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The Green Day Fangirls' Confessions Thread


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If I met him and he looked like this, I don't even know what I'd do. He just looks so perfect....everything about him is literally perfect in this photo.


The person whom this pic belongs to said: " im shaking its not even funny "

I loved that. Perfectly explains my feelings if I ever met him.

Billie would be lucky if he didn't die. :lol: ( tight hugging 'n stuff, u know? )

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The person whom this pic belongs to said: " im shaking its not even funny "

I loved that. Perfectly explains my feelings if I ever met him.

Billie would be lucky if he didn't die. :lol: ( tight hugging 'n stuff, u know? )

I'm sure that's what I would be like too. The last time I saw him randomly in the street and genuinely not expecting it, I shook a lamp post in utter despair :lol:

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I think I saw that picture in the dictionary, under the word "perfection!"

Seriously though... Holy shit. *drools*

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If I met him and he looked like this, I don't even know what I'd do. He just looks so perfect....everything about him is literally perfect in this photo.


i'd probably be wearing a hat too and be like "wanna swap hats? then if it's meant to be and we meet again, we can swap back" - like the movie serendipity :P

god i am lame.

but i would seriously ask him to swap hats. and he would have no choice. cause i'd force him.


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So, not to change the subject... But I'm going to anyway haha. Remember a few weeks ago (maybe longer, I can't remember), everyone was posting pictures of their walls? WELL, I didn't have anything to show at the time cause I had just moved, BUT I finally hung some of my Green Day stuff!!! There's more that needs to go up (ticket stubs, American Idiot playbills, etc...), but this is the bulk of it. Yay!!


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Oh, and my fangirl confession to go along with the picture I just posted of my wall: I keep randomly going to the basement just to look at them :-)

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So, not to change the subject... But I'm going to anyway haha. Remember a few weeks ago (maybe longer, I can't remember), everyone was posting pictures of their walls? WELL, I didn't have anything to show at the time cause I had just moved, BUT I finally hung some of my Green Day stuff!!! There's more that needs to go up (ticket stubs, American Idiot playbills, etc...), but this is the bulk of it. Yay!!


i LOVE that you've framed them. that's such a great idea! and it makes them look so much better.

maybe i should do this :P you've inspired me. haha.

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So, not to change the subject... But I'm going to anyway haha. Remember a few weeks ago (maybe longer, I can't remember), everyone was posting pictures of their walls? WELL, I didn't have anything to show at the time cause I had just moved, BUT I finally hung some of my Green Day stuff!!! There's more that needs to go up (ticket stubs, American Idiot playbills, etc...), but this is the bulk of it. Yay!!


OMG THAT'S INSANE. i realllllyy love it especially the two big ones. the dookie cover is always a good choice on a wall :D


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i LOVE that you've framed them. that's such a great idea! and it makes them look so much better.

maybe i should do this :P you've inspired me. haha.

OMG THAT'S INSANE. i realllllyy love it especially the two big ones. the dookie cover is always a good choice on a wall :D


Thanks guys! I'm really happy with how it turned out.

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R_Z-Log, on 29 Aug 2013 - 01:05 AM, said:

R_Z-Log, on 29 Aug 2013 - 01:05 AM, said: snapback.png

So, not to change the subject... But I'm going to anyway haha. Remember a few weeks ago (maybe longer, I can't remember), everyone was posting pictures of their walls? WELL, I didn't have anything to show at the time cause I had just moved, BUT I finally hung some of my Green Day stuff!!! There's more that needs to go up (ticket stubs, American Idiot playbills, etc...), but this is the bulk of it. Yay!!


JEALOUSY. SO MUCH OF IT. I only have a frame with 2 album covers and an un-framed poster :(

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Oh yeah and another confession, when I won a bid for a Green Day hoodie on Ebay (couldn't get it ANYWHERE else) I absolutely LOST IT! I was so happy I cried! I'd been looking for a really awesome one for so long, and I just loved this one. I screamed, 'YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!' and my parents woke up asking me if I was okay. :dance:

Oh....and the bid finished at midnight xD

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goddamnit, you guys are making me all attracted and shit to him now... :mad:

I used to be just in love with him and respect him as a person, and now I'm looking into his soulful green eyes, wondering if he really is a good kisser.... YOU SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE?!


