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Blasphemy & Genocide: Unpopular Green Day Opinions, Part 2


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I'd rather compress The White Album and LOTR into 0 minutes and 0 films though :)

YOU TASTELESS BASTARD :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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YOU TASTELESS BASTARD :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I can't even be bothered to have this argument :P

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I can't even be bothered to have this argument :P

I had a feeling, hence my immediately resorting to a spammy ad hominem. :P But seriously, you suck. :mad:


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I love how you move the goalposts from his not being able to get any girls to "Well yeah, he can get girls but they suck." (Not sure if you're saying *he* has low standards for selecting GoT fans or the fans have low standards for liking someone who's from GoT, but either way, lumping all GoT fans into low-standards-ville's not the most polite or fair comment.) Stay classy, my friend.

I wasn't insulting Game of Thrones fans. I too watch the show.

me u fuckin idiot

How am I supposed to know that?

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I think Stuart and the Ave is first just because the combination of incredible melody, bassline, and lyrics is just irresistible. Jaded isn't quite as melodic.

I do have to say that Walking Contradiction is a stroke of genius. It essentially addressed the elephant in the room (elephant being: How can Billie act how he does and write lyrics like he does when he's got a kid and a wife). It's a classic problem with rockstars and Walking Contradiction does a damn good job of being relatable

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inb4 shitstorm happens

There will be no foolish wandwaving or silly incantations in this thread. You have been (pre)warned.

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There will be no foolish wandwaving or silly incantations in this thread. You have been (pre)warned.

"Turn to page...shit, there isn't a page 394 in this thread yet."

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oh okay, so you aren't insulting game of thrones fans, you're just insulting me!! thank you so much for clearing that up dookielukie!!!!

Why would you expect me to know anything about who on GDC is dating who? This is a website. It's not my social circle.

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This is a website. It's not my social circle.

Then why are you so keen to see Ceadog leave? :P

Well technically.

Oh look, it's us again.

The fact that that page actually mentions Snape right away is so fucking serendipitous I can't even.

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The fact that that page actually mentions Snape right away is so fucking serendipitous I can't even.

You say that like it was an accident. I've waited so long for this moment, and I'm not even joking.

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Then why are you so keen to see Ceadog leave? :P

I really like Ceadog. He just has a massive ego.

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I've waited so long for this moment...

...my little green friend.

Holy shit, that was actually something Lucas thought was a good line to put in that movie. *headdesk*

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that's a bit irrelevant considering your comment was uncalled for and would be insulting even if his girlfriend wasn't on gdc :)

How is it insulting? People can have opinions about other people's attractiveness. If I find somebody unappealing, that's just my taste. They might be very beautiful to another person.

And since I didn't know that you two were dating, I wasn't referring to you directly when I said he settled. I don't even know what you look like tbh. Maybe you settled lol

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How is it insulting? People can have opinions about other people's attractiveness. If I find somebody unappealing, that's just my taste. They might be very beautiful to another person.

And since I didn't know that you two were dating, I wasn't referring to you directly when I said he settled. I don't even know what you look like tbh. Maybe you settled lol

Please stop being an ass. Please. Please. Please. Please. I like you well enough when you're not being one, so please don't be one.

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Yes, because someone's date-ability is determined by looks alone :rolleyes:

Also never said that. Lots of beautiful girls as assholes and, therefore, not date-able.

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Please stop being an ass. Please. Please. Please. Please.

How is this an "ass" thing to say? Holy shit. I said certain people are more appealing to certain people. And I also said that I have no idea what she looks like.

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Take it to PMs people, no one cares.

I was wondering when you'd start modding again. :P

Back to Unpopular Opinions...shit, can't think of one. I don't like "Sassafras Roots".

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I was wondering when you'd start modding again. :P

Back to Unpopular Opinions...shit, can't think of one. I don't like "Sassafras Roots".

Me either.

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It's just so bland compared to the rest of Dookie, y'know?

No I do not know, it's the most fabulousest bassline Mike has ever written and is by far their most fun song to play. Anyway, aren't you a Longview sympathiser? Your argument is invalid.

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No I do not know, it's the most fabulousest bassline Mike has ever written and is by far their most fun song to play. Anyway, aren't you a Longview sympathiser? Your argument is invalid.

I've paid more attention to the bassline since you first mentioned that to me—still no love. Compared to "Longview" and "Stuart and the Ave." it's just not a favorite for me. And considering "Longview" was what fired them into the maisntream your argument is invalider. Yes, I just said invalider. :P

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