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Blasphemy & Genocide: Unpopular Green Day Opinions, Part 2


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This morning I found a Wild One drawing that I made before Dos came out, I usually save all of my work, but this one I just ripped up and threw out.

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I like Wild One. Probably like it more than the two-thirds of the trilogy I never listen to.

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Wild One is trippy fabulousness, probably my favourite Dos song.

Does being a favourite one in an album such as Dos actually mean something haha ? :P

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Enough about the Trilogy... when are they coming out with a new album?- oh wait... that opinion might be popular!

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Everyone bangs on about how good the Wild One solo is - is it even that great?

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Everyone bangs on about how good the Wild One solo is - is it even that great?

Can't be, I know I've listened to the song and I forgot there was even a solo in it.

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I like how you're not even sure which song we're talking about :lol:

I think that's enough said about the song. Even though the words wild and one are constantly repeated in the song, people still don't know which song we're talking about. Reveals something very telling about its memorability.

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Does being a favourite one in an album such as Dos actually mean something haha ? :P

Dos is one of my favourite Green Day albums so in my case yes :P

Everyone bangs on about how good the Wild One solo is - is it even that great?

I suppose it probably isn't technically great or anything, sounds pretty simple, but it packs some emotion and sounds cool and satisfying.

I think the best Green Day guitar solo ever is in The One I Want though, definitely the most emotionally affecting for me. Also it's an extremely underrated song and the best on 1,039/SOSH. Is this an unpopular opinion?

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Wild One is trippy fabulousness, probably my favourite Dos song.

Yay! I've said that from the star but it always got shot down, if it had been on Demolicious it'd be one of my favorite albums

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Also it's an extremely underrated song and the best on 1,039/SOSH. Is this an unpopular opinion?

It's one of the best on 1039, definitely top 5, but I think I'd put Paper Lanterns, Going to Pasalacqua and 409 In Your Coffeemaker above it.

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Just listened to 21CB on vinyl, so I'm gonna bring this one up again—LOTAG and Murder City are incredibly boring and the worst songs on the album.

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Just listened to 21CB on vinyl, so I'm gonna bring this one up again—LOTAG and Murder City are incredibly boring and the worst songs on the album.

Agreed on Murder City but LOTAG is actually quite good. Know Your Enemy and especially Christian's Inferno are the worst ones.

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Just listened to 21CB on vinyl, so I'm gonna bring this one up again—LOTAG and Murder City are incredibly boring and the worst songs on the album.

I'll agree with LOTAG. I don't know what that song is trying to do honestly. It has a nice guitar riff, I'll give it that.

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Agreed on Murder City but LOTAG is actually quite good. Know Your Enemy and especially Christian's Inferno are the worst ones.

KYE is site lyrically but has energy, Inferno makes great use of dynamics on an otherwise Loudness War album and has some good bits of lyrics. LOTAG has some absolutely word salad lyrics and is just dull.

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Agreed on Murder City but LOTAG is actually quite good. Know Your Enemy and especially Christian's Inferno are the worst ones.

I can't get through Christian's Inferno in its entirety without turning it off. I switch at the first whoa. I do like LOTAG.

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KYE is site lyrically but has energy, Inferno makes great use of dynamics on an otherwise Loudness War album and has some good bits of lyrics. LOTAG has some absolutely word salad lyrics and is just dull.

didn't someone just say we needed not to have tension and fighting between us right now? And then you go and drop this on me?

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Everyone bangs on about how good the Wild One solo is - is it even that great?

It's slow, barely has a melody and the lyrics are all over the place


Little wild one

She's covered in angels

And demons and halos now"

This implying something has happened, with the "now", which he uses throughout, yet the only possible explanation we get as to what happened is:

"She gave up on Jesus for living on Venus

All dressed up with nowhere to go

I'm drinking the Kool-Aid, I jumped on the grenade

Now that my mind's gonna blow, hello"

The individual sections of lyrics do not seem like they're even talking about the same thing. They're disconnected.

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I don't get the hate for Christian's Inferno, what's wrong with it?

And yeah, LOTAG, KYE and Murder City I think are the weakest on the album, but KYE and Murder City have some good energy. LOTAG...I like it, but I can't pinpoint exactly why.

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The only good thing about Christian's Inferno is the title. Otherwise, the verse melody is non-existent, the chorus is repetitive and horrendously generic and banal, and the sound is shitty. The lyrics are ok, I guess.

I agree on the dullness of the lyrics of LOTAG ut it's musically quite good.

Also, if Kye is good because it has merely got energy, you could as well go and listen to something shite like Kiss. Energy alone is not enough, thought it's decent live.

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Know Your Enemy gets a pass from me because live it kicks ass. The energy is undeniable. I always skip it, but if you're there in person to see it live then it has undeniable allure

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I don't get the hate for Christian's Inferno, what's wrong with it?

I think the style is very disjointed. First, Billie talks the verses. The verses are angry almost violent. Then it turns into this horribly, juvenile, repetitive chorus. The verses and the chorus don't fit.

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