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Blasphemy & Genocide: Unpopular Green Day Opinions, Part 2


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Growing up, as in growing up from a kid to a teenager to an adult or whatever the hell I am. They have been my favorite band since Dookie came out and I have followed them ever since. Up until Good Riddance they really never released anything that dabbled with Acoustics or strings or anything like that, then Warning came out and everyone was like "oh my god, Green Day is old and boring now". American Idiot was a total re-invention in many ways, and after that Green Day became even more accepted by the mainstream and young kids than they did when Dookie came out. Ever since then it seems people don't seem to see them for the band they once were. They are still that band, and more than likely always will be, but things changed. They are still a great band and I am a big fan of the trilogy (most of it at least) but sometimes it is weird to see how things have changed. The iHeart radio fiasco wasnt something great, it wasnt a high point of their career, but I enjoyed watching it because it was shocking to see Billie onstage wasted and breaking shit and doing awkward dances. Ya gotta remember that this is the same guy who used to dance around onstage in a leopard skin thong and refer to himself as 'everyone's weird uncle'. It's not the same thing, at all actually, but sometimes Billie is fucking crazy, and I gotta admit that I'm a fan of it.

You fail to address my point. You act like "followed them" since Dookie came out, when you were 5-6 years old? Or that you remember when Nimrod came out, when you were 8-9? Warning would maybe be the first CD that came out when you could possibly remember things like that or care about music in a way you're describing.

You're talking in a nostalgic way, like you were moshing in the Oakland in '94 or something and you actually have a clue what Billie was like "back then," when let's face it, a majority of us on the forum weren't even conscious enough to remember the "good ol' days" everyone is so fond of, back when he was an alleged hard ass. I just hate how everyone assumes everything then was so much better and talks about it like they were there or something or actually old enough to process what was going on then.

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You fail to address my point. You act like "followed them" since Dookie came out, when you were 5-6 years old? Or that you remember when Nimrod came out, when you were 8-9? Warning would maybe be the first CD that came out when you could possibly remember things like that or care about music in a way you're describing.

You're talking in a nostalgic way, like you were moshing in the Oakland in '94 or something and you actually have a clue what Billie was like "back then," when let's face it, a majority of us on the forum weren't even conscious enough to remember the "good ol' days" everyone is so fond of, back when he was an alleged hard ass. I just hate how everyone assumes everything then was so much better and talks about it like they were there or something or actually old enough to process what was going on then.

I have followed them. I have been into music since a very young age, I have been playing guitar since I was just as young. Green Day were the first band I ever really fell in love with and I can very vividly remember watching the Jaded in Chicago concert on MTV when it premiered as well as Dookie, Insomniac and Nimrod being released and listening to them for the first time. Im sorry that you had a shitty childhood, but I remember all this shit like it was yesterday. I have seen the evolution of the band over the last 20 years I guess would have been a better way to describe it, but don't try to tell me that just because I was young that I didn't appreciate the music or didn't know any better, cuz listening to Dookie fucking changed my life and my life would not be what it is whatsoever without Green Day. They have been there for me through thick and thin.

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The reason I enjoyed watching it was because it had been a long time since I saw Billie go ape shit like that. When I was growing up Green Day were the 'bad boys' of rock. People called them 'snotty punks' and at that time there was no Good Riddance (at least not the version that became a massive hit). They weren't known for wearing eyeliner or being political or playing rock operas, they were trouble. Up until Good Riddance, I dont think anybody would have guessed that Billie had an ounce of softness in him. I love American Idiot, I even love 21st Century Breakdown. I have no problem with the eyeliner or the rock operas or the big political statements, but it was a shock to see him in that state of mind. I dont think he was exactly in the right, but when I saw it I remember thinking "fuck yeah Billie, tell em like it is". There are much better examples like for instance when he dropkicks the fan in 1998, but when I first watched it I saw it as Billie not taking shit. He was obviously in a bad state of mind and needed help, but I dont think you can tell me that the show would have gone any better had he not been drunk. He's said several times that he was not excited to play and was stressed out about how it would go. He probably got fucking wasted to try to enjoy himself and ended up enjoying himself a little too much up until the smashing of the guitar and the "god fucking love you all, we'll be back!". Had he not been drunk he probably would have been more level headed about it, but I still think he would have lost his shit in one way or another. Billie has always been disrespectful of curfews and ending times, this is no exception. I dont exactly see it as a "meltdown", I see it as a man being pushed to his limits and blowing up. He had probably been keeping that inside for quite some time.

