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On the last leg of the 21st CB tour in South America he went on one of his anti (certain aspects of) technology rants during a show. He was particularly wound up on this occasion and in the heat of it he said "I hope Steve Jobs dies of fucking cancer!". It was obviously really meant as an extreme way of saying "fuck technology" rather than a personal attack on Steve Jobs, but pretty harsh.

Oh no I do think he was different in that it was more extreme and a lot of his antics were definitely largely down to drink/drugs. I just don't think all his antics were that different or that they were all only as a result of drink/drugs.

Was he drunk with the Steve Jobs comment, or just frustrated? Part of Billie's problem is that he has no filter, he says whatever the hell he is thinking. I've often got so frustrated that I wished someone to get hit by a bus, but I say to my husband, or at my husband, but never in a public forum. It's just an extreme way of showing frustration. I know alot of people that say stuff like that sometimes.

Do you remember the picture Billie posted of Jakob when he hurt his finger? The hashtag was #absolutelynofilter. That was funny as hell, where does he think the kid got it from??

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Was he drunk with the Steve Jobs comment, or just frustrated? Part of Billie's problem is that he has no filter, he says whatever the hell he is thinking. I've often got so frustrated that I wished someone to get hit by a bus, but I say to my husband, or at my husband, but never in a public forum. It's just an extreme way of showing frustration. I know alot of people that say stuff like that sometimes.

Do you remember the picture Billie posted of Jakob when he hurt his finger? The hashtag was #absolutelynofilter. That was funny as hell, where does he think the kid got it from??

He was asked about it in the Rolling Stone interview and said it was stupid and "a lot of that shit was going on" so both I think. And yeah that does seem to describe him quite well!

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"Hindsight is 20/20," etc. for sure. Thanks to hindsight, it's impossible to really view anything objectively anymore.

But seriously, he's not saying "daddy" in that video... it's just gibberish, right?

I will say I was one of the first people (as well as not-mod Mar) to say "eh, something's not right" as the shit was going down in the iHeart Radio thread on here... A lot of other people were laughing about it at the time and cheering "Yeah Billie!!!" about it until after word came out he was going to rehab. Then, all of a sudden they were all offended by it. Before that, they were all offended by people like Mar and I for being to "sensitive" and not liking his "punk rocker" rant. It's easy to flip-flop your point of view once you know the whole story, I guess.

I don't think I knew for sure something was wrong until the Facebook post, but I immediately saw how much drunker than usual he was when I watched the video and that had me a bit concerned. The rant I was ambivalent on as I had no way of knowing that it was complete bullshit, though I knew he had embarrassed himself.

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If we're sharing stories of when we knew something was up with Billie, I knew when I came downstairs, my parents were stood quietly in the kitchen and told me "Billie Joe had a meltdown on stage, he's gone into rehab for alcohol issues". The atmosphere was sombre, and I didn't watch any part of it until a good few weeks after.

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On the note of being drunk and embarrassing himself, how do people feel or perceive what he used to do during Hitching A Ride, where he masterbated or pretended to on stage? Was that drunken behavior or just Billie being Billie? I've seen videos of it and honestly I felt embarressed for him. Maybe I just feel that way, I dont know.

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On the note of being drunk and embarrassing himself, how do people feel or perceive what he used to do during Hitching A Ride, where he masterbated or pretended to on stage? Was that drunken behavior or just Billie being Billie? I've seen videos of it and honestly I felt embarressed for him. Maybe I just feel that way, I dont know.

I felt the same way, I thought it was embarrassing. I think sometimes he was drunk, sometimes not. I know he did it in BIAB and he didn't seem drunk there.

I always felt he didn't need to go to such extremes. The way he performs, sings and just the way he carries himself is sexy as hell. He doesn't need to be so extroverted. It's not sexy when he does that.

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I totally agree with what you said JJ. Another thing I think of with some of his behavior is what if family members were at the shows and saw him doing that? What would they think? I remember reading somewhere that Billie's mom and sister were watching the IHeart show. If I was them I would feel so embarressed and disappointed in him. I would die if that was my kid up there acting like that.

