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Unpopular Green Day Opinions


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Because it was Obama or this guy.


No. Supporting a libertarian candidate like Johnson, hell a green in Stein would have been a great statement.

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It has never even occured to me that the lyric isn't "it's pretty bloody sad" until I read your post, I've been wrong for years! I liked it better that way but at least I know the true lyrics now :lol:

wait, it doesnt say pretty bloody sad? oh my god. my whole life is a lie.

lmao I thought it was that too.

I'm pretty sure I read the lyrics somewhere and saw the right version but didn't care.

I know! It never occurred to me that it wasn't that either until some absolute bastard mentioned it on here once :P. And then I listened carefully and I think they're right. However....

I think Favorite Son say both "It's pretty bloody sad" and "It's pretty but it's sad" on two different parts.

I cling on to the hope that this is true :lol:. If it's possible that it's being said once I'm happy.

It has to be 'pretty but it's sad'. I don't think Americans use the word 'bloody' in that context :P

True. He'd still know of the word in that context though, I always thought it was a nice little nod to British slang. A great shame if it isn't!

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No. Supporting a libertarian candidate like Johnson, hell a green in Stein would have been a great statement.

But also a pointless statement.

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No. Supporting a libertarian candidate like Johnson, hell a green in Stein would have been a great statement.

Yep, because supporting a guy who got 1% of the vote is helpful.

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I don't think Green Day has had a good album since American Idiot, I can't stand 21st Century Breakdown or the Trilogy because of how overproduced they are. I mean Billie does harmonies with himself now, that makes me sick its one of my biggest musical pet peeves as well harmonizing with yourself. Also I think Billie has been the biggest douche to his band since around 2007 he let the stardom get to his head and he thinks its all about him and never gives up a chance to steal the bands spotlight in a live performance. I'm sorry I got into a little rant.

Billie actually doesn't do all of the harmonies himself. On the Trilogy there are quite a few songs with Mike or Mike and Billie doing the backing vocals, they're just being compressed so much that the note blends completely with Billie's voice. Same deal on 21st Century Breakdown.

and HA. Libertarianism. :lol:

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my whole gdc existence is being called into question right now. i feel like a fraud. the only reason i even have this username is because I ALWAYS LOVED THAT SONG BECAUSE IT SAID PRETTY BLOODY SAD AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO HANDLE THE FACT THAT IT MIGHT NOT EVEN SAY THAT.

in the ai musical version, it sounds like "pretty but it's sad" but i swear to god in green day's version it definitely sounds like pretty bloody sad???? it has to be. it just has to be.

IT MIGHT SAY IT! I think it sounds more like bloody sad the second time. And I think Billie sings that song in an extra Englishy way compared to usual (more pro-bloody evidence). Let's just keep thinking he's saying it at least one of the times :D

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Ye all thought/think its "pretty bloody sad" ? :lol:

I have only ever heard "pretty but its sad" !

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Yep, because supporting a guy who got 1% of the vote is helpful.

Yes, because clearly majority is always right and the mass/media opinion is the right opinion.

Supporting a guy for his progressive, liberal social beliefs is better than blindly supporting a Rep/Dem candidate. A vast support from the punk community would have been guaranteed for Johnson if punk bands would have openly supported him.

But wait, why bother voting for a guy who only got just over 1 million votes when you can vote for ABC's/FOX's candidates!

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I just want to repeat myself, because I feel it's necessary to do the record in question justice every time someone slams it: 21st Century Breakdown is the shit. It's awesome. It's wonderful. It's absolutely tremendous. It's makes me wanna jump around and scream and go fucking wild.

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my whole gdc existence is being called into question right now. i feel like a fraud. the only reason i even have this username is because I ALWAYS LOVED THAT SONG BECAUSE IT SAID PRETTY BLOODY SAD AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO HANDLE THE FACT THAT IT MIGHT NOT EVEN SAY THAT.

in the ai musical version, it sounds like "pretty but it's sad" but i swear to god in green day's version it definitely sounds like pretty bloody sad???? it has to be. it just has to be.

IT MIGHT SAY IT! I think it sounds more like bloody sad the second time. And I think Billie sings that song in an extra Englishy way compared to usual (more pro-bloody evidence). Let's just keep thinking he's saying it at least one of the times :D

Billie oversaw the recording and performance of the AI cast. Surely he would have stepped in if they were getting the lyrics to his song wrong? :P Never mind me being a spoilsport.

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1. Only ever listened to the whole of insomniac once. There are a couple of great songs on there but otherwise it's... Well, meh...

