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Trilogy Discussion


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28 minutes ago, Steven Seagull said:


Well, you're always here for comic relief, so that's good enough.

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34 minutes ago, SomeNimrod97 said:

But I'd say that if you don't like 1 track from each album, you're not a proper fan.

this is absolute bullshit. If you're really a fan you should be able to see their shortcomings.

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48 minutes ago, SomeNimrod97 said:

But I'd say that if you don't like 1 track from each album, you're not a proper fan.


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22 minutes ago, DookieLukie said:

This is the kind of stuff that I HATE about Green Day fans (and probably a lot of fan bases.) Opinions don't make you more or less of a fan. Why does there have to be a competition over who's a better fan? Who fucking cares? The Green Day fanbase started getting like this in 2004 with all the fangirls competing for Billie's love and for image reasons, and I thought people would have outgrown it by now.

I love AI but it turned the fanbase to shit.

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I love the trilogy. But of all the GD albums the trilogy got the worst reviews from music critics and I remember reading somewhere that a couple of radio stations wouldn't play tracks from the trilogy as they thought it was shit. 

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3 minutes ago, Whatsername_123 said:

I love the trilogy. But of all the GD albums the trilogy got the worst reviews from music critics and I remember reading somewhere that a couple of radio stations wouldn't play tracks from the trilogy as they thought it was shit. 

Wow, those are some shitty radio stations!

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Our radio stations still play them. I get excited every time I hear Oh Love

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15 minutes ago, Steven Seagull said:

Our radio stations still play them. I get excited every time I hear Oh Love

Great tune!

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9 hours ago, Ham Pascale said:

I'd take 39/Smooth over the Trilogy every day, though.

Me too 39/Smooth is epic !

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ok we've all ragged on @SomeNimrod97, myself included. Lets move on from that and stop the witch hunt. 


sorry bro, you got called out but we can move on now :) 

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Something my girlfriend pointed out to me was that as green day aged their lyrics got clearer. In other words their old albums are lyrically hard to interpret vs newer albums (the trilogy) you can cl actually hear what they are saying. It has become a lot cleaner over time and I would actually say that this in particular has an impact on the way the public perceives the album.


Along with that I personally think some of the lyrics seem bland. Sort of like the Christmas song. Just basic and straightforward and not too in depth. Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of songs from the trilogy. But there are more I dislike than ones that I like.


I am hoping they go a little dirtier with their sound this time around. I thought the trilogy was too clean. The clean sound seems to be a trend these days. I think it ruined blinks new album.

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3 minutes ago, XxXxXxXxX said:

Something my girlfriend pointed out to me was that as green day aged their lyrics got clearer. In other words their old albums are lyrically hard to interpret vs newer albums (the trilogy) you can cl actually hear what they are saying. It has become a lot cleaner over time and I would actually say that this in particular has an impact on the way the public perceives the album.


Along with that I personally think some of the lyrics seem bland. Sort of like the Christmas song. Just basic and straightforward and not too in depth. Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of songs from the trilogy. But there are more I dislike than ones that I like.


I am hoping they go a little dirtier with their sound this time around. I thought the trilogy was too clean. The clean sound seems to be a trend these days. I think it ruined blinks new album.

I mean their music is so simple nowadays huh?

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7 minutes ago, Eric said:

I mean their music is so simple nowadays huh?

It's just where they were at in their lives at the time. It's not bad it's just not my personal preference and apparently not the rest of the publics preference either. im excited for the new album though as billie mentioned he wanted each song to be well thought out and inspired. With all that is going on now I think we are in for a great album.


edit: you like Chance? I like Chance too! 

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1 hour ago, Steven Seagull said:

Poor guy got roasted. I kinda feel bad for him :(

Agreed, he didn't really deserve all the roasting, but nonetheless it's one of the most annoying things when people try to define what a "true fan" is.

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I agree, you can be any kind of fan you want with Green Day. That's part of the magic of this band.

I think the Trilogy is pretty good, it deserved to do better than it did. With proper marketing and visibility I think it would have done better. I was just a casual fan at the time, not really closely following them but still enjoying their music when OH love first came out.  I remember hearing Oh Love on the pop station and really liking it a lot! It caught my ear, I thought it was so good I bought UNO! That's just one example of how Marketing/radio play, exposure makes a big difference. 

There are some really bad, bland, meaningless lyrics on the Trilogy but some of the songs are as good as any classic Green Day.  Brutal Love, X-Kid, Lazy Bones, 8th Avenue Serenade are a few outstanding examples IMO. Too many songs sound unfinished, with lyrics that you would use to "block" the melody until you came up with something better. 

It is terribly under-produced, with Billie's over-produced vocals and the guitars stripped clean for Every.Single.Song.

I am hoping desperately for an artful, thoughtful album as far as production, engineering, mixing is concerned, with meaningful lyrics, from the heart.   And crusty guitars!

(and piano)

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I think part of being a lover and fan of music in general involves being a critical thinker when listening. It involves keeping biases out of evaluations. I'm sorry, but I have a hard time respecting the opinions of fans that care about Billie's hair color over what Green Day is putting out for tunes. Everyone has the right to enjoy things in their own way, but I just trust the opinions of people who don't blindly love/hate things and have some sort of knowledge of what they're talking about. This doesn't mean I respect those people who are overly critical to be a contrarian and look smart. In fact, I find those people equally annoying as fangirls. But there's people who actually point out Trilogy flaws from an intellectual standpoint, and then there's people who just bitch bc everyone else does. It's like the fans who hate "new Green Day" because they can't accept change and want to fit in.

I know I sound like a jerk saying this, but I'm trying not to.

Also, side note: the Trilogy albums were pretty on par with other Green Day albums for reviews. UNO got a 3.5 from Rolling Stone, DOS got a 3(?), and TRE got a 4 (more than AI). The credibility of these reviews is questionable given how RS rates albums, but still.

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The trilogy had everything for me, it had it's fantastic songs, it's okay songs, and not too great songs. Of course that's bound to happen when you release 37 songs in quick succession.

Overall I liked the trilogy but it definitely wasn't without it's faults.

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