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Your ideal Green Day show/playlist

Saint Walshie

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American Idiot

Jesus of Suburbia


At the Library

Brain Stew/Jaded


When I Come Around


Panic Song

Christie Road

Basket Case

Dominated Love Slave

Platypus (I Hate You)

King For a Day

Going To Pasalacqua

The Grouch

One of My Lies


Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)

That would be perfect :D

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Dry Ice

Christie Road

Jesus of Suburbia

Going to Pasalaqua

Basket Case

Westbound Sign

Bab's Uvula Who?

Too Much Too Soon


A little melody of FHT cover's :wink:



I don't wanna know if you are lonely

When I Come Around

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31 songs is like 3 hours, I highly doubt you'd get Green Day on stage for that long for the amount of money they charge especially if it's like AI prices those tickets were such a rip off you got like 90 minutes of GD for 130 bucks plus 2 other bands who are probably crap, They pretty much like to rip the fans off at times, especially over here.

I liked how Carnival of Sins was 100 bucks you got Motorhead as a support act then some shit aussie band and then 2 and a half hours of Crue with a 24 song set list plus solo's

The day Green Day play 18 or so plus will be the day.

Their average amount of songs is 20 and in Warfield they played more and they didnt care

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31 songs is like 3 hours, I highly doubt you'd get Green Day on stage for that long for the amount of money they charge especially if it's like AI prices those tickets were such a rip off you got like 90 minutes of GD for 130 bucks plus 2 other bands who are probably crap, They pretty much like to rip the fans off at times, especially over here.

I liked how Carnival of Sins was 100 bucks you got Motorhead as a support act then some shit aussie band and then 2 and a half hours of Crue with a 24 song set list plus solo's

The day Green Day play 18 or so plus will be the day.

:rolleyes: I don't think the point of this thread is to be realistic! It just an ideal, dream list, for fun.

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It's way too long but it's my imaginary concert so beat it.

1. Welcome To Paradise

2. Brain Stew/ Jaded


4. I Fought The Law (I know it's from The Clash, but I like GD's cover)

5. The Grouch

6. Who Wrote Holden Caulfied?

7. Supermodel Robots

8. Reto

9. Right Hand-a-Rama (fade out to.....

10. She's Not A Saint She's A Celebrity

11. 27th Ave Shuffle

12. Ruby Room

13. The Pedestrian

14. Warning

15. Blood, Sex, and Booze

16. 2000 Light Years Away

17. King For A Day

18. Letterbomb

19. Longview

20. When I Come Around

21. Wake Me Up When September Ends


1. American Idiot (It's kind of a must)

2. Mother Mary

3. Minority

4. Basket Case

5. Walking Contradiction

6. Hitchin' A Ride

7. Holiday

8. Homecoming

9. Pieces Of Truth

10. Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)

Still there's many more I'd like to hear, and this one is also thought to be a concert for not only me but good fans so I put many of their hits, though I would have preferred other songs.

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probably the new album

then, oh hell i'll let them pick a couple old songs.

and i will get to see this when they start touring again. sweet.

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Guest TwoDollarMellie

1. Welcome To Paradise

2. Jesus of Suburbia (it isn't a GD gig without this song)

3. All The Time

4. One of My Lies

5. Mother Mary

6. Billie Joe's Mom or All By Myself

7. Reto or Right Hand-o-Rama

8. St. Jimmy

9. No One Knows or Christie Road

10. Pieces of Truth

11. Hitchin' A Ride

12. Supermodel Robots

13. Highway 1

14. Too Much Too Soon

15. Basket Case

16. Longview

17. Ha Ha You're Dead

18. Big Yellow Taxi

19. King For A Day fading into...

20. Ruby Room

21. Macy's Day Parade or Deadbeat Holiday

22. The Grouch or Worry Rock

23. Letterbomb

24. Homecoming

25. J.A.R.

26. Wake Me Up When September Ends

27. Paper Lanterns

28. Nice Guys Finish Last

29. 86

30. Redundant

31. Alison

32. Stop, Drop, and Roll

33. Sally

34. I Fought The Law

35. Knowledge

36. Broadway

37. Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)

Oh yeah, and of course, all the songs of the new album.