Also, there's no way in hell he was only drunk during the performance. Id say he was on some anti-anxiety meds as well, probably took way too many with being stressed out about the show. We all know Billie is a good man who makes great music, I think it's unfair to hold this over his head for the rest of his life after all he's given us.

I don't think any GDCer is holding this over his head. We all want to bang him too much to care about how he behaves. The only thing that's hanging over his head is how the Trilogy wasn't up to par.

I agree. I mean, the original release is undeniably over-compressed, Ted Jensen did a terrible job at mastering it. But the uncompressed version is perfectly clear, bright and pounding. Absolutely fantastic mix job. For comparison, check this out. The top track is the title track from the original release, the bottom one is the HDTracks uncompressed version. The red sections indicate clipping. I think it says it all.

I wish I could find the HDtracks free somewhere. I'm not willing to shell out 20 bucks for something I already own. I have AI HDtracks and I honestly didn't notice that much of a difference. A bit, but not too much.

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I would really like to hear these HD tracks, especially 21st Century Breakdown. Going to have to look into it.

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I wish I could find the HDtracks free somewhere. I'm not willing to shell out 20 bucks for something I already own. I have AI HDtracks and I honestly didn't notice that much of a difference. A bit, but not too much.

You won't notice a big huge difference in the AI one but the 21st HD one is a huge difference

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I think what PleasedtoMeetMe is saying (tell me I'm wrong if I'm putting words in your mouth) is that Green Day had this almost psychotic stage presence during Dookie and Insomniac and that level of insanity is something that people who identify with songs like Basket Case can reasonably relate to. It was at least interesting to see that side come out even if the context of the situation (iHeart) wasn't good.

I've come to appreciate what they've done in almost all of the eras as far as their stage "persona" or attitude goes. Dookie they were snotty and high off their ass and it worked. I enjoy watching those shows immensely. Insomniac was darker, vindictive and cynical and I think we can all relate to it on some level. AI saw them turn in to these people that looked larger than life. And they acted like it in a way too. Some people call it arrogance but I loved the sheer confidence and attitude that they attacked AI with. 21CB was clearly an attempt to become better on a technical level and it also worked very well, especially live.

I think the trilogy era rubs people the wrong way because it no longer feels like they have an identity as a band. They kind of got stuck between wanting to go back to their roots, mid-life crisis, and extreme drinking problems and it didn't work.

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I think what PleasedtoMeetMe is saying (tell me I'm wrong if I'm putting words in your mouth) is that Green Day had this almost psychotic stage presence during Dookie and Insomniac and that level of insanity is something that people who identify with songs like Basket Case can reasonably relate to. It was at least interesting to see that side come out even if the context of the situation (iHeart) wasn't good.

I've come to appreciate what they've done in almost all of the eras as far as their stage "persona" or attitude goes. Dookie they were snotty and high off their ass and it worked. I enjoy watching those shows immensely. Insomniac was darker, vindictive and cynical and I think we can all relate to it on some level. AI saw them turn in to these people that looked larger than life. And they acted like it in a way too. Some people call it arrogance but I loved the sheer confidence and attitude that they attacked AI with. 21CB was clearly an attempt to become better on a technical level and it also worked very well, especially live.

I think the trilogy era rubs people the wrong way because it no longer feels like they have an identity as a band. They kind of got stuck between wanting to go back to their roots, mid-life crisis, and extreme drinking problems and it didn't work.


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Xkid sounds like something that should play during movie credits of some comedy/drama


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21CB is not over-produced, it's their best sounding record.

I still say Nimrod. is the gold standard for production, but 21CB is right up there. The vocals are a tad overproduced, especially on a few standout songs, but dial that and the compression back and it's fucking golden.

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We all want to bang him too much to care about how he behaves.

:lol: Nailed it.

I wish I could find the HDtracks free somewhere. I'm not willing to shell out 20 bucks for something I already own. I have AI HDtracks and I honestly didn't notice that much of a difference. A bit, but not too much.

