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The Green Day Fangirls' Confessions Thread


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I hate when people at their shows constantly try to catch their attention by doing and shouting weird stuff. The worst I've experienced so far were a few girls at Rock Am See in 2012. They were always shrieking when Billie only came somewhat close and held up a sign saying "Billie, I want a kid from you!!!". When he looked at it with a weird facial expression, they turned it around and on the back, it said "Billie, I want a kid from your son!!!". Billie looked pretty deranged and rarely came over to our side of the stage again. I felt super ashamed and embarrassed for those girls. They were standing next to me. It was not only annoying but my first thought actually was "Oh my god, hopefully he doesn't think I'm one of them." :lol::mellow:

Mike is a complete sweetheart :wub: I enjoyed being in front of him more than being close to Billie, he is very kind and focused on the fans. People should appreciate him more, dammit!

Very, very true! :wub:

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I agree that it's stupid for a person to go out of their way to get noticed despite the fact that it's nice to be acknowledged.

Just wanted to share my fangirling moments in relation to the show that I attended:

Mike is always really sweet. At the show I went to, I was upfront and I have blue hair, sometime in the beginning he pointed at me, then winked and smiled. I kinda died there and then. :lol: That must've been my ultimate fangirl moment then.

I also made BJ laugh cause I had a sign that said HEY HO! BILLIE JOE, PICK ME TO SING LONGVIEW. He didn't pick me. But that's okay, at least he found it funny. :D

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Some people really, really are there to be seen and they almost don't care about the rest of the show.

A girl we waited in a line with in Locarno was asking my friend to transcribe the lyrics of Longview (which she called "Longvee") with German reading rules so she could learn it by heart in case she gets on stage. I just...can't.

That's really fucking sad, actually. :mellow:

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I always wonder why people think it is appropriate to put sexual things towards Billie on a sign. When you think of it, he has a son who is probably the age of the girls who do those things, and it's like..... how would I feel if I saw a girl waving a sign saying she wants kids from my dad? It's very thoughtless and insensitive and really objectifies Billie. It also very obviously makes him uncomfortable :( it's all well and fine to make jokes about how much we admire him amongst ourselves, but it's another to push that in his face.

As you mentioned, it's mainly teenage girls, so they can't probably tell between what's okay to keep as an inside joke and what's okay to say to a person in the eyes.. yet. We can only hope they'll grow out of that. :ermm:

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To both of you: yes. It obviously means a lot to get looked at, be smiled at, even be pointed at, but begging for it just rings odd.

It was a great deal of LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME BILLIE I'M HERE throughout the Locarno show. Ask Ilaria.

Was the girl who was behind me who threw up?

Because, before the show, she kept screaming "Billie! Billie! I love you! Billie, where are you? Billie, I wanna fuck you"

When the crew guys went on stage she said "You bastard, don't touch his guitar"

Like :ermm: wtf

Most people near us were more or less ignoring Mike

Except me. I mean :wub:

Mike is a complete sweetheart :wub:I enjoyed being in front of him more than being close to Billie, he is very kind and focused on the fans.

I must admit. I have to.

He threw us his pick but 90% went on the floor because of the wind and the security guy who didn't check and gave them to us.

So, at the end of the show Mike called the security guy and he gave him a few pointed us.

I remember it so clearly and it was one of the best thing of the day :lol:

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I always wonder why people think it is appropriate to put sexual things towards Billie on a sign. When you think of it, he has a son who is probably the age of the girls who do those things, and it's like..... how would I feel if I saw a girl waving a sign saying she wants kids from my dad? It's very thoughtless and insensitive and really objectifies Billie. It also very obviously makes him uncomfortable :( it's all well and fine to make jokes about how much we admire him amongst ourselves, but it's another to push that in his face.

Exactly! It's the last thing I'd put on a sign at a concert, seriously. I just can't understand how someone thinks it's a good idea to do so.. It's horrible. Nothing but horrible. :( But I guess you'll always meet a few fans who behave like this at their shows, unfortunately.