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I totally agree with what you said JJ. Another thing I think of with some of his behavior is what if family members were at the shows and saw him doing that? What would they think? I remember reading somewhere that Billie's mom and sister were watching the IHeart show. If I was them I would feel so embarressed and disappointed in him. I would die if that was my kid up there acting like that.

I don't know about after iHeart, but his mother sent him a scathing letter after Woodstock. She told him if his father was alive he would be embarrassed. So, yes, I would imagine his family does get upset with some of his antics.

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I heard someone here say someone said they wanted to cancel the Shepherd's Bush gig and get him to rehab, but I'm not sure of the source.

Shepherd's Bush was late to start (Tre started the concert) then billie made it on stage - they said it was technical issues (we probs will never know).

As for his other antics - they are the reason I didn't take my son in 2009 as I thought he was too young to witness what billie may throw out to the crowd. I made him wait until last year when he was old enough - but he got a clean sober and happy billie on stage :D

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Shepherd's Bush was late to start (Tre started the concert) then billie made it on stage - they said it was technical issues (we probs will never know).

I wasn't there, but actually, I heard Tre jokingly said at the beginning of the show that Billie had laryngitis. There was also an interview before Billie went into rehab where he mentioned he had had an argument with the others because of "personal stuff" right before the Shepherd's Bush gig.

And considering the thing with his family being embarrassed by his onstage antics - I guess they are used to it by now and with the iHeart thing I would assume they were probably more worried than anything else. I think they also have reason to be proud of him for taking action and getting help immediately after that - he seems to have pulled himself back up really well :)

By the way, I think there was at least one show after his rehab where he pretended to masturbate, so it doesn't seem to have to with being drunk even though it might have started from there.

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I wasn't there, but actually, I heard Tre jokingly said at the beginning of the show that Billie had laryngitis. There was also an interview before Billie went into rehab where he mentioned he had had an argument with the others because of "personal stuff" right before the Shepherd's Bush gig.

And considering the thing with his family being embarrassed by his onstage antics - I guess they are used to it by now and with the iHeart thing I would assume they were probably more worried than anything else. I think they also have reason to be proud of him for taking action and getting help immediately after that - he seems to have pulled himself back up really well :)

By the way, I think there was at least one show after his rehab where he pretended to masturbate, so it doesn't seem to have to with being drunk even though it might have started from there.

I was saying I thought my son was too young in 2009 to see GD - 4 years on he was old enough for anything that was happening on stage.

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By the way, I think there was at least one show after his rehab where he pretended to masturbate, so it doesn't seem to have to with being drunk even though it might have started from there.

He stuck his hand down his pants and grabbed his junk just a few feet in front of my face at the Pittsburgh show during King for a Day.

The only thing I was upset about was that I didn't get a picture. :P

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I certainly never thought it would be sexually arousing to see myself naked onstage.

... and then American Idiot happened, and you became really, really hot again. :lol:

I don't need groupies or people who kiss my ass. Meaningless sex means nothing to me.

Yes you do! I will be your groupie, and you will like it, goddammit. :mad:

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... and then American Idiot happened, and you became really, really hot again. :lol:

But he kept his clothes on, and was hotter than ever! Those arms he had then probably helped a ton.

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But he kept his clothes on, and was hotter than ever! Those arms he had then probably helped a ton.

Have you forgotten shirtless St. Jimmy? So hot. :blush:
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Have you forgotten shirtless St. Jimmy? So hot. :blush:

Oh yeah, forgot about that. That works too. I'm happy with his pants on, but the shirt can come off. Thanks for the visual. :)

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But he kept his clothes on, and was hotter than ever! Those arms he had then probably helped a ton.

God, he was so fucking beautiful. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GET OLD, BILLIE?! :cry:

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God, he was so fucking beautiful. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GET OLD, BILLIE?! :cry:

Beats the alternative. Plus, to me he's age appropriate. :)

But every time I watch BIAB, I get pissed that he went back to being scrawny, when he has proven he has the potential to have a body like a mini-Hugh Jackman!!! Work out dammit!!!

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