It depends what you listen to them on, and in what format. For example, they're sold in WAV and FLAC formats, but if you convert them to MP3 or similar (as happens when you import them into iTunes, for example), it massively reduces the quality. But also, as Tim said, the difference on 21CB is significantly greater than that of American Idiot.

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I still say Nimrod. is the gold standard for production, but 21CB is right up there. The vocals are a tad overproduced, especially on a few standout songs, but dial that and the compression back and it's fucking golden.

Where can i find the uncompressed versions again?

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I think the trilogy era rubs people the wrong way because it no longer feels like they have an identity as a band. They kind of got stuck between wanting to go back to their roots, mid-life crisis, and extreme drinking problems and it didn't work.

This will go down in history as the most accurate description of anything, ever.

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This will go down in history as the most accurate description of anything, ever.

I disagree the trilogy turned out the way they wanted - not too serious. I really enjoy the trilogy - fits nicely into my collection.

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The reason I enjoyed watching it was because it had been a long time since I saw Billie go ape shit like that. When I was growing up Green Day were the 'bad boys' of rock. People called them 'snotty punks' and at that time there was no Good Riddance (at least not the version that became a massive hit). They weren't known for wearing eyeliner or being political or playing rock operas, they were trouble. Up until Good Riddance, I dont think anybody would have guessed that Billie had an ounce of softness in him. I love American Idiot, I even love 21st Century Breakdown. I have no problem with the eyeliner or the rock operas or the big political statements, but it was a shock to see him in that state of mind. I dont think he was exactly in the right, but when I saw it I remember thinking "fuck yeah Billie, tell em like it is". There are much better examples like for instance when he dropkicks the fan in 1998, but when I first watched it I saw it as Billie not taking shit. He was obviously in a bad state of mind and needed help, but I dont think you can tell me that the show would have gone any better had he not been drunk. He's said several times that he was not excited to play and was stressed out about how it would go. He probably got fucking wasted to try to enjoy himself and ended up enjoying himself a little too much up until the smashing of the guitar and the "god fucking love you all, we'll be back!". Had he not been drunk he probably would have been more level headed about it, but I still think he would have lost his shit in one way or another. Billie has always been disrespectful of curfews and ending times, this is no exception. I dont exactly see it as a "meltdown", I see it as a man being pushed to his limits and blowing up. He had probably been keeping that inside for quite some time.

Also, there's no way in hell he was only drunk during the performance. Id say he was on some anti-anxiety meds as well, probably took way too many with being stressed out about the show. We all know Billie is a good man who makes great music, I think it's unfair to hold this over his head for the rest of his life after all he's given us.

im just gonna sum up this whole paragraph: i totally agree, billie at iHeartRadio was badass.

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This will go down in history as the most accurate description of anything, ever.

Almost didn't even say it b/c of how often I always shit on the trilogy :P

but it deserves to draw my ire

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Xkid sounds like something that should play during movie credits of some comedy/drama

A song about the guys' friend who committed suicide does not belong in a comedy.

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A song about the guys' friend who committed suicide does not belong in a comedy.

i first saw X-Kid somewhere online and i think i made a bad x-men joke...but come on the song should be somewhere, im pissed it didnt show them writing it on cuatro

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A song about the guys' friend who committed suicide does not belong in a comedy.

I'm not really talking about the lyrics as much as the guitar and drum sound and I know, thats why I put it under Unpopular opinions. I pretty much expected to get torn apart.

edit: also not classic comedy as much as a drama with comedic parts. I can't really think of an example though...

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i first saw X-Kid somewhere online and i think i made a bad x-men joke...but come on the song should be somewhere, im pissed it didnt show them writing it on cuatro

Yeah, it'd be cool to hear it in a movie, but it'd have to be a serious one.

I pretty much expected to get torn apart.

I definitely wasn't tearing you apart lol.

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Yeah, it'd be cool to hear it in a movie, but it'd have to be a serious one.

I definitely wasn't tearing you apart lol.

Yeah you were bringing up a valid and intelligent point that I left out... I'm surprised I didn't get destroyed by anyone though. Maybe I can stop fearing posting on this topic.

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