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Do you guys think it's problematic to share public photos that don't do much justice like iHeart some of Foxboro Hot Tubs or things that seem private  (but technically aren't). I had a conversation about this and I'm interested in your opinions. 

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I forgot how awesome of a song Jaded is on its own. I don't see why Brain Stew is mentioned more.

because it always goes before Jaded :D Jaded is the most entertaining punk Green Day  song 

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because it always goes before Jaded :D Jaded is the most entertaining punk Green Day  song 

It really is a good song. I honestly think Jaded is better than Brain Stew, but that's for the Unpopular Opinions thread, i guess.

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It really is a good song. I honestly think Jaded is better than Brain Stew, but that's for the Unpopular Opinions thread, i guess.

Although, I like Brain Stew better, I love the live versions of Jaded where Billie kind of breakdances while Jason plays the guitar solo. They're both great songs though.

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I forgot how awesome of a song Jaded is on its own. I don't see why Brain Stew is mentioned more.

Yes Jaded is my favorite song! I definitely like it more than Brain Stew. 

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21 Guns is awesome. I don't care what people say.

I wholeheartedly agree. This is another post that should probably go into Unpopular Green Day Opinions but... 21 Guns > Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)

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If people say that 21 Guns isn't good then they have bad taste. Love it. I still remember how much that falsetto blew me away when I first heard it too :lol:, doesn't seem like anything that extraordinary now but at the time he hadn't done that with his voice before. One of my favourite things about it is the intro and then the repeat of the intro later, gives the song an interesting feeling, and I always think it's a shame how it's not on the radio/video version.

I don't know which I'd say is better out of 21 Guns and Good Riddance. I think Boulevard of Broken Dreams and Brutal Love beat them both though :P, kings of Green Day power ballads.

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I actually don't really think of Good Riddance as being similar to 21 Guns and BOBD, they're all ballads but Good Riddance is pretty different being acoustic, I wouldn't usually think to compare it with them. Good Riddance is their best acoustic ballad for sure but for a full on electric power ballad I'd pick BOBD or Brutal Love.

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If anything, 21Guns is more similar WMUWSE than anything else.

You can pretty much draw parallels between the two albums based on the tracks alone
Murder CIty and Are We the Waiting
Christian's Inferno and St. Jimmy
Viva La Gloria and Holiday
Before the Lobotomy and Give me Novacaine
Static Age and Letterbomb


Does that make any sense? I kind of base it on how alike the story plots are. 

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If anything, 21Guns is more similar WMUWSE than anything else.

You can pretty much draw parallels between the two albums based on the tracks alone
Murder CIty and Are We the Waiting
Christian's Inferno and St. Jimmy
Viva La Gloria and Holiday
Before the Lobotomy and Give me Novacaine
Static Age and Letterbomb


Does that make any sense? I kind of base it on how alike the story plots are. 

I draw those parallels too! But I pair some of them up differently. I think of it as 

21st Century Breakdown and Jesus of Suburbia

Know Your Enemy and American Idiot

Viva La Gloria and She's a Rebel

Before the Lobotomy/Restless Heart Syndrome and Give Me Novacaine

Christian's Inferno/Horseshoes and Handgrenades and St Jimmy

East Jesus Nowhere and Holiday

Last of the American Girls and Extraordinary Girl

21 Guns and Boulevard of Broken Dreams (and now you mention it WMUWSE fits too)

American Eulogy and Homecoming

and I didn't think of Static Age and Letterbomb before but I will now. I don't find there to be much of a story to 21st CB but the Christian and Gloria characters and those songs certainly have their similarities to the JoS and Whatsername characters/AI songs.



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Aww I don't think of it as a negative though! It's of no detriment to my enjoyment of the album, just interesting to see the links/similarities. It's not like the whole thing is just a carbon copy, they built on what they'd started with AI and pushed things further with even more ambitious and experimental music/vocals, and getting a bit more deeply and darkly into things with the lyrics rather than telling a story. I think the albums make a good pair. 

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Aww I don't think of it as a negative though! It's of no detriment to my enjoyment of the album, just interesting to see the links/similarities. It's not like the whole thing is just a carbon copy, they built on what they'd started with AI and pushed things further with even more ambitious and experimental music/vocals, and getting a bit more deeply and darkly into things with the lyrics rather than telling a story. I think the albums make a good pair. 

I understand this mentality of viewing them as a package — after all, the musical does the same thing by mixing the songs, and the marketing styles were similar — however, to me, it makes American Idiot seem even more genuine, while 21CB comes off as manufactured, overdone and less inspired.

... should I move this to the "unpopular opinions" thread now? :P 

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I understand this mentality of viewing them as a package — after all, the musical does the same thing by mixing the songs, and the marketing styles were similar — however, to me, it makes American Idiot seem even more genuine, while 21CB comes off as manufactured, overdone and less inspired.

... should I move this to the "unpopular opinions" thread now? :P 

Probably isn't that unpopular :lol:. I don't think it was manufactured or uninspired though. From reports during and after it was being made it sounds like it was a bit of a slog and quite emotionally draining, and they did keep fussing over it for a long time so I can see how it might be viewed as overdone. But I think it was some genuinely personal and heart wrenching stuff that they dug down into to write it and a genuine wish to build on AI by pushing the music/vocals/lyrics further rather than just trying to replicate it.

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Giving American Idiot a real, in-depth listen for the first time in a long while. It's like being a teenager again and listening to it for the first time. I'm blown away. I don't know how anyone could ever try to argue that this album is anything less than perfection. 

The bass mixing is undeniably shite.

That's all I can think of really. Also BJ rhyming "time" with "time" on Whatsername. But that's it.

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I have been playing Bullet in a bible a lot in my car lately and it struck me today how I have seen this band live 4 times and I can't remember anything from the concerts except from the opening song. Was it so good that it just blew my mind all the way to amnesia? 

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I have been playing Bullet in a bible a lot in my car lately and it struck me today how I have seen this band live 4 times and I can't remember anything from the concerts except from the opening song. Was it so good that it just blew my mind all the way to amnesia? 

I think so! I'm always amazed by how little I notice what songs are being played during a show. I'll be there and think for a second "hang on what song is this and what song did they just play?" and then stop caring again, you just get so caught up in the atmosphere. Songs that have special on stage traditions and stuff attached to them (eg King For A Day or Longview) will get my attention and stick in my memory more but when they're just ripping through songs they go by in a blur. I'm glad to have setlist fm to remind me.

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I have been playing Bullet in a bible a lot in my car lately and it struck me today how I have seen this band live 4 times and I can't remember anything from the concerts except from the opening song. Was it so good that it just blew my mind all the way to amnesia? 

I have experienced this. 

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