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I'd like to have greendaypalooza.

Where they play every song they've ever made in like, 2, maybe 3 days.

Yeah... :cool: Even unreleased songs.

1. Welcome To Paradise

2. Jesus of Suburbia (it isn't a GD gig without this song)

3. All The Time

4. One of My Lies

5. Mother Mary

6. Billie Joe's Mom or All By Myself

7. Reto or Right Hand-o-Rama

8. St. Jimmy

9. No One Knows or Christie Road

10. Pieces of Truth

11. Hitchin' A Ride

12. Supermodel Robots

13. Highway 1

14. Too Much Too Soon

15. Basket Case

16. Longview

17. Ha Ha You're Dead

18. Big Yellow Taxi

19. King For A Day fading into...

20. Ruby Room

21. Macy's Day Parade or Deadbeat Holiday

22. The Grouch or Worry Rock

23. Letterbomb

24. Homecoming

25. J.A.R.

26. Wake Me Up When September Ends

27. Paper Lanterns

28. Nice Guys Finish Last

29. 86

30. Redundant

31. Alison

32. Stop, Drop, and Roll

33. Sally

34. I Fought The Law

35. Knowledge

36. Broadway

37. Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)

Oh yeah, and of course, all the songs of the new album.

And if they didn't do a show playing all of them... Then you win.

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It'd be a FHT gig.

It's way too long but it's my imaginary concert so beat it.

1. Welcome To Paradise

2. Brain Stew/ Jaded


4. I Fought The Law (I know it's from The Clash, but I like GD's cover)

5. The Grouch

6. Who Wrote Holden Caulfied?

7. Supermodel Robots

8. Reto

9. Right Hand-a-Rama (fade out to.....

10. She's Not A Saint She's A Celebrity

11. 27th Ave Shuffle

12. Ruby Room

13. The Pedestrian

14. Warning

15. Blood, Sex, and Booze

16. 2000 Light Years Away

17. King For A Day

18. Letterbomb

19. Longview

20. When I Come Around

21. Wake Me Up When September Ends


1. American Idiot (It's kind of a must)

2. Mother Mary

3. Minority

4. Basket Case

5. Walking Contradiction

6. Hitchin' A Ride

7. Holiday

8. Homecoming

9. Pieces Of Truth

10. Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)

Still there's many more I'd like to hear, and this one is also thought to be a concert for not only me but good fans so I put many of their hits, though I would have preferred other songs.

That'd be an enjoyable show.

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Guest billy024

opening band would be, the foo fighters or anti-flag.

then green day would come on.

la, all that stuff.

mess around

1. Letterbomb

2. Welcome to Paradise

3. Platypus

4. St. Jimmy

5. She

6. Words I might have ate

7. FOD * all by myself included

8. cover song

9. Longview

10. Minority

11. Going to Pasalacqua

12. Brain Stew

13. Jaded

14. When I Come Around

15. Uptight

messing around with the audience

16. Desensitized

17. Basketcase

18. 86

19. Maria

20. No One Knows

21. Christie Road

22. Armatage Shanks

23. Waiting

24. Pokerocks and Coke

25. Homecoming

26. Good Riddance.

27. JOS encore.

it's not perfect.

but it's good enough.

i'm sure if i had an hour i'd make the perfect one.

i know it's not going to happen.

Green Day doesn't do encores, it's a known fact.

too many people like songs i don't like.

and because too many people like alot of the singles off of american idiot, this setlist would never happen.

