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Would you like to be kissed by BJ in a Concert?


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I would definitely kiss Billie on stage, or rather, let him kiss me. If I ever got on stage I'd be so excited I wouldn't even think of initiating it (I probably wouldn't even if I did think of it). But yeah. He could do anything he wanted...

And just to add to the previous discussion, if Billie Joe was a normal guy that passed by me on the street, he'd still get a second glance from me. Famous or not, he's still a really good looking man imo.

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One of the things that I love about Billie is that he seems to be an indiscriminate kisser. Guy, girl, fat, skinny, young, old...you get the gist...he kisses anybody. It's a beautiful thing imo. The best part is the look on the persons face afterwards...Priceless.

Yes, that´s s a thing I like about him. Everybody´s got a chance. Or maybe he´s extremely shortsighted... :ninja:

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Yes, we wouldn´t find him attractive if he wasn´t famous, I guess. That´s just my point. If he was the same person, working as a baker or farmer or plumber, even if I found him attractive - would I scream and yell and ask for pictures or tell people I just bought bread and meat out of his hands or the cute plumber just repaired my sink...? Probably not, because the whole surroundings and circumstances would be missing. As I said, it´s a funny game. I like glory and glamour and exhibitonism and him being a stage hog. I like the crowd going crazy, just because he has the power to move us like puppets on a string. I like it when he is fooling around, hyperactive like a rabbit on speed. I like him just making fun. :dance:

And know what? My experience is, that little men are often the sexiest... :wub:

Oh, don't worry, I play the game too. It's entertaining. I can't wait to see how I react the first time seeing him live. I probably won't be able to talk for like a week. :ninja:

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Oh, don't worry, I play the game too. It's entertaining. I can't wait to see how I react the first time seeing him live. I probably won't be able to talk for like a week. :ninja:

Yes, it´s really a very funny game, just a big party. It´s a show. No more, no less. I enjoyed it so much in Berlin last year. Everybody was having a good time. Don´t know and don´t care what they do or how they are before or after a show. As long as they are able to throw a perfect party it´s okay with me. The rest is up to them.

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When I first saw this thread I was thinking "duh!" but it's matured into quite a profound discussion.

I would absolutely kiss Beej at a concert, given the opportunity. Well, I would want to, but who knows if I actually would because if I got onstage with Green Day I'd be too busy trying not to vomit from excitement.

About the fame thing: I agree with Hermione (I believe it was Hermione?) that people find him attractive because he is a charismatic, talented, sexy musician who knows damn well how to please a crowd. I will also say, though, that if I knew high-school age Billie while I was in high school, I wouldn't give him a second glance. But now that he's older I feel like he's become much more mature in his music and demeanor than he was even in his 20s and 30s but not in a stuffy way, and Lordy he is good-looking. I find musicians who aren't famous attractive usually, and I feel if Billie wasn't a famous musician he'd still play music. Fame just gives us great exposure to him, but any time I daydream about Green Day, I'm with them in a personal intimate setting, just hanging out, being their friend.

And this isn't my business much, but being 26 and never having been kissed is not a problem. Feeling like there's a certain age where you have to finally be kissed is a little silly to me. But if Billie Joe was my first kiss I probably would never kiss anyone else. Kidding, but you know what I mean.

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It is fame that gives people the confidence to behave provocatively and it is fame convinces the public that the actions of the celebrity in question are acceptable.

But sure even Larry L ccommented on the first time he saw GD playing and wanted to sign them- it was in someone's sitting room without electricity up in the woods, right? And there was only about 6 or 7 people watching them....yet Billie still acted as if he was playing in front of a massive crowd. He has always had that charisma about him - the fame just made people more aware of it.

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Yes, why not?

Oh and not all the girls would go crazy.. I would go crazy to meet them and talk to them.i don't really care to kiss BJ.

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But sure even Larry L ccommented on the first time he saw GD playing and wanted to sign them- it was in someone's sitting room without electricity up in the woods, right? And there was only about 6 or 7 people watching them....yet Billie still acted as if he was playing in front of a massive crowd. He has always had that charisma about him - the fame just made people more aware of it.

It's like the chicken or the egg scenario. Is he a natural perfomer whose personality made him famous, or did the confidence to perform come from fame and millions of adoring fans? In retrospect, there's truth and evidence for both points of view.

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C´mon. No one would even care if Mike was a farmer and BJ a simple plumber in the neighbourhood... It´s fame and celebrity that makes them sexy... for the fans...

I disagree. I genuinely find Billie Joe attractive. Tre and Mike are also famous and awesome but I don't find them physically attractive (though a lot of people tend to disagree with me).

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C´mon. No one would even care if Mike was a farmer and BJ a simple plumber in the neighbourhood... It´s fame and celebrity that makes them sexy... for the fans...

Disagreeing too. They're just handsome.

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It's like the chicken or the egg scenario. Is he a natural perfomer whose personality made him famous, or did the confidence to perform come from fame and millions of adoring fans? In retrospect, there's truth and evidence for both points of view.

If you watch any videos of performances from before he was famous it's clear to see he already had the natural confidence to perform and shone with charisma. The way I see it he was born with charisma that made him famous, and then that fame encouraged that charisma to grow and allowed it to be seen by millions of people. The two help perpetuate each other, but I think he had to have it in the first place to start the ball rolling.

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I disagree. I genuinely find Billie Joe attractive. Tre and Mike are also famous and awesome but I don't find them physically attractive (though a lot of people tend to disagree with me).

Yes, I find him attractive, too, when he´s on stage. It´s the bundle of entertainment, fun and sexiness.

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All I can picture now is Billie dressed as a baker. I'd probably kiss him even if he was a baker. He looks good in my mind.

I totally agree. I find him gorgeous.

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yes i would liked to be kissed by billie joe armstrong he's my idol even if he's a baker or a plumber i will still kiss him

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Aaaand if I could be her friend, I will have enough, really. He seems a very nice and awesome person.

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I would be hella down for kissing one of my biggest idols. I would probably even slip him some tongue just for the hell of it.

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yes i would liked to be kissed by billie joe armstrong he's my idol even if he's a baker or a plumber i will still kiss him

I agree very much with your post, but could you stick to the default font and text size in future please? The different font/size/colour settings are there for signatures and your profile, posts should just be the default settings. Having a read of the Forum Guidelines would be a good idea to give you an introduction to how the forum works :). Welcome to GDC by the way! Hope you enjoy it here.
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I like how this conversation makes it sound like normally people consider bakers and plumbers to be unkissable.

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Yes of course! Even if I had a boyfriend, I think.. :D

I have a boyfriend and a son together, and I would kiss him. :wub:

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OF COURSE!! I mean i would be so fucking dumb if i DON'T!!!!!!

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OF COURSE!! I mean i would be so fucking dumb if i DON'T!!!!!!

HAHA EXACTLY!! :dance:

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I like how this conversation makes it sound like normally people consider bakers and plumbers to be unkissable.

I think you got something wrong... ;)

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