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Billie Joe smashing another guitar....!


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I don't understand why he does this.

Fun? He can more than afford to replace the instrument so why not? If I had the money I'd do it too.

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He smashed a guitar, so?
Tré put his drums on fire once, and was cool.
What's the probl about Billie?

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as far as i think billie wont buy any more les paul customs without checking thier tuning capability hahah

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I was also there for this, right in front of him on the barrier and he looked very frustrated, tried to fix the tuning, couldn't so raised the guitar above his head (I figured waiting for a tech to swap it out/take the hint he needs a different guitar fast) but then he threw it/smashed it. Personally I always wanted to go to a GD gig back in Warning era when Billie & Mike wrecked their equipment almost nightly (admittedly it was part of the show not the result of anything else) because it reminded me of The Clash footage or The Who and simply looked like a fun end to a show so I was thinking "cool, finally got to see Billie wreck something!". Obviously as a broke guitar player part of me also thinks "not THAT one!!" but what can you do! As for Billie's reasoning behind it? He was angry as fuck. Anything after that I certainly won't be speculating because we will never know.

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He has lots of money and can buy new guitars and he has lots of guitars too! And he's punk :P

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