting the guitars to proper kick in, like on some of the AI stuff (Novacaine, Whatsername) but when the guitars do some they just felt quite tame.

Overall I'd give it about a 6/10, but I might like it better in the context of the album. I know that might sound stupid, but sometimes I can not enjoy a song but then when I hear it as part of the album I love it.

'Nobody Wins' on the last Brian Fallon album is a case in point.

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2 minutes ago, DookieLukie said:

Hermoine, your opinion doesn't count because you love everything :)

She was sticking up for you! :o 

Re: the lyrics, they don't connect with me personally but it's more that I know they're really personal to Billie and that he is willing to share that in the form of a song that is definitely one that divides opinion.

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I'm a little confused now tho. Are Still Breathing and RevRad already singles? Or have they been released merely as promotional songs with potential offical releases as singles in the future?

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1 minute ago, Jenn. said:

She was sticking up for you! :o 

I know! I was complimenting her. She's a very positive person.

1 minute ago, Jake69 said:

That's a reasonable explanation.

Strangely the Trilogy lyrics have started to make more sense to me. I think I've grown up a lot recently and the mature themes of the Trilogy really get to me.

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Just now, Jake69 said:

Maybe the song is a little generic but I don't care. It's catchy and meaningful. I like it. I'm not a picky person.

The honeymoon phase is fading :P

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Just listened to it another four/five times and I get why some folk don't like it, in some ways it's not very Green Day and in others it could only be Green Day and it's probably one of their most commercial sounding tracks ever.  If all that means that Revrad is "all over place" a la warning is, then bring it on - I love warning.  Am going total fan girl and saying Billie's voice in the verses is like a hug, he sounds great.  Also loving the bass and drums.  Said it before and this probably won't be the last time but I love that you never know what's coming next with these guys, they often take us by surprise, sorry if that's in a bad way for some with this song.

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