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1. Paper Lanterns

2. American Idiot

3. Jesus Of Suburbia

4. Welcome To Paradise

5. Nice Guy Finish Last

6. Armatage Shanks

7. Going To Pasalacqua

8. At The Library

9. 2000 Light Years Away

10. Basket Case

11. Holiday

12. 86

13. Minority

14. Macy's Day Parade

15. Waiting

16. Don't Wanna Know If You're Lonely (Husker Du cover)

17. Redundant

18. She

19. Walking Contradiction

20. Geek Stink Breath

21. Brain Stew/Jaded

22. Chump/Longview

23. FOD/All By Myself

24. Christie Road

25. Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

26. Letterbomb

27. I Fought The Law

28. Life During Wartime (PHGP)

29. Whatsername

30. Good Riddance.


Mother Mary (FHT)

Cabot Gal (Well they would have Jason White with them)

Sweet Children

Green Day

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1. Paper Lanterns

2. American Idiot

3. Jesus Of Suburbia

4. Welcome To Paradise

5. Nice Guy Finish Last

6. Armatage Shanks

7. Going To Pasalacqua

8. At The Library

9. 2000 Light Years Away

10. Basket Case

11. Holiday

12. 86

13. Minority

14. Macy's Day Parade

15. Waiting

16. Don't Wanna Know If You're Lonely (Husker Du cover)

17. Redundant

18. She

19. Walking Contradiction

20. Geek Stink Breath

21. Brain Stew/Jaded

22. Chump/Longview

23. FOD/All By Myself

24. Christie Road

25. Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

26. Letterbomb

27. I Fought The Law

28. Life During Wartime (PHGP)

29. Whatsername

30. Good Riddance.


Mother Mary (FHT)

Cabot Gal (Well they would have Jason White with them)

Sweet Children

Green Day


OMG! Paper Lanterns and At the Library!! I would kill to see those songs live!!! I love your list but I would include Panic song too :D

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american idiot

jesus of suburbia

are we the waiting

st jimmy

basket case

give me novacaine


good riddence

wake me up when september ends


king for a day

nice guys finish last

going to paslaqua


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In no reeeeally particular order, cause I ain't got time to get that in depth...

1-At the Library (that's the 1st on 1039 and my fave off that album, and it would rock to hear them open up a show w/ that guitar, and that little yell. I'd wet myself.)

2-Jesus of Suburbia

3-Armatage Shanks

4-Blvd. of Broken Dreams

5-Christie Road

6-Panic Song (LOUD! wake us the fuck up)

7-Hitchin' a Ride

8-Knowledge (That was probably my favorite part of the concert, he was awesome to this kid who got up there and froze lol poor kid, but he walked off the stage w/ Billie Joe's guitar!)

9-Give Me Novacaine

10-Church on Sunday


12-Prosthetic Head

13-When I come Around

14-Platypus (I Hate You)




Oh, and Tre's gotta have a big drum solo somewhere in all that.... yes.


18-I want them to do a fucking cover of Rock This Town/Stray Cats... DAMN IT!

19-Castaway (I think I'd wet myself. Again.)

20-Mother Mary (by a little band called the Foxboro Hot Tubs....)


I think that's a good way to end it... though that's probably not enough songs... hell, it's never enough songs.

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[aww.... i just love kerplunk and 39 smooth ... hopefully they will play more stuff from early days on next tour... =/]

Paper Lanterns

I Want To Be Alone

2,000 Light Years Away

One for the Razorbacks

One of My Lies

Who Wrote Holden Coulfield

Sassafras Roots

Emenius Sleepus

F.O.D.-All By Myself

Stuart and the Ave

Walking Contradiction

Stuck With Me

Nice Guys Finish Last

Hitchin' a Ride


King for a Day

Good Riddance

Prosthetic Head

Blood Sex and Booze



Macy's Day Parade

Poprocks & Coke


On the Wagon

Ha Ha You're Dead

Give Me Novacaine

She's a Rebel



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Yeah, me, too. Other than the Knowledge break thingie they did at the concert I went to in '05, they did 2,000 Light Years Away as an encore song. Other than that, they didn't do any really old stuff. It was awesome! I fell in love w/ that song all over again. I would LOVE to hear At the Library and One For the Razorbacks live... Add One For the Razorbacks to my list! :) I forgot that one...

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I'd want to hear the whole of 1,039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours, Kerplunk! and Insomniac.

