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Unpopular Green Day Opinions


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This is more of a Green Day Pet Peeve than Unpopular opinion, but I cringe every time a fan (GDC poster) spells Adrienne's nickname "Addie." It'd be "Adie." If English is not your first language it is excused, but if English is your first language, please learn that repeating dd's like that mean you're pronoucning it like "fatty" or "daddy". We need it to be pronounced like "lady 80" not "daddy addie" :P

Sorry, I'm a grammar/spelling nut :P

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What a shame :sad:

Well, I mean, he still might be. Our parents got divorced so I haven't seen him in two and a half years. For all I know, he's listening to them right now. :P

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Favourite son should have been on American Idiot. It could have even been a great single.

I love you so much for making me look up that song. I'm addicted now.

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Favorite Son is one of my favorite Green Day songs. It was one of the first Green Day songs I heard, too.

I love you so much for making me look up that song. I'm addicted now.

Honestly, I only looked up the song a few days ago myself because someone mentioned its political element here in this thread. Now, I listen to it on repeat almost everyday on my way to school...it's so bloody addictive. Too bad it's only a B-side: I really think it would sound awesome live.

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This isn't really about Green Day, but Green Day fans. I get depressed when I look at the youtube comments of a Green Day interview. I'm looking at this interview of Billie talking about how American Idiot came together and talking a bit about the story line, and judging by the comments of the video, it seems as if not a single person payed attention to the interview. watch?v=6uENsZgmdCY

That's why I like this forum a lot. People here have worthwhile things to say. I don't mean to sound condescending, or say this that this is a perfect community or something. I understand that what I just said is kinda cynical and rude and I don't mean to-okay I'll shut up now

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21st CBD is a good album however it's better live

Every album is better live, and I think that's pretty much agreed on already :P

Honestly, I only looked up the song a few days ago myself because someone mentioned its political element here in this thread. Now, I listen to it on repeat almost everyday on my way to school...it's so bloody addictive. Too bad it's only a B-side: I really think it would sound awesome live.

Have you heard Shoplifter and Governator too? Also B-sides in som way, shape or form, can't remember if they're all from AI or if Governator is from Nimrod or Warning :/
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I liked Favourite Son more when I thought it said "It's pretty bloody sad". As much as I still like to kid myself that it's that, I think the sad reality is it actually just says "It's pretty but it's sad" :(

This isn't really about Green Day, but Green Day fans. I get depressed when I look at the youtube comments of a Green Day interview. I'm looking at this interview of Billie talking about how American Idiot came together and talking a bit about the story line, and judging by the comments of the video, it seems as if not a single person payed attention to the interview. watch?v=6uENsZgmdCY

That's why I like this forum a lot. People here have worthwhile things to say. I don't mean to sound condescending, or say this that this is a perfect community or something. I understand that what I just said is kinda cynical and rude and I don't mean to-okay I'll shut up now

I fully agree that GDC is far superior to the comments on Green Day youtube videos. Although to be fair looking at the comments on pretty much any video on youtube is depressing :lol:

Every album is better live, and I think that's pretty much agreed on already :P

Have you heard Shoplifter and Governator too? Also B-sides in som way, shape or form, can't remember if they're all from AI or if Governator is from Nimrod or Warning :/

They're all from AI. And add Too Much Too Soon to the list as well. Four excellent AI B-sides.
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Too Much Too Soon & Governator are easily in my top 10 for favourite GD songs. They're fucking amazing & I'm still praying they plan them live, even though it's unlikely as hell :P

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Oh, I have another one. Dry Ice has the best guitar solo Billie has ever written IMO.

That's pretty much the most popular opinion on here.

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That's pretty much the most popular opinion on here.

That solo is also quite similar to most of his other solos.

I'm glad Jason is there to make the band sound better. Also quite a popular opinion.

