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Blasphemy & Genocide: Unpopular Green Day Opinions, Part 2


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And he does have a pet worry rock.

Just had one of those lightbulb moments. Is Worry Rock the song related to his odd speed fueled speeches before She on the Dookie tour?? (If this was previously common knowledge I apologize)

Also, I fucking love this new guy.

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Just had one of those lightbulb moments. Is Worry Rock the song related to his odd speed fueled speeches before She on the Dookie tour?? (If this was previously common knowledge I apologize)

I'd really like to think so.

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Is it an unpopular opinion that I don't care who's doing the Kerrang tribute album and most of the people in its thread are acting like 13-year-olds? Like, seriously, it's gotten very juvenile over there. OMG DIS BAND SUX SO MUCH LOL WHAT A BOY BAND XDDDD

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Is it an unpopular opinion that I don't care who's doing the Kerrang tribute album and most of the people in its thread are acting like 13-year-olds? Like, seriously, it's gotten very juvenile over there. OMG DIS BAND SUX SO MUCH LOL WHAT A BOY BAND XDDDD

It's an opinion I share. I understand the attitude of it being something of a sacred album to a lot of people, me included. But if you don't like the idea of a band you hate playing songs from it, just don't listen. And if it's problematic to you that bands you don't like are covering it, choose a different favourite album, preferably one that doesn't have such a legacy.

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Just had one of those lightbulb moments. Is Worry Rock the song related to his odd speed fueled speeches before She on the Dookie tour?? (If this was previously common knowledge I apologize)

Does the term "worry rock" have a meaning or is it just the title of the GD song? If it's the latter he probably was referencing it. If it's a thing people actually say then maybe not.

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Does the term "worry rock" have a meaning or is it just the title of the GD song? If it's the latter he probably was referencing it. If it's a thing people actually say then maybe not.

I always read it like rock=song, so it's like the Worry Song. Kind of like Crocodile Rock, or even Blitzkrieg Bop. Rocking about worries. Sorry if this makes no sense.

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I always read it like rock=song, so it's like the Worry Song. Kind of like Crocodile Rock, or even Blitzkrieg Bop. Rocking about worries. Sorry if this makes no sense.

Naw, it makes sense, that's how I read it too. If "worry rock" does have another meaning it would most likely be a meant both ways as a double meaning for the song title.

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Is it an unpopular opinion that I don't care who's doing the Kerrang tribute album and most of the people in its thread are acting like 13-year-olds? Like, seriously, it's gotten very juvenile over there. OMG DIS BAND SUX SO MUCH LOL WHAT A BOY BAND XDDDD

I don't care (as in I'm not "offended") that they're doing it but I do find it notable that so many of the bands involved are literally the most annoying and awful bands around at the moment, enough to want to comment on it. I don't really get why people feel angry about it though since it won't affect the world and they don't have to listen to it, I just feel amused about it and look forward to listening for the lulz.

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I do find it notable that so many of the bands involved are literally the most annoying and awful bands around at the moment\

The bands that are doing it are the face of modern pop punk. Try to talk to a Descendents fan about Fall Out Boy or Panic and see if they don't say the same things people are saying about these bands.

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The bands that are doing it are the face of modern pop punk. Try to talk to a Descendents fan about Fall Out Boy or Panic and see if they don't say the same things people are saying about these bands.

I have no idea who the face of modern pop punk is, just happen to find a lot of those bands comically terrible as individual bands so I expect a comically terrible tribute album from them. As I said I have no objection to them doing it, not saying it's not appropriate for them to do it. They're modern successful bands so it is appropriate, doesn't stop me thinking they're shit though.

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I know quite literally, none of the bands doing that album. I just think it's pretty cool that other bands like it enough to want to cover it enough. It'll be interesting to see how it turns out.

Thank You. "The worry rock has turned to dust". Get it?

I now realise the genius of this line!!

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I know quite literally, none of the bands doing that album. I just think it's pretty cool that other bands like it enough to want to cover it enough. It'll be interesting to see how it turns out.

Not even Bowling For Soup? You need to educate yourself.

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Not even Bowling For Soup? You need to educate yourself.

I've heard of them and You Me at Six, and that's it.

I'm crap at knowing about anything that's popular, so that explains it :P

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I never even thought of the worry stone thing. I've always taken the 'worry rock' like when someone says that you're their rock or whatever and the person is so stressed with worry that the crumble (or turn to dust). A bit to literal but yeah :P

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i only connected the dots after i heard someone use the phrase worry rock. i dunno if we have them in the uk, we have stress balls though. they seem similar.

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I think if The Network had been expanded I might have liked them more than Green Day. Punk-flavored New Wave is cool.

Expanded like less annoying songs? They totally had potential to make awesome music that Green Day couldn't (Roshambo, Transistors Gone Wild, Supermodel Robots) but most of the album is wasted on ridiculous songs...it just makes me angry cause I feel like that album could've been much more.

Oh and I never had anywhere to post it but I think the Network is related to the music of the Horror movie they wanted to make. It was about technology going crazy and all that stuff and the Network does have similar themes.

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Not even Bowling For Soup? You need to educate yourself.

They're the only band I know, and I actually don't hate them. I feel like St. Jimmy might almost work for them. No clue who the rest of the "bands" performing on the album are, but I don't exactly have high hopes. If I don't hate it, I'll be impressed.

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I don't personally like modern pop punk at all, but maybe I should educate myself more. Anyway, I am never impressed about tribute albums like that. I fail to see their point.

Anyway I probably will give it one listen. If I like it, fine, and if I don't, i don't have to listen to it again. Its nice anywsy that AI has achieved that kind of legacy that it's being covered as a whole.

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