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The Green Day Fangirls' Confessions Thread


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I didn't visit the forum since a few days now. So, I read recent posts in this topic and you were talking about pizza. It makes me remembered something related to food I said to my brother last monday. He asked what we were going to eat as dinner. I was supposed to say Sloppy Joe, but my answer was: «We are going to eat Billie Joe». My brother was like «WTF?! What did you say?» I totally looked so stupid! Why did I say Billie instead of the word «Sloppy»? That's the proof I'm thinking too much about him!

This made me laugh out loud!!! :lol:

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I don't know if it's a fangirling thing to do normally, but the first (and only time for now) that I met Billie I block and just looked at him, lol

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Now i can't stop thinking about porn, i'm sorry...

omg :lol: :lol:

FORGET IT :mad: Billie answered the porn movie question with no :P


maybe... just maybe I would like to see such a thing.. haha like Hitchin' A Ride extended version :ninja::eyebrows:

Now I remembered my real confession! :woot: I was joking around with my sister and said that I would like to get Billie's phone somehow - because I could get access to the demo versions of certain songs (I know he has them on his phone). So I was like "I really would like to get the Dreamcatcher demo... just for my personal use, like FAP FAP! :ninja: "

This was hilarious! :lol:

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omg :lol: :lol:

FORGET IT :mad: Billie answered the porn movie question with no :P


maybe... just maybe I would like to see such a thing.. haha like Hitchin' A Ride extended version :ninja::eyebrows:

He really likes to kill my dreams, isn't he? :(

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Ok I just googled it cause apparently I should have known - in Australia a sloppy joe is a comfy jumper - I wouldnt eat that cause I am a vegetarian anyways - sorry for my ignorance.

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I've said on here a few times that I think the Norah Jones/Billie Joe pictures are the best that BJ's ever looked... But then, the more I watch the acceptance video from the EMA's, the more I realize I love the messy mop of hair better :D

Oh, and I guess my confession with this is that I'm still watching the EMA acceptance video lol.

And uhh... I may have cut out the picture of Billie Joe and Norah Jones from Rolling Stone and have that in my office as well. So that brings my BJA pictures to 3, husband pictures remain at 0 :mellow:

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I've said on here a few times that I think the Norah Jones/Billie Joe pictures are the best that BJ's ever looked... But then, the more I watch the acceptance video from the EMA's, the more I realize I love the messy mop of hair better :D

Oh, and I guess my confession with this is that I'm still watching the EMA acceptance video lol.

And uhh... I may have cut out the picture of Billie Joe and Norah Jones from Rolling Stone and have that in my office as well. So that brings my BJA pictures to 3, husband pictures remain at 0 :mellow:

I like the shorter less fuzzy hair myself, but either way......

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I remember when I was 12 I was a walking green day encyclopedia :lol: I went into school and it was tres birthday (he has the same as my granny ha) and excitedly told all my friends and they just looked at me.

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I've said on here a few times that I think the Norah Jones/Billie Joe pictures are the best that BJ's ever looked... But then, the more I watch the acceptance video from the EMA's, the more I realize I love the messy mop of hair better :D

Oh, and I guess my confession with this is that I'm still watching the EMA acceptance video lol.

And uhh... I may have cut out the picture of Billie Joe and Norah Jones from Rolling Stone and have that in my office as well. So that brings my BJA pictures to 3, husband pictures remain at 0 :mellow:

That's okay. I have more pics of Billie and Green day in my house than I do of my family :lol: I guess my thought is I see my family all the time. I rarely see Green Day :P

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Sorry ??

Oh my gosh, I'm just kidding. :lol: Sloppy Joe is my favorite food, so the thought of someone not knowing what it is shocks me.

Jeez, why is everyone on this site so sensitive, seriously. :mellow:

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Oh my gosh, I'm just kidding. :lol: Sloppy Joe is my favorite food, so the thought of someone not knowing what it is shocks me.

Jeez, why is everyone on this site so sensitive, seriously. :mellow:

I've never actually had a sloppy joe haha. Don't hate me!

And as for the sensitive thing, I think it's just because it's so hard to read peoples tones when you aren't actually speaking to someone, you know? It's the same with texting, emailing, etc... I am WAY over sensitive about stuff, which is why I spend most of my time here and not in the "scarier" threads :lol:

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Not with other people, just him.

I would watch it :ninja::shifty:

maybe... just maybe I would like to see such a thing.. haha like Hitchin' A Ride extended version :ninja::eyebrows:

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I just had to search what a sloppy joe is. :P But I want my Billie in one piece, thanks.

Confession: I cried my heart out in the end of JoS in BiaB. OMG that was an awesome song in an awesome show seen in a hard moment...:ninja:

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I'm a little high and I'm geeking out over Green Day somebody come fangirl with me. :wub:

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I'm a little high and I'm geeking out over Green Day somebody come fangirl with me. :wub:

Can I get high with you too.

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Can I get high with you too.


No but really can I talk about those jumps Mike was doing in the American Idiot video? Like, dude is more flexible than me. If I tried to jump like that I'd break my hip, and here this grown-ass 40-year-old male is doing them no problem :lol:

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