As you mentioned, it's mainly teenage girls, so they can't probably tell between what's okay to keep as an inside joke and what's okay to say to a person in the eyes.. yet. We can only hope they'll grow out of that. :ermm:

Yeah, I was 15 and almost 16 when that show took place. They seemed to be younger than me so I guess they were like.. 13 or something. But then again I went to my first show at the age of 13 and I would've done anything but that :lol: They'll most likely grow out of that, though, you're right. Probably they already have and are now embarrassed of what they did back then.

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As you mentioned, it's mainly teenage girls, so they can't probably tell between what's okay to keep as an inside joke and what's okay to say to a person in the eyes.. yet. We can only hope they'll grow out of that. :ermm:

I'm a teenager and I can tell the difference between what is ok and what's not ok. Sure, it's fun to joke with your friends, but don't do that shit to people/


Can we talk about how absolutely drop-dead gorgeous this man is? *O*

His fucking hair, I can't. Kill me right now.

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Can we talk about how absolutely drop-dead gorgeous this man is? *O*

His fucking hair, I can't. Kill me right now.

*___* oh god!

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I'm a teenager and I can tell the difference between what is ok and what's not ok. Sure, it's fun to joke with your friends, but don't do that shit to people/

I didn't say all teens do that. I said people who do it are teens. A bit of a difference, huh? :P

I am a teenager myself still, so yeah. Just my point that fans who act like that are teenagers and have some growing up to do. Meanwhile, other teenagers have already grown into this thing called common sense. ;)

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Sometimes and most embarrassingly I have seen grown ass women doing the "FUCK ME, BILLIE!!!!" thing. It's so fucking cringey :lol:

I think that would be a recurring nightmare for the rest of my life. I'm glad to have never ever witnessed that. :D

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Sometimes and most embarrassingly I have seen grown ass women doing the "FUCK ME, BILLIE!!!!" thing. It's so fucking cringey :lol:

The nice thing is that the majority of fans - both teenage and adult - respect the band enough not to do it!

It's even sadder when it's adults. Grow the fuck up people. He's a human being with feelings and a family, save that shit for the forums.

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I don't understand why someone would make a "Fuck Me, Billie" sign or shout it at a concert. It's just....so embarrassing and wrong.

It's even sadder when it's adults. Grow the fuck up people. He's a human being with feelings and a family

This^ I'm glad I never witnessed it at the shows I've been to.

Do you remember the guy who had a "1 fucking minute" sign at the show in Rome last year? :ermm: wth.
Billie even asked the crew to remove it.

Some people need to discover lucid dreaming for their weird fantasies.

Or they need to discover GDC.
*badum tss*

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Or they need to discover GDC.

*badum tss*

Lucid dreaming is much better, all your senses are alive. :thumbsup:

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Some people need to discover lucid dreaming for their weird fantasies.

What exactly a lucid dreaming ? I'm not sure, is it a dream where you're only half asleep ?

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What exactly a lucid dreaming ? I'm not sure, is it a dream where you're only half asleep ?

No it's a dream where you are conscious and have full clarity and usually, but not always, in control.

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Do you remember the guy who had a "1 fucking minute" sign at the show in Rome last year? :ermm: wth.

Billie even asked the crew to remove it.

Or they need to discover GDC.

*badum tss*

-_- I was there and saw this guy with this sign... he found it funny and made it.... but it was pointless to me..


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-_- I was there and saw this guy with this sign... he found it funny and made it.... but it was pointless to me..


That's not just pointless, it's inconsiderate and tasteless. That guy is a real asshole.

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No it's a dream where you are conscious and have full clarity and usually, but not always, in control.

Oh yeah ok, I see, it happens to me (rarely...), it''s so great to control things...


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Do you remember the guy who had a "1 fucking minute" sign at the show in Rome last year? :ermm: wth.

Billie even asked the crew to remove it.

Oh, that's not cool. Don't understand how that guy could ever find it.. funny .______.

How dyou know BJ asked to remove it ? He said that onstage, like that ?

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My friends made a "We are so proud of you" sign, which I like. :happy:

Speaking of which I found the banner at the Pomona show so lovely... <3 Idiots are the best :happy:

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Speaking of which I found the banner at the Pomona show so lovely... <3 Idiots are the best :happy:

That was the one my friends made!

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