Some songs I want to hear in particular are:

1 I Was There

2. Tight Wad Hill

3. Fashion Victim

4. Nice Guys Finish Last

5. Road To Acceptance

6. Suffocate

7. Best Thing In Town

But I don't want to hear any Foxboro Hot Tubs.....it's a Green Day gig, so FHT are irrelevant at this stage.

My IDEAL concert would involve Green Day playing an entire set and then suddenly Less Than Jake take over shortly after for their own full set...ahhh, pure bliss.

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OK, first, support bands would just so happen to be The Network and Foxboro Hot Tubs, each playing their albums in full.

On with the show

1 Going To Pasalacqua

2 The Grouch

3 2000 Light Years Away

4 Christie Road

5 Pulling Teeth :wub:

6 St. Jimmy

7 Blood Sex And Booze

8 Armatage Shanks

9 Hitchin A Ride (:eyebrows: I wonder why?)

10 Misery

11 All By Myself

12 Road To Acceptance

13 Having A Blast

14 Platypus

15 Knowledge (I will magically be able to play guitar at this point)

16 Letterbomb

17 Redundant

18 Sassafras Roots

19 Coming Clean

20 King For A Day (with the full works of course)

21 Walking Contradiction

22 Words I Might Have Ate

23 Homecoming

24 Paper Lanterns (must last 10 minutes and contain random mischievous acts :D)

25 Good Riddance (only song that should EVER be allowed to end a Green Day concert)

Mmmmmmm hmmmmmmm, it's goood

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For me it would be:

1- Maria

2-Bood, Sex and Booze.

3-The Grouch

4- Ha Ha Your Dead

5- Scumbag

6- Burnout


8- Basket Case


10-Christie Road

11-Brain Stew/ Jaded

12- Walking Contradiction.

13- Hitchin' A Ride

14- Castway

15- Waiting

16- Reject

17- Scattered

18- King For A Day


20- Nice Guys Finish Last


21- Going To Pasalaqua

22- Disappearing Boy

23- Who Wrote Holden Caulfield?

24- 409 In Your Coffemaker

25- Prosthetic Head

I've probably missed loads of my favourites but that would be a great show.

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That'd be an enjoyable show.

Thanks, I'd still miss Christie Road and many more from Warning, but as I said it would be a concert for everyone

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I'd like to have greendaypalooza.

Where they play every song they've ever made in like, 2, maybe 3 days.

That would be the best idea ever.!!! but Sadly I dont think It'll ever happen :(

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  • 1 month later...

Another long one so here goes-

1.Americn Idiot

2.Jesus of Suburbia



5.Brain Stew


7.King for a Day

8.Mother Mary


10.I wanna Be On TV


12.Ruby Room

13.Disappearing Boy

14.Supermodle Robots

15.Dry Ice

16.Welcome to Paradise



19.Hitchin' a ride

20.The Grouch


22.Platypus(I hate you)

23.Time of your life

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I would like the song Holiday! :cool:

It's my favorite... :)

But I like also the Boulevard of Broken Dreams which is really a great song! :thumbsup:

I want to mention Jesus of Suburbia, American idiot and Homecoming.

You may notticed that I've said songs which are included in the last album of Green Day "American idiot"...


American idiot is my favorite album :D

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1. American Idiot

2. JOS

3. Holiday

4. Longview *starts right after the final note Holiday is played*

5. Welcome to Paradise

6. Are We The Waiting

7. St. Jimmy

8. Private Ale

9. 80

10. J.A.R.

11. Too Much Too Soon

12. Favorite Son

13. I Fought The Law

14. Brain Stew

15. Jaded

16. Knowledge

17. Basket Case

18. Having a Blast

19. King For a Day/Shout

20. Give Me Novacaine

21. Letterbomb

22. Wake Me Up When September Ends

23. Boulevard of Broken Dreams

24. Homecoming

25. Whatsername


26. All By Myself

27. Dominated Love Slave

28. Like A Rat Does Cheese

29. D.U.I

30. F.O.D

31. My Generation

32. Good Riddence

long ass concert but its worth it :)

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