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Unpopular Green Day Opinions


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Considering the band credits Sam Cooke on the song, I think it's fine to accept just how much of a "ripoff" the song is. That doesn't need to have negative connotations. It's one of my favorites ever by Green Day, and I don't think it lacks artistic integrity because of its origins.

I guess Sam Cookes song has a melody that a lot of artists borrow, just like many do with Johnny B Goode. I think it's great that they gave him credit for it.

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Sure it's just an opinion, but it's a trend to hate or just not like what the band does.

They play some shows and enjoy their lives? -not punk enough

They destroy their instruments and offend JB? -too much punk

They made a 1 hour rock opera? -that's too much

They make a Trilogy? -what only 37?

They make a fucking random name for a tour? -fuck this shitty name, we make our own

They released a single? -Let's hate the shit out of it

They make a pervert video? -That's disgusting!

They make a video of them just playing their instruments? -that's too boring

They make a political record? -naah they should just do what they like, that's too much

They make fun record? -man fuck this, they should do political stuff again

And then they talking about how much they changed and that they were better back in 1994 then they were just "funny" and "cool" when they were high.

Tell me what you want, but this is what's going on here.

Mate, people have always said these sorts of things about Green Day. No matter what they do, there's always someone who'll say "nah, that's shit, they should have done this". They could write the best album of their careers, it could go straight to No. 1 in every country and people would still criticise it.

People bitch about stuff. That's life. If you can't handle that without getting butthurt, I'm sorry, but the internet is completely the wrong place for you.

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wow let people have opinions about their favourite bands. being a fan doesn't mean blindly accepting literally everything the band does. criticism means people care.

about time someone had the guts to say that out loud

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Mate, people have always said these sorts of things about Green Day. No matter what they do, there's always someone who'll say "nah, that's shit, they should have done this". They could write the best album of their careers, it could go straight to No. 1 in every country and people would still criticise it.

People bitch about stuff. That's life. If you can't handle that without getting butthurt, I'm sorry, but the internet is completely the wrong place for you.

Well I thought you were a nice guy, but fuck you.

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I guess Sam Cookes song has a melody that a lot of artists borrow, just like many do with Johnny B Goode. I think it's great that they gave him credit for it.

Yep if only Sam didnt get screwed out of his publishing his estate would be rich forever from Beatles all the way to Green Day using Bring It On Home but sadly the label he was on gets the royalties

Brutal Love is a excellent song I say for them to take more Sam Cooke songs!

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Well I thought you were a nice guy, but fuck you.

I am a nice guy, but I'm also truthful. If you can't handle people who've joined a forum, who contribute a good portion of their day to this forum to talk about a band, giving legitimate reasons as to why they don't like certain aspects of the band, well then, I don't know what to say to you.

Sounds like you want a forum where everyone just blows smoke up Green Day's ass and no one ever criticises anything they've ever done.

And I just realized I'm wasting my time arguing with a 15 year old again. Fantastic.

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wow let people have opinions about their favourite bands. being a fan doesn't mean blindly accepting literally everything the band does. criticism means people care.

Thumbs Up!

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My unpopular opnion:

The Community hates nearly everything the band does. There are a lot of ignorant people, which think they are the biggest fans on earth, but they're just hating everything GD does. I know, I'm almost alone with that opinion and I'm getting much hate for this post I guess, but I had to say this. It's not the band which changed, it's the community.

Being honest critics makes us big fans. People who are blinded by how much they like something will always be adamant assholes against anyone who says something negative directed at what they're blinded by, in this case that one band Green Day.

At least someone here has the stones to dislike something they've anticipated for a long time, and they were disappointed for a reason. Oh Love as the first single? What was that about? How can anyone blindly support something like you suggest all of us should?

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Well I thought you were a nice guy, but fuck you.

Calm down man, no reason to be rude to people you don't even know. And If you tell random people on the internet to fuck off, then he's probably right, it's not a place for you. I'm sure you can act with respect, do that please.

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So 37 songs isn't enough for you? 12/13 songs per album is perfectly acceptable when you're getting 3 albums.

