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Unpopular Green Day Opinions


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Okay I will have try:

I love the musical adaption of all the Songs...

I LOVE "She's a Rebel"...

Nightlife sounds pretty amazing just because it's a little weird and different and makes DOS interesting....

And according to the post above mine: I loved when they wore eyeliner even in 21stCB era!!

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I've never been too big a fan of the song because it's just a little too over-the-top, which is OK for the Foxies, but with GD it just sounds a little try-hard.

I don't know if it was that he looks old, but he's been looking haggard lately. I realize that's probably a harsh thing to say given the circumstances, but in This is 40, yikes. I'm interested to see him perform again to see if this is still true (he looks better now on the Rolling Stone cover, but that was likely Photoshopped and idk how much so I'm not going to assume he looks like that on a daily basis)

You're right. It was to fans who always say he looks like in his 20's :)

well, due to circumstances, I'd say he looks still pretty good :)

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I don't like their "costumes". It makes every show look the same. I honestly can't tell a picture of them in Nebraska from a picture of them in New York City. I would rather just have them wear street clothes!

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I don't like their "costumes". It makes every show look the same. I honestly can't tell a picture of them in Nebraska from a picture of them in New York City. I would rather just have them wear street clothes!

I think that although fans may not want the "same-old, same-old", their costumes are one of the things that made them instantly recognizable. Some of the success of Green Day as a band, beyond their music, can be attributed to the fact that your average Joe could say "Hey, isn't that Green Day?". Their on stage appearance and antics have defined them as much as their music itself in certain cases. Just look at Deadmau5 for an example of this. Of course that's a more extreme example, but it gets the point across.

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I think they should wear what they want, musicians are for music and green day is damn good at making music.

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!Dos! is a good album.

Uno! is just okay

Tre! is the best album of the trilogy.

I actually like "Know Your Enemy" and "Nightlife".

Though I just hope they never do a song like "Nightlife" again...

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Tre! is the best album of the trilogy.

That's actually a pretty common opinion, one that I myself share as well.

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Though I just hope they never do a song like "Nightlife" again...

Same. Nightlife is a good song considering its intentions, and I always feel like a badass when I listen to it. But I'd prefer once to be enough with a song like that.

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really? i definitely prefer the way they dress now over how they dressed in the ai days with the ties and all red and black and super dark eyeliner. now they just look like they wear the same things they wear when they aren't onstage. i agree with you about the eyeliner though, i wish they'd give it up entirely but at least it's not as bad as it used to be :lol:


you have a point with the red and black. I just wish they'd wear some street clothes like someone above had mentioned. and yeah, the eyeliner fit in 21st century era too.

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I actually love the Kill the DJ video, but the Oh Love video is awful... both versions.

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I like Know Your Enemy :P

Restless Heart Syndrome is one of the best songs off of 21st Century Breakdown.

The videos for Kill The DJ and Stray Heart are actually pretty good :)

Although I like that they experimented, Nightlife is just awful

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All of the new clothes that their trying out for the Trilogy (i.e. leopard skinny jeans, skintight BRIGHT purple shirts) look ridiculous and...just...ugh. And the X's for eyes looks too pop and like they're trying too hard.

I love Rest and Ha Ha You're Dead, and Blood, Sex and Booze is one of my favorite songs ever.

I loved when they all wore eyeliner in the AI days, but they have to face that they're just a little too old now.

Doesn't everyone like haha you're dead? Thats one of my favorite songs.

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Here's an unpopular one

Dookie isnt as great of an album as people make it out to be personally Insomniac Warning Nimrod AI is better

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Doesn't everyone like haha you're dead? Thats one of my favorite songs.

well, a lot of people have been saying that Shenanagains is a bad album, so I thought it might be an unpopular opinion. but it's like....how can you not like that song?

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there isnt actually a single Green Day song i dislike but of course i think some are better than others

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I've always seen Tre as the forgotten member of Green Day. He never seems to get as much press as Billie and Mike. I'm probably just not paying enough attention, or else it's just his personality.

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I've always seen Tre as the forgotten member of Green Day. He never seems to get as much press as Billie and Mike. I'm probably just not paying enough attention, or else it's just his personality.

Then Jason must be invisible to you. Relative to Tre, he's like a fly on the wall. Most "fans" don't even know who he is. I get your point though, especially in the past months, Mike has carried the band. Everyone handles a crisis differently - it might be tough for Tre to speak out about his feelings and not be the goofball that he usually is.

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I like Nightlife... and the trilogy in general.

I love the trilogy aswell, it's different from anything else they've done

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Then Jason must be invisible to you. Relative to Tre, he's like a fly on the wall. Most "fans" don't even know who he is. I get your point though, especially in the past months, Mike has carried the band. Everyone handles a crisis differently - it might be tough for Tre to speak out about his feelings and not be the goofball that he usually is.

Admittedly, Jason is almost invisible to me. I fully recognise his contribution to the music, but find it very difficult to accept him as an official member. < --- I guess that can count as another potential unpopular opinion, though I don't know how people feel about him. It's strange because up until about 3/4 year ago, I had always seen Mike as being very withdrawn, but I think as the band has heightened, so as he.

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I like Nightlife a lot. When I think about the song too much and think "Oh god, this is a Green Day song with a girl rapping in it" I don't like it quite as much (lol), but just as a song? I like it. Its catchy. I find myself playing it in the car a lot.

And I LOVE Kill the DJ, but I don't think that is an unpopular opinion, necessarily.

I don't like many of Green Day's music videos, and the only one I've liked for the trilogy so far is the video for Stray Heart.

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I don't like many of Green Day's music videos, and the only one I've liked for the trilogy so far is the video for Stray Heart.

Ironically, that one doesn't even have Green Day in it. :P

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Actually, all Shenanigans is awesome. I like every song on it but for I Wanna Be On TV.

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I've always seen Tre as the forgotten member of Green Day. He never seems to get as much press as Billie and Mike. I'm probably just not paying enough attention, or else it's just his personality.

With the exception of Billie Joe, I don't think Mike or Tre EVER get much individual press. And truthfully I think if you asked a random person on the street, if they could name any member of Green Day besides Billie Joe, there's a better chance they've heard of Tre Cool just for the name. I also think Tre's drumming has gotten more attention than's Mike's bass playing, not that either of them get enough credit. But honestly, if anyone in Green Day receives the least attention (not counting Jason), it would be Mike. That has obviously changed in the last few months, but still.

That's one of the things I like about Green Day though--none of them are individual fame or attention seekers. Obviously BIllie gets (and sometimes hogs, as is his responsibility) the spotlight (which is to be expected for the singer and songwriter), but Billie has never tried to capitalize on Green Day's fame to make a name for himself as an individual. They are TRULY a band.

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Here's an unpopular one

Dookie isnt as great of an album as people make it out to be personally Insomniac Warning Nimrod AI is better

Same. Insomniac and American Idiot are my two favorite Green Day albums. Dookie is good --that's for sure-- but it's not an amazing "Oh my God, it's the new Beatles!!!!!!" record it seems to be described as.

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