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The Green Day Fangirls' Confessions Thread


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The bit about killing Adrienne and cutting just took the whole damn cake for me. She said she wanted to somehow get the video to him, and I was thinking, honey, you're asking for a restraining order! What you need is a psychiatrist, not a meeting with Billie Joe Armstrong.

Yeah I don't feel comfortable watching it - your posts gave me enough insight

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The video I have been searching for on this forum and on the Idiot Nation forum.

It has a great ending on it, but buyer beware.

I still want to see what video this is.

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I still want to see what video this is.

If I could show it to you, I would.

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If I could show it to you, I would.

Oh you can't find it? I hate it when that happens! You watch a video and then go back to search for it later and it appears to have fallen off the face of the earth. That's too bad.

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Oh you can't find it? I hate it when that happens! You watch a video and then go back to search for it later and it appears to have fallen off the face of the earth. That's too bad.

That is exactly what is happening, and because of it I am in therapy. I am so sick of my therapist not believing me... but if they just saw the video they'd understand and shut up about it.

And now this stupid search has spilled over onto another thread that I don't want it to be on.

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That is exactly what is happening, and because of it I am in therapy. I am so sick of my therapist not believing me... but if they just saw the video they'd understand and shut up about it.

And now this stupid search has spilled over onto another thread that I don't want it to be on.

Woah! It must be quite the video if you're in therapy because of it.=/ I'm sorry! :(
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Woah! It must be quite the video if you're in therapy because of it. =/ I'm sorry! :(

Thank you.

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Whatever. I think I am his soul mate but I don't want to meet him because of what he did on the video that proved it to me. It is wrong to want to kill anybody. That woman needs help.

You were right to be disturbed.

You know what? What am I even doing on this forum? I am a Conservative.

OK...what did he say or do in that video that makes you think he's your soulmate?

I'm sorry to hear that you're in therapy because you can't find this video but I am intrigued as to why you are depressed as a result of it.

And what the hell does being a conservative have to do with being on this forum?

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OK...what did he say or do in that video that makes you think he's your soulmate?

I'm sorry to hear that you're in therapy because you can't find this video but I am intrigued as to why you are depressed as a result of it.

And what the hell does being a conservative have to do with being on this forum?

Have you ever had someone describe you only to suddenly say that you don't exist? Without even knowing me, that is what was done. That is why I got depressed.

There is more going on than just my not being able to find the video, but it doesn't have to do with Green Day.

As to the being conservative thing... some of the more vocal people on this forum are liberal, so I feel out of place.

I also feel out of place because of my age. Not many people in their 30s are speaking up here... and they probably think I am plumb crazy.

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Have you ever had someone describe you only to suddenly say that you don't exist? Without even knowing me, that is what was done. That is why I got depressed.

There is more going on than just my not being able to find the video, but it doesn't have to do with Green Day.

As to the being conservative thing... some of the more vocal people on this forum are liberal, so I feel out of place.

I also feel out of place because of my age. Not many people in their 30s are speaking up here... and they probably think I am plumb crazy.

I am genuinely sorry to hear about your depression and for assuming it was one dimensional.

As for conservative people, there are many conservative, active members here: take Lady Nightlife (I hope you're cool with me using your example :) ).

And part of the point of this thread is to be honest, regardless of age.

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Youtube keeps a record of all the videos you watch on your account, so if you were logged into your Youtube account when you watched the video, it should be in your history.

As for the rest of the things you said: As far as the members of the band are concerned none of their fans really exist on a personal level if you think about it, and they never will. We exist as a mob or as a group of star-struck fans excited for an autograph, but we don't exist for them in the same way that we exist for our friends. And that is never going to change no matter how much any particular fan thinks that they should have a deeper connection with any given band member. Hopefully your therapy will help you come to terms with that so you can live the life you're meant to be living.

There are plenty of conservatives on here. They do tend to be a bit overwhelmed by the majority of non-conservative voices, but we're here and we speak up on a pretty regular basis. Don't be afraid of speaking up and being argued with, it helps you learn to defend your positions more effectively.

And finally, there are people over the age of 30 who come on the forums and are crazy over the band. You wouldn't believe the number of people I met in line on the last tour who were well over the age of 30 and were hanging out with the younger fans for hours and hours in line. You're definitely not as isolated as you think :)

This. I couldn't have put it as well.

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Have you ever had someone describe you only to suddenly say that you don't exist? Without even knowing me, that is what was done. That is why I got depressed.

There is more going on than just my not being able to find the video, but it doesn't have to do with Green Day.

As to the being conservative thing... some of the more vocal people on this forum are liberal, so I feel out of place.

I also feel out of place because of my age. Not many people in their 30s are speaking up here... and they probably think I am plumb crazy.