2. Couldn't care less whether green day are punk or not or if they are sell outs (and people who have endless arguments on YouTube about it annoy me :P)

3. Dos is about Billie's affair with Lady cobra, big time

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I just want to repeat myself, because I feel it's necessary to do the record in question justice every time someone slams it: 21st Century Breakdown is the shit. It's awesome. It's wonderful. It's absolutely tremendous. It's makes me wanna jump around and scream and go fucking wild.

I used to really dislike 21stCBD, really disappointed by it so after I bought it & listened to it maybe 4 times, I put it away & never listened to it again. After reading your praises of it, I gave it a listen a couple hours ago and oh my god why did I think it was shit I was so wrong so very wrong. Same goes for 1039/Smooth Out Slappy Hours. I just, how did I dislike them?! They're fucking amazing albums. Not favourites by any chance, but at least I think they're good now. :lol:

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Yes, because clearly majority is always right and the mass/media opinion is the right opinion.

Supporting a guy for his progressive, liberal social beliefs is better than blindly supporting a Rep/Dem candidate. A vast support from the punk community would have been guaranteed for Johnson if punk bands would have openly supported him.

But wait, why bother voting for a guy who only got just over 1 million votes when you can vote for ABC's/FOX's candidates!

This is kinda getting off topic, but anyhoo.

The majority being right is kinda what you get when you sign up for democracy, there's no way around it. And why listen to what a 40 year old multi-millionaire has to say about politics? He's a one percenter, his politics are no different from the execs over at ABC or FOX. Get a grip.

There's a lot of sense in not voting for a guy who stands no chance. At least if you vote for Obama your vote will count, rather than being wasted on a no hoper.

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No, its "pretty but its sad" definitely, I'm listening to it and cannot hear "bloody" at all :lol:

The lyric video I have here says "bloody" the first time and "pretty but" the second time though.

I haven't listened to this song in ages, glad I came into this thread now :D

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Ye all thought/think its "pretty bloody sad" ? :lol:

I have only ever heard "pretty but its sad" !

hahah me too xD

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well, at least now i know what to say to billie if i ever meet him. "HEY, WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT SAY IN FAVORITE SON?!?!"

Hahaha and in Strangeland, and in Bab's Uvula Who?

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He started it :mad:

Okay :mad:

alright uh green day opinions uh billie joe's voice isn't as good as it used to be ?? ?

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I used to really dislike 21stCBD, really disappointed by it so after I bought it & listened to it maybe 4 times, I put it away & never listened to it again. After reading your praises of it, I gave it a listen a couple hours ago and oh my god why did I think it was shit I was so wrong so very wrong. Same goes for 1039/Smooth Out Slappy Hours. I just, how did I dislike them?! They're fucking amazing albums. Not favourites by any chance, but at least I think they're good now. :lol:

Aww, really? I'm glad I 'converted' you :P I just hope this dogma pays off and convinces other people to give Breakdown another chance.

Also, although there are a handful of good songs on shenanigans (ie I wanna be on TV, You Lied, Ha ha you're dead and Espionage) as whole it doesn't really stand up and I can see why over half of the tracks were left as B-sides. No, it isn't better than any actual studio album they've released.

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I prefer the Broadway version of Favorite Son to Green Day's version :ninja:

me too, in a way :shy:

And also 21 Guns, Last of the American Girls/She's a Rebel, Too Much Too Soon... I really love the musical songs. But I enjoy listening to the GD versions more often than the musical ones.

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me too, in a way :shy:

And also 21 Guns, Last of the American Girls/She's a Rebel, Too Much Too Soon... I really love the musical songs. But I enjoy listening to the GD versions more often than the musical ones.

Oh I prefer the Broadway version of "Too Much Too Soon" as well.

Also, while I love the studio version of "Last Night On Earth", I think the harmony involving everybody on the musical soundtrack makes the song a lot better.

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This is kinda getting off topic, but anyhoo.

The majority being right is kinda what you get when you sign up for democracy, there's no way around it. And why listen to what a 40 year old multi-millionaire has to say about politics? He's a one percenter, his politics are no different from the execs over at ABC or FOX. Get a grip.

There's a lot of sense in not voting for a guy who stands no chance. At least if you vote for Obama your vote will count, rather than being wasted on a no hoper.

Bleh last post regarding politics from me, this is off topic. I'll shut up after this.

Please PM me execs of ABC/Fox that are pro Free Market, anti- war and pro social liberties at the same time. He's also a one percenter who had support of over 1 million people from last year's elections. That 1 million would have multiplied if both, Democratic and Republican MSM did not shit on him in order to secure votes in swing states.

Your vote for a Republican/Democrat will not count in 41 states because they are already predominantly red or blue. A vote for a 3rd party candidate will bring up awareness, the simple fact that you don't have to vote for a "lesser evil" and that there are other options.

On topic, I consider FOD to be the best song on Dookie.

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