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55 minutes ago, Tinkle said:

I thought I was:ermm:

Find it yourself  now for being a fucking bitch:ga:

Ha I found it with no help from you

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Nothing to do with what you're talking about but one thing disturb my mind: Billie Joe is kind ? Because I'm scared if I meet him one day I have a chance to panic a little and maybe cry a little and I'm scared if he can have a violent reaction...that's stupid I know...

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1 hour ago, Flora Girod said:

Nothing to do with what you're talking about but one thing disturb my mind: Billie Joe is kind ? Because I'm scared if I meet him one day I have a chance to panic a little and maybe cry a little and I'm scared if he can have a violent reaction...that's stupid I know...

I've never met him personally, but I've heard a lot a stories about how kind he was. It might help to look up some videos on Youtube of Green Day meet and greets, then you can see for yourself and prepare beforehand. :) 


Also, I FOUND IT. I haven't seen a Rolling Stone magazine in weeks, and today at Walmart, I couldn't find any, and had given up, until I had to head back to find some rubbing alcohol, and I saw it with the magazines by the checkout. I've never grabbed something so fast in my life. :lol: 


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Green Day has been my favorite band for many, many years. But lately I feel like there somehow more so my favorite band than ever before? I'm not sure how to describe it. 

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12 hours ago, stories and songs said:

Green Day has been my favorite band for many, many years. But lately I feel like there somehow more so my favorite band than ever before? I'm not sure how to describe it. 

That's how I feel right now. I've always been a big fan, but I think it's the pride right now that they're back and amazing as hell that's makes you feel like "fuck yeah, I'm a Green Day fan." :ga: And for some reason it just feels more amazing than ever. :lol:

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14 hours ago, stories and songs said:

Green Day has been my favorite band for many, many years. But lately I feel like there somehow more so my favorite band than ever before? I'm not sure how to describe it. 

For me it's the new album and just the feeling I have about it. They beat my expectations and produced something which stands out both in their discography and amongst other alt rock records. That's no small feat for a band that was considered a legacy act to mainstream public not even two years ago.

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I found out recently that thinking that Last Ride In is a boring/bad song is a common opinion among fans.... What.

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Also... Take Back is awesome because it reminds you that bands are never restrained to one genre.

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27 minutes ago, Stefano Bras said:

I found out recently that thinking that Last Ride In is a boring/bad song is a common opinion among fans.... What.

I love it! It's so mellow. I listened to it driving into work last Fri. and was daydreaming about being in Mexico, on a beach, drinking margaritas . LOL It's an underrated song and so different.

In the past I hated on Macys Day Parade but I listened to it several times today and I really like it now. The lyrics really hit me hard for some reason.

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This morning I was hanging around in our machinery garage helping my brother wash tractor windows while singing every song from Warning that came to mind. :lol: It was fun. 

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1 hour ago, Stefano Bras said:

Also... Take Back is awesome because it reminds you that bands are never restrained to one genre.

For sure. I love that fucking song and it also reminds you how diverse the songs on Nimrod are in terms of sound. Such a badass album! 

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2 minutes ago, Haushinka! said:

For sure. I love that fucking song and it also reminds you how diverse the songs on Nimrod are in terms of sound. Such a badass album! 

I agree.  In some ways I think this new GD album is eh, kind of like that.  But I will be picking up the NOFX album on the 7th as well.  Haushinka!, if you were a booger, I'd pick you first to be on my team any day because of your comments.  NWO

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Even now I find it amazing how cohesive Nimrod is given its diversity. It's a testament to the work that must have gone into the running order to make it work in that it really does sound like an album rather than a collection of songs.

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Yeah, I've never thought of Nimrod as this showcase of diversity because it all works so well together you don't notice until you think of individual tracks.

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17 hours ago, tresexy101 said:

Haushinka!, if you were a booger, I'd pick you first to be on my team any day because of your comments.  NWO

I'm honored, TreSexy. :lol:

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Seriously feel like I need to invest in a new Green Day shirt. Y'know, gotta be spiffy when the album is out and about. :lol:

I don't think I ever shared this story, and I thought of it again today because my brother was wearing it.

Two Christmases ago, my brother got a beanie hat, but it was straight up shit brown. :lol: I told him he should sew a patch of the Dookie logo to the front and omg you wouldn't believe how pissed he got over that. So now every time he's wearing it, all you have to do is whisper Dookie hat. And he'll get all steamed up. While funny and all, it'd actually be a hilarious marketing thing for Green Day to make dookie beanies, shaped like... Oh, you know. :P 

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I'm so excited for Friday :D I'm happy that I resisted the temptation of listening to the leak, so I will have my own private first-listen-experience that I prepare very well. It'll be all new and shiny and exciting (except for the three songs we already got, but they will be different and new, too in the context of the whole album). Nothing compares to listening to a GD album for the first time and I know it will pump me up with energy for weeks/months to come. And January isn't too far away, too. :dance:

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Saying this here so I'm not going off topic elsewhere, I keep seeing people saying the 99 Revs tour was bad but I honestly don't think there was anything wrong with the majority of shows I went to. Yeah, looking back the pre-rehab stuff was off and they were definitely nervous in Chicago because it was the first arena show, but at all the others I went to I thought they were at their best. Two of the best GD shows I've ever seen (Pittsburgh and Emirates) were on that tour.

I got accused of blindly loving everything they do last time I said this but that is definitely not the case :P When you've been travelling and lining up for a lot of shows it's easy to get ratty and critical but I really didn't.

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