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The Green Day Fangirls' Confessions Thread


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Eek! Rough start to the new year?? Can only go up from there though :-)

ALSO I'm totally fangirling over the thought of Billie Joe and Norah performing at the Grammys. Now, there's no reason to think this will actually happen so don't get excited. But when I heard that Phil Everly died that was one of the first thoughts that popped into my head. It would just be so perfect!! Prob won't happen, but a girl can dream!

Morbid thought but I also thought his death may make a performance more probable.

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Eek! Rough start to the new year?? Can only go up from there though :-)

ALSO I'm totally fangirling over the thought of Billie Joe and Norah performing at the Grammys. Now, there's no reason to think this will actually happen so don't get excited. But when I heard that Phil Everly died that was one of the first thoughts that popped into my head. It would just be so perfect!! Prob won't happen, but a girl can dream!

I don't think so. They should make a memorial or sonething, but I'm certainly not sure about it,even though I would love it.
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Well I have a confession... I already wrote an "ode to Dookie" that I'm going to post on Facebook and Instagram (and on whatever Dookie anniversary thread is on GDC) on the 20th Anniversary. I'm a giant nerd and don't even care :P

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Well I have a confession... I already wrote an "ode to Dookie" that I'm going to post on Facebook and Instagram (and on whatever Dookie anniversary thread is on GDC) on the 20th Anniversary. I'm a giant nerd and don't even care :P

I just submitted two totally vulnerable pieces for the recap zine that make me seem like a completely obsessive Green Day freak, so don't feel bad. :hug:

I'll probably do the same as you on AI's 10th anniversary, since that's my life-changing album.

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I may or may not have had a dream about Tre Cool last night. Seriously! The least sexually attractive member of Green Day, and I have a *cough* dream about him.... my brain hates me :(

I hate days when I find pictures of Tré attractive. I'm just like, what the fuck is wrong with me?! :lol:

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Those are always the worst days it's like "Why God?!"

In other news I accidentally stumbled on Tre's actual facebook (the real one, not the one he uses for fans). I feel like such a fucking stalker.

How does one do this? I never understood how fans found their personal stuff. Probably because I don't go actively seeking it, but, y'know.

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I may or may not have had a dream about Tre Cool last night. Seriously! The least sexually attractive member of Green Day, and I have a *cough* dream about him.... my brain hates me :(

The LEAST sexually attractive? LEAST? What about most? :( No? Anyone? Just me? :(

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If someone's talking shit about them I tend to fan girl really hard and get emotional, so I know how u feel.

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You know how weird Facebooking can be sometimes. It was like a chain reaction, I found one thing and then it led to another and next thing I knew I was on his personal FB page. He needs better privacy settings :P

Obviously I did not friend request him or message him or anything of that sort I just sat there and felt shocked for a few minutes and then moved on with my evening :lol:

Oh, I understand. It's kind of like the process of getting into the weird part of YouTube. You don't even realize how it happened. :P

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My 1937-born-aunt visited us on Tuesday for the Christmas day dinner. And at some point, she mentioned my trip to Locarno and it turned out that, despite I told her so many times why I went there, she had no idea that Green Day was "the name of the band with that cute little Billie guy I liked as a teenager", because "otherwise she wouldn't understand going nearly 1000 km away to see any band".

When I confirmed that to her and said that they were here in Belgrade too and that they played, as I presented it to her, "all of their breakthrough album, for the first time in history", she went gaga over it. She asked me if I filmed at least half of that to have and to keep and she seemed fascinated that I actually did. Then she requested to see all the photos I have taken and the next 30 minutes, it was her fangirling over Billie.

I love it when people have their spirit intact at that age, especially after everything she's been through. :)

I may or may not have had a dream about Tre Cool last night. Seriously! The least sexually attractive member of Green Day, and I have a *cough* dream about him.... my brain hates me :(

If that's of any comfort, out of blue I had a dream where RZA of Wu-Tang Clan held me at a gun point for no specific reason and then he invited my whole family to a hotel which he disguised as his home to impress us. We figured out it was a hotel when the staff made us leave my dog on the balcony and insisted that we need to be done with eating at a specific time.

I mean, bet laly and, apparently tammy_cool would gladly swap. ;)

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Nonono. No hairdyeing, please. :cry: Had enough when I saw a picture of Johnny Depp with blonde hair... :sick: Not another hero of mine with stupid pee-blonde hair...

