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Random Green Day Thoughts


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You bet your ass literally.

W..Was that a pun because Ass and Shitting yourself or am I just seeing a pun where there isnt one?

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I somehow ended up finding this today:

Not really sure what to say to this...

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I somehow ended up finding this today:

Not really sure what to say to this...

inb4 fuck bronies they all clop Edited by Hermione
Please remove videos when quoting
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In my study induced haze, I almost listened to Nightlife. Luckily the skip button was found. Praise you skip button

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In my study induced haze, I almost listened to Nightlife. Luckily the skip button was found. Praise you skip button

I unticked it when ripping Dos to my hard drive, fortunately I've avoided that problem.

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Just realised that the st. Jimmy sign is a paraphrasis of Francois Villon's heart and cross symbol.

Which one? I don't recall it.

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Which one? I don't recall it.


This is sometimes drawn as a cross penetrating a heart. Or at least that's what I was told at school. The cross symbolises the religiouness that is attached to the soul - the heart and pushes it down or spears it at the same time. It's a contradiction, two opposites in one body. Such interpretation is possible for the st.J symbol as well, only the cross is upside down.

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Here's a random thought: The link above has one of Green Day's greatest videos of all time. No one can argue with me about this. ITS FUCKING INSANE. And the fucking crowd oh lord, its so good I just cannot take it. Its hilarious and amazing and powerful and just pure genius. I fucking love it when they do these rock medleys and EVERYONE in the audience knows the lyrics to every song and its just so joyful because like 50 fucking thousand people listen to the same music and are connected with a strong bond thats made with only a few instruments and people with fucking passion and love and anger and rebellion.

Whenever i feel like I miss Green Day I just watch this video then continue to watch all of my other favorite videos. This one gets to me because all of these songs have changed me in some way and to see that Green Day absolutely loves them and that everyone in there knows these songs, it just makes me feel like i have a family somewhere and that there are people out there who are like me. I just crank up the volume and close my eyes and sing along with the crowd and follow Billie Joe's orders and I feel this insane sense of freedom and happiness that i'm deprived from in my daily life and it just feels great to have Green Day in my life and I love them to no fucking end.

I'm so emotional right now while writing this down because its my dream to meet those guys and thank them and give them presents so that they can remember me and just hug them and talk to them and tell them about how they changed me. I'm so happy I discovered them and the Green Day fanbase because you guys are like a family to me even the ones I don't know.

There you go, i just typed my heart out.

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Totally agree, it's such a fun way for the band and audience to connect! You describe it perfectly.

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That video is beyond awesome! All the bands I grew up with and songs I love. I love it when they do that and its like a crowd sing along. I hope they keep doing it.

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I fucking love everything about the artwork used for Dookie. Not just the cover, but the fucking artwork used in the booklet. Especially for "Burnout", gotta love that shit tho.

Edited by One Hot Minute
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I fucking love everything about the artwork used for Dookie. Not just the cover, but the fucking artwork used in the booklet. Especially for "Burnout", gotta love that shit tho.

Everything about Dookie is fucking awesome.

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Everything about Dookie is fucking awesome.

when u edit ur post but someone replies to the original post before u finish editing

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I walk alone here in Birmingham Alabama. Took a chance with an internet dude. This song is getting me through this! Thank your Green Day!!

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They should put each live show from their next tour available for download on their website. That way not only could people listen to the show near them they went to or missed, but there could finally be some official releases of some songs and we wouldn't be relying on all sorts of shitty bootlegs (No, not all bootlegs are shitty, but a lot of them are).

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Did you get lost on your way to the sex thread? :P

Did you cunt the number of times they used the word fucking in those 3-4 posts?


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Did you cunt the number of times they used the word fucking in those 3-4 posts?

I sure as hell cunted it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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