Let's forget the thing about 3 records that were realesed very soon if Green Day in 5 years more release an album with 11 or 12 song I would be very dissapointed because I like albums with at least 14 song that's why I don't enjoy Insomniac it's a short album

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Let's forget the thing about 3 records that were realesed very soon if Green Day in 5 years more release an album with 11 or 12 song I would be very dissapointed because I like albums with at least 14 song that's why I don't enjoy Insomniac it's a short album

You dislike Insomniac... because it has 2 less songs than you want it to have? :huh:

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My unpopular opnion:

The Community hates nearly everything the band does. There are a lot of ignorant people, which think they are the biggest fans on earth, but they're just hating everything GD does. I know, I'm almost alone with that opinion and I'm getting much hate for this post I guess, but I had to say this. It's not the band which changed, it's the community.

thank's for beeing the perfect example.

Imagine a band without critics everyone wants to being criticized to be better and if your don't like it you could be:

a) The the most perfect thing on the world

b) A jerk

c) All previous

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Let's forget the thing about 3 records that were realesed very soon if Green Day in 5 years more release an album with 11 or 12 song I would be very dissapointed because I like albums with at least 14 song that's why I don't enjoy Insomniac it's a short album

Insomniac has 14 songs on it

And length wise 90% of GD albums are in the 30-40 min range aside from AI and 1039 which is in the 50 min range and 21st which is the longest at almost 70 mins

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You dislike Insomniac... because it has 2 less songs than you want it to have? :huh:

It's just beacuse short songs you have this great songs that you wish could enjoy more but there only 2 minutes lenght

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It's just beacuse short songs you have this great songs that you wish could enjoy more but there only 2 minutes lenght

Listen to it twice!

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It's just beacuse short songs you have this great songs that you wish could enjoy more but there only 2 minutes lenght

Length doesn't determine quality man. The fact that they're so short and angry makes them better for me. Focused rage.

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Sometimes short is better there are alot long songs that'd been better if a minute or two were cut out

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Length doesn't determine quality man. The fact that they're so short and angry makes them better for me. Focused rage.

I'm not saying they're bad I said that the songs were awesome but I would like to enjoy the song more, with the trilogy th one that I enjoyed the most was ¡Tré! because the songs were 3 or 4 minutes lenght not as ¡UNO! and ¡DOS! that had 2 minutes song, and ¡UNO! and ¡DOS! are on my top Green Day albums, I just want longer songs because I don't find a 12 2 minutes songs album interesting, but that doesn't mean that won't like it

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Am I the only one who is under the impression that GD loathes Blink?

Nope, I don't think there's any love lost. It's an awkward/cordial relationship at best, and I never see them working together again (I hope so, I can't bring myself to listen to a lot of blink).

Sassafras Roots, Emenius Sleepus and In The End are the highlights of Dookie.

And just to reignite this debate, I was listening to 21stCB today, and KYE and Christians Inferno are bangers. KYE shouldn't have been a single, but it's a damn fine album track.

KYE is so much better in the context of the album, for sure. Christian's Inferno can fuck itself IMO, but KYE, especially when you connect it with the lyrics in Restless Heart? It's fantastic

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Nope, I don't think there's any love lost. It's an awkward/cordial relationship at best, and I never see them working together again (I hope so, I can't bring myself to listen to a lot of blink).

KYE is so much better in the context of the album, for sure. Christian's Inferno can fuck itself IMO, but KYE, especially when you connect it with the lyrics in Restless Heart? It's fantastic

Christian's Inferno might not be the best, but on my first listen, I was definitely not expecting the complete U-turn the song took once it hit the chorus. Adds another dimension, plus it's really fun to sing.

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And I'm sure this works in reverse, maybe just as often. There are plenty of musicians (like Fat Mike) who I bet don't like Green Day that much, but they're friends with the boys. :)

This isn't actually an opinion but I'm sure it's unpopular given the current conversation: I don't own Shenanigans/have most of those songs. I think I listened to most of them once and thought "no thanks". You can enjoy them for sure, but they are B-sides for a reason and when put all together, meh. I'm sure most of those songs could have been squeezed into a studio album and we'd be none the wiser, but in a big group like that it's pretty obvious they are throwaways.

Very, very true. In terms of the first point. I disagree about Shenanigans, there are some real gems on that compilation.

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The studio version to stay the night got fucked up

Billie Joe needs to get a haircut (like the American idiot hairstyle) but the last time I saw him was at Iheart so maybe he has cut it.

X-Kid needs to actually be PLAYED on the radio.

Lazy bones should hit the airwaves

Drama queen is lame

Letterbomb is amazing

They should still close with good riddance

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