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Unpopular Green Day Opinions


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i've never bothered to find out anything about the musical like its entire existence is just void

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i dont care about the musical at all, is that an unpopular opinion? today when i listened to favorite son trying to find out the words was the first time i ever heard a song from it :lol:

I think the opinion is pretty much divided. I've seen many people hating it and many loving it!

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yeah, same. initially (april 2009, remember!) I was like ERRMAGHERRD MUST SEE

and then they're like, coming to a theatre near you december 2012! don't have time for that sorry

I liked Favourite Son more when I thought it said "It's pretty bloody sad". As much as I still like to kid myself that it's that, I think the sad reality is it actually just says "It's pretty but it's sad"

oh :o

that's pretty bloody sad

1. Only ever listened to the whole of insomniac once. There are a couple of great songs on there but otherwise it's... Well, meh...
2. Couldn't care less whether green day are punk or not or if they are sell outs (and people who have endless arguments on YouTube about it annoy me :P)
3. Dos is about Billie's affair with Lady cobra, big time

have an affair and cover it up by writing a whole album about it. totes.

Hahaha and in Strangeland, and in Bab's Uvula Who?






bab's uvula:


my temper flies and I get myself awounduh


I lose control and I get myself awounduh

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First time poster with actual unpopular opinions. Don't kill me.

Wants to take away our right of owning guns.

I think it would be great if that actually happened. Just sayin'...

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i genuinely don't understand how people can't understand bab's uvula who? like dude it's so easy to hear what he's saying idk man idk

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i genuinely don't understand how people can't understand bab's uvula who? like dude it's so easy to hear what he's saying idk man idk

For me it's never easy to understand what Billie says when singing fast :lol:

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I think it would be great if that actually happened. Just sayin'...

I think a lot of people on here would agree.

Best not to have a gun discussion in this thread though, there's the Talk About Guns Here thread for that if anyone wants to :)

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For me it's never easy to understand what Billie says when singing fast :lol:

yeah but i guess that english is your second language? haha that's completely understandable. billie does have a strange accent when he sings as well.

i think bab's uvula was one of the first green day songs i heard anyway, back in the day when i was nine and technologically incapable, so i literally listened to that song and a few others on repeat for months on end...

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yeah but i guess that english is your second language? haha that's completely understandable. billie does have a strange accent when he sings as well.

i think bab's uvula was one of the first green day songs i heard anyway, back in the day when i was nine and technologically incapable, so i literally listened to that song and a few others on repeat for months on end...

That is correct, yeah, Billie just likes to eat words :lol: But I love that!

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i genuinely don't understand how people can't understand bab's uvula who? like dude it's so easy to hear what he's saying idk man idk

You can hear ALL of it? Even the totally mumbled choruses (which aren't printed in the lyric book)? :o

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That is correct, yeah, Billie just likes to eat words :lol: But I love that!

it's definitely unique haha but it can be a giant pain in the ass :P a lot of the time i had to listen to live versions of songs so i could hear the audience singing because i just couldn't understand billie hahaha

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Bab's Uvula Who is impossible to understand to me. No idea about natives.

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Here's one:

The best three songs on Nimrod are Jinx, Haushinka, and Walking Alone.

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I can't understand it for shit & English is my first language. Billie has this way of singing that makes everything sound like a made up language.

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it's definitely unique haha but it can be a giant pain in the ass :P a lot of the time i had to listen to live versions of songs so i could hear the audience singing because i just couldn't understand billie hahaha

'Just tell me the words I might have ate, the words I might have ate, the words I might have aaaaateee'

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You can hear ALL of it? Even the totally mumbled choruses (which aren't printed in the lyric book)? :o

i never really pay much attention to the choruses cause i just kinda figured that even billie can't understand himself :P i've got the rest of it down though, i could recite it if you asked me to haha. it's one of my favourite songs.

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I can't understand it for shit & English is my first language. Billie has this way of singing that makes everything sound like a made up language.

Lmfao, I know right? Just listen to most of Insomniac. Particularly Armatage Shanks and Bab's Uvula Who? :lol:

I mean seriously, it literally took me years to figure out he was saying "I must insist on being a pessimist"

And on Bab's Uvula Who?, it's like he's saying "aosnfsjkadnrfatre rafasdjfnasdfm FUCKING EVERYTHING UP" lol

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i never really pay much attention to the choruses cause i just kinda figured that even billie can't understand himself :P i've got the rest of it down though, i could recite it if you asked me to haha. it's one of my favourite songs.

Ahh so the chorus remains a mystery (probably to Billie as well like you said :lol:). I know the rest but I don't think I would if I hadn't read them, you must have good hearing!

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And on Bab's Uvula Who?, it's like he's saying "aosnfsjkadnrfatre rafasdjfnasdfm FUCKING EVERYTHING UP" lol

"I've got a knack for fucking everything up" :P

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Ahh so the chorus remains a mystery (probably to Billie as well like you said :lol:). I know the rest but I don't think I would if I hadn't read them, you must have good hearing!

apparently so. fun story, semi related; when i was a kid my mum took me to get my hearing tested like four times cause she thought i couldn't hear anything properly, as i never did as i was told. turns out my hearing is fine, i was just a disobedient child :P

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Yes, because clearly majority is always right and the mass/media opinion is the right opinion.

Supporting a guy for his progressive, liberal social beliefs is better than blindly supporting a Rep/Dem candidate. A vast support from the punk community would have been guaranteed for Johnson if punk bands would have openly supported him.

But wait, why bother voting for a guy who only got just over 1 million votes when you can vote for ABC's/FOX's candidates!

I'm not sure you realize how the government or punk rock politics work.

Government: Go Republican/Democrat or go home. They are the majority. One of those two parties is guaranteed to win. Other smaller parties usually garner about 1 to 2% of the entire vote. Which, in case you haven't noticed, isn't enough to elect a president.

Punk rock politics: Punks are too stubborn to change their political views based on what a band says. They find bands that share their views. They might listen to bands with different views, but they're sure as hell not going to change their opinion because of a Twitter message saying "Hey, vote for the Green Party!"

In addition, the punk rock community is too small to make a massive change in the political world by voting. Punk rock is not the majority. The punks I know here in Tennessee that did actually vote, voted for a party other than Republicans or Democrats. Yet, still, that party got around 0.8% of the vote in Knoxville, where I live, even though everyone in the entire punk community in this town voted for that same party.

Also, many punks have very anarchistic ideals (as do I), meaning they might not vote for anyone at all because they hate how the system works. On top of that, Green Day hasn't made punk music since 1995, except for one or two songs they released on Nimrod in '97.

Anyway, I'm not trying to turn this into a political debate. Just sharing my views. Take them as you may.

Unpopular opinion: 1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours is one of my favorite Green Day "albums" even though it has poor production quality and isn't very deep lyrically or musically. BJ's solos on that record are great though. I prefer them over most of his trilogy solos.

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It's very somple the party that win is the one who has more money than the other party... deal with it...

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