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That type of blond hair is great! :wub: But I don't like when he doesn't have brown roots...

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Fuck. That's a hot blonde picture.





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Blonde Billie > all other Billies. I agree, the completely bleached look isn't that great but the one he was sporting for the 21CBD tour was just sexy perfection :wub:

Billie =sexy perfection

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Blonde Billie > all other Billies. I agree, the completely bleached look isn't that great but the one he was sporting for the 21CBD tour was just sexy perfection :wub:

THANK YOU! Someone understands the perfect piece of sex that is Blonde Billie.

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Hello my name is Rachel, and I'm a fangirl. My confession? It's been days since I've last listened to Green Day... That's the longest it's been since I saw them in April. And I've been fangirling over another member of another band instead of Billie. I feel dirty. Help!

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I just made a horrible mistake and decided listening to Green Day was actually a good idea now Im emotional and I just want to cry and curl in to a ball and hug Billie Joe for a long time because this band and emotions and yep.

I am snorting and crying and shaking and listening to Brutal Love why do I do this to myself.

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I just made a horrible mistake and decided listening to Green Day was actually a good idea now Im emotional and I just want to cry and curl in to a ball and hug Billie Joe for a long time because this band and emotions and yep.

I am snorting and crying and shaking and listening to Brutal Love why do I do this to myself.

Aww...hope you felt better after letting it all out...

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Four am ramblings.

So I'm sitting here all alone at four in the morning, listening to Green Day, and I'm thinking, how strange is it that I'm wide awake listening to the same songs I've listened to time and again. Usually, it doesn't seem that strange. I listen to the songs like normal and let them take me away to a better place, I never question it. But for some reason today I am. It's so strange that a song I've listened to a thousand and one times can break me down like a piece of cheap plastic in mere seconds.

For example, Boulevard Of Broken Dreams just came on shuffle. An hour ago I was reading fanfiction and not really giving a damn about the world. I was cheerful, in a way. Content with myself and my situation. Right now, I'm all choked up and, honestly, in the mood for a good cry. How could my mood change that drastically just because of a couple songs from a simple band?

Sometimes I really wish I could explain to myself, let alone other people, just how much Green Day means to me. Fuck that, not even explain. I wish I could begin to understand the relationship I have with this band. At this point, I don't just listen to their music. I'm not just enjoying their song. It all goes so much deeper than simply liking a song, finding a tune catchy.

Listening to Holiday, for example, takes me back to every single time I have ever listened to the song. All the emotion I have felt; all the pain and sorrow. Happiness and depression comes rushing instantly back to me. To the point that it's painful to listen to the music I love. It hurts. I know that sounds really stupid, but it hurts me to listen to Green Day. The emotions hurt, the memories hurt, and the love I have for the band hurts more than anything. Because when I listen to Holiday, every time I have listened to Holiday, the love I have for Green Day is clear as day. Although, I don't know it. It's just there; I can't explain it or understand it.

Nothing pisses me off more than people who think it's stupid to be "saved" by a band. I personally can say that a band has saved my life, and changed it. I'm scared to think where I would be today if I hadn't discovered Green Day in my junior high years. Billie's words changed my life. He taught me that I don't have to conform to society, or even my parents. Billie showed me that I can be whoever the fuck I want to be, I can be a minority. That it's ok to be different. Even though he's, what feels like, 2000 light years away, Billie Joe introduced me to a part of me I'd never known. He was the spark for my love of music. So many of my favorite hobbies I never would have discovered if it hadn't been or him. Guitar, drawing, writing, and so many more. Because of him I discovered a community where I've made some friends I never thought I could make. I've met some of the most interesting people in the world thanks to that man.

But, the saddest thing is, he will never know. I'll never be able to tell him all the great things he has done for me. I'll never get to thank him for saving my life. Just by existing, just by pursuing his passion Billie has made my, and countless of other peoples, lives better. And that makes me sadder beyond anything else. When I listen to his music, knowing I'll never be able to tell him all the good he has done for the world. I really love Billie Joe, and I hope he knows he's cared about. Even in the darkest if times. He'll always have his family, his friends, and his idiots.

omg :cry: I feel you.

I missed that thread! Lately I'm not here, idk why... Listening to Kerplunk and feeling that I need to buy an electric guitar and learn to play NOW!

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