Age has got absolutely nothing to do with it. Billie's 41, for god's sake. And I know for sure that I'll still love Green Day well into my 90's.

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Youtube keeps a record of all the videos you watch on your account, so if you were logged into your Youtube account when you watched the video, it should be in your history.

As for the rest of the things you said: As far as the members of the band are concerned none of their fans really exist on a personal level if you think about it, and they never will. We exist as a mob or as a group of star-struck fans excited for an autograph, but we don't exist for them in the same way that we exist for our friends. And that is never going to change no matter how much any particular fan thinks that they should have a deeper connection with any given band member. Hopefully your therapy will help you come to terms with that so you can live the life you're meant to be living.

I did not see it on Youtube.

I don't expect to exist to them, I just want my therapist to see the video so she will know what I am talking about and quit thinking I have a thing for Billie Joe Armstrong.

Thank you for your post though, it made my day.

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I love how she says he hasn't been back to her town since. Wonder why?

OK, I don't enjoy posting 'negative' fangirl stuff here, but I was watching videos of Green Day fans getting up onstage at concerts last night, when I came across this:


I'm not sure whether or not she's...exaggerating her own feelings. But, yeah, I was a little disturbed in places, regardless.

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I love how she says he hasn't been back to her town since. Wonder why?

OK, I don't enjoy posting 'negative' fangirl stuff here, but I was watching videos of Green Day fans getting up onstage at concerts last night, when I came across this:


I'm not sure whether or not she's...exaggerating her own feelings. But, yeah, I was a little disturbed in places, regardless.

And she talks about Adrienne...Nestler?

This. I couldn't have put it as well.

Totally agree. In all honesty it just sickens me - to appreciate Billie (JUST Billie, not even Green Day) for his looks. The only song she talks about is Good Riddance. Like, it's a good song, but it's not THE BEST song in the world. Green Day's music is what has saved me, not their looks. Honestly.

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That video is the type of fan girl I never want to be or meet. I love Billie and Adrienne's relationship. They're so adorable! When you get to the put where you want to marry a celebrity and you're completely serious about it to the point where you want to kill or harm their spouse really needs to get help.

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hey, I'm 33, and I'm a proud fangirl. Don't worry about that. ;)

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In primary school we had to write an essay on our hero's. I wrote about Green Day.

The teacher really liked it however and decided to read it out in front of the class...... yeah

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Me: Aww, look how cuuute!

Me fangirling: OMFG BILLIE YOU ARE SO GORGEOUS. Let me have your babies!!1!1!111!!!! I love Adrienne, and I'm not jealous. We can share the bed!!!!! loveyouloveyouloveyou*drools*

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Me: Aww, look how cuuute!

Me fangirling: OMFG BILLIE YOU ARE SO GORGEOUS. Let me have your babies!!1!1!111!!!! I love Adrienne, and I'm not jealous. We can share the bed!!!!! loveyouloveyouloveyou*drools*

Uhhhh, that photo, :wub::wub: :wub: :wub::wub:

Oh God, I really need to visit the Instagram thread more often.

On second thoughts, no. My inner fangirl will go wild.

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I think I already said I fan girled the most at the show I went to, but it was because I was obsessed with Billie's every movement. If he did a jump I would turn to my friend and say "DID YOU SEE THAT?! HE JUMPED OMGDFG:LKDSLKDL:SKF" And her reaction was :S Calm the fuck down. I think it's pretty clear that I didn't :P

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I think I already said I fan girled the most at the show I went to, but it was because I was obsessed with Billie's every movement. If he did a jump I would turn to my friend and say "DID YOU SEE THAT?! HE JUMPED OMGDFG:LKDSLKDL:SKF" And her reaction was :S Calm the fuck down. I think it's pretty clear that I didn't :P

Is your friend much of a fan, or did you drag her along? Might need to find equal fangirls who empathise next time. :P

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Is your friend much of a fan, or did you drag her along? Might need to find equal fangirls who empathise next time. :P

She's not a huge Green Day fan, but she let me freak out as much as I wanted to because she knew I waited so long to see them. I think she was more like don't hurt yourself over this guy :P

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Me: Aww, look how cuuute!

Me fangirling: OMFG BILLIE YOU ARE SO GORGEOUS. Let me have your babies!!1!1!111!!!! I love Adrienne, and I'm not jealous. We can share the bed!!!!! loveyouloveyouloveyou*drools*

Okay can I just say that Billie looks exactly like Wedge Antilles from the original Star Wars in that photo?

Oh god I'm worse than you guys :mellow:
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Okay can I just say that Billie looks exactly like Wedge Antilles from the original Star Wars in that photo?

Oh god I'm worse than you guys :mellow:

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww. No.

And of course you are.

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