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Too Much Too Soon & Governator are easily in my top 10 for favourite GD songs. They're fucking amazing & I'm still praying they plan them live, even though it's unlikely as hell :P

yeah too much too soon is one of their best songs imo

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yeah too much too soon is one of their best songs imo

They could very well play Too Much Too Soon live. As for Governator, probably not. Unless they decide to do some shows as the Network again.

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Have you heard Shoplifter and Governator too? Also B-sides in som way, shape or form, can't remember if they're all from AI or if Governator is from Nimrod or Warning :/

Yep. I just never got round to Favourite Son for some reason. Governator's definitely off American Idiot and I heard shoplifter was supposed to on Cigarettes and Valentines, but it sounds very Warning-esque to me.

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I take back what I said about Uno being my favorite of the trilogy. Tre is beyond the best I can't even describe my love for this album in words omg.

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Nimrod is better than Warning.

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Nimrod is better than Warning.

Nyyyyyyeeeh....I'm not sure about that. It's a tough choice.

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First time poster with actual unpopular opinions. Don't kill me.

1. Uno is terrible. There are some good songs but they are spoiled by cringe-worthy lyrics. "And all the losers/ Can't even win for loosing ", "We're all crazy/You're all crazy now", "Woke up in a pool of sweat/First I thought that I pissed the bed". Really Billie? Carpe Diem is B side material. Stay the Night is good but just too damn long. Would have been much better if cut in half. Billie sounds weird as fuck on Sweet 16. I actually liked Oh Love but the video ruined the song's narration for me. Let Yourself Go is good.

2. Dos is amazing. So much energy! Ashley, Baby Eyes, Lady Cobra, SwtRLF are fast jolts of adrenaline that will sound amazing live. Wow! That's Loud and Make Out Party are my favorites from the trilogy, amazing instrument play (dat bass line on Make out Party). I like Nightlife as well, good lyrics and overall atmosphere!

3. Okay I'll cheat once with a somewhat popular opinion, although I know many fans who disagree. Know Your Enemy REALLY needs to go from the lineup. There are MUCH better easy, fast songs on the trilogy that can be played instead. Hell, if the team wants a song from 21st Century Breakdown played at all shows, how about Peacemaker or East Jesus?

4. I disagree with the band's political views but still love their material. Billie supporting Obama last year was rough for me. I don't understand how a punk singer/song writer can support a man who A: Has a huge kill count B: Can kill anyone, including US citizens on US territory, with drone strikes C: Wants to take away our right of owning guns. I won't touch mass taxation.

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I liked Favourite Son more when I thought it said "It's pretty bloody sad". As much as I still like to kid myself that it's that, I think the sad reality is it actually just says "It's pretty but it's sad" :(

It has never even occured to me that the lyric isn't "it's pretty bloody sad" until I read your post, I've been wrong for years! I liked it better that way but at least I know the true lyrics now :lol:

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I think Favorite Son say both "It's pretty bloody sad" and "It's pretty but it's sad" on two different parts.

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wait, it doesnt say pretty bloody sad? oh my god. my whole life is a lie.

lmao I thought it was that too.

I'm pretty sure I read the lyrics somewhere and saw the right version but didn't care.


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It has to be 'pretty but it's sad'. I don't think Americans use the word 'bloody' in that context :P

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4. I disagree with the band's political views but still love their material. Billie supporting Obama last year was rough for me. I don't understand how a punk singer/song writer can support a man who A: Has a huge kill count B: Can kill anyone, including US citizens on US territory, with drone strikes C: Wants to take away our right of owning guns. I won't touch mass taxation.

Because it was Obama or this guy.


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I don't think Green Day has had a good album since American Idiot, I can't stand 21st Century Breakdown or the Trilogy because of how overproduced they are. I mean Billie does harmonies with himself now, that makes me sick its one of my biggest musical pet peeves as well harmonizing with yourself. Also I think Billie has been the biggest douche to his band since around 2007 he let the stardom get to his head and he thinks its all about him and never gives up a chance to steal the bands spotlight in a live performance. I'm sorry I got into a little rant.

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