You have no idea how perverted I feel....

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:hug: Those bitter-sweet kind of worries will come to you one day, just wait!

Precisely. :)

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R_Z-Log, on 29 Aug 2013 - 01:05 AM, said:

R_Z-Log, on 29 Aug 2013 - 01:05 AM, said: snapback.png

JEALOUSY. SO MUCH OF IT. I only have a frame with 2 album covers and an un-framed poster :(

Aww, don't feel bad! If it makes you feel any better, I used to have more posters but got rid of them after College because I wanted a "grown up" room. I'm still kicking myself for that :(

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goddamnit, you guys are making me all attracted and shit to him now... :mad:

I used to be just in love with him and respect him as a person, and now I'm looking into his soulful green eyes, wondering if he really is a good kisser.... YOU SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE?!


You have no idea how perverted I feel....

Funny, it was the exact opposite for me. At first was OOOOH, HE'S SO SCHMEXY! and now it's like Say something against him and you're my enemy, because he's one of the greatest living people.

So, not to change the subject... But I'm going to anyway haha. Remember a few weeks ago (maybe longer, I can't remember), everyone was posting pictures of their walls? WELL, I didn't have anything to show at the time cause I had just moved, BUT I finally hung some of my Green Day stuff!!! There's more that needs to go up (ticket stubs, American Idiot playbills, etc...), but this is the bulk of it. Yay!!


LOVE IT. Had the middle poster on my wall in mid to late 1990s. I miss it...where didja get it? :)

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When you walking around in the streets listening to Walking Contradiction like a boss

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LOVE IT. Had the middle poster on my wall in mid to late 1990s. I miss it...where didja get it? :)

Honestly I have no idea!!

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So, not to change the subject... But I'm going to anyway haha. Remember a few weeks ago (maybe longer, I can't remember), everyone was posting pictures of their walls? WELL, I didn't have anything to show at the time cause I had just moved, BUT I finally hung some of my Green Day stuff!!! There's more that needs to go up (ticket stubs, American Idiot playbills, etc...), but this is the bulk of it. Yay!!

I love it! :happy: The idea to put frames to your posters is great! I think I'll do it. :ninja:

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Omg I just had SUCH a fangirl moment, and I had to share. My dear friend and co-worker is ALSO a huge fangirl (but of a different band), so we often talk about our bands and how much they mean to us, blah blah blah. Anyway, she FINALLY got to see her band live last night for the first time ever. Naturally the second I got in to work I ran to go hear all about it, and when she was telling me about it, she started crying which made ME start crying. It ended with both of us just sitting there crying and laughing and talking in her office lol. It's nice to have someone (besides you fine folks I mean) that truly understands. :friends:

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That is beautiful. What is the band in question?

Her band is Fall Out Boy. Not really my cup of tea, but I appreciate and respect her love for them.

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I go all googly when I listen to Big Yellow Taxi by Pinhead Gunpowder and Bille sings the "Pleeeease" part.......

.....C'mon, beg us again Billie

Also, the beginning of Working Class Hero, when it's just his voice and simple guitar........yummy!

I know that these song are not supposed to give me nasty/happy thoughts, but I just can't help it.

What are your favourite fan girl moments in Green Day songs (purposefully naughty songs or not!)?

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I go all googly when I listen to Big Yellow Taxi by Pinhead Gunpowder and Bille sings the "Pleeeease" part.......

.....C'mon, beg us again Billie

Also, the beginning of Working Class Hero, when it's just his voice and simple guitar........yummy!

I know that these song are not supposed to give me nasty/happy thoughts, but I just can't help it.

What are your favourite fan girl moments in Green Day songs (purposefully naughty songs or not!)?

Oh of course you have to include how Billie starts "Hitchin A Ride"... "Hhhheey mister, where ya headed?"

I love Mike's singing part in American Eulogy as well. And the bass line to "Nightlife" is damn sexy.

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