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People say Muse are better live than Green Day.But look at the money they put in their stage set up.If Green Day puts the same amount of money, they will do much better.

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He did loads of similar stuff in the 90s! Less hey-ohs, but still loads of silliness and shouting random stuff to the crowd. The shows are more theatrical and interactive now whereas in the 90s there was more snottiness and baiting the crowd. They couldn't go back to being as snotty as they were back then now, so if they stopped the theatrics and crowd interaction it'd just be dull, like any other band's show. The connection between band and crowd at a Green Day show is something they've worked on and improved for years, it's the best thing about the show and I don't think there's any way it'd be as good without it.

But it's not the same, he should just do it between songs in my opinion. Or at least I'd like it if he stopped shouting lines instead of singing like in She when he shouts 'to smash the silence with the brick of self control'.

You're totally right. I remember watching Jaded live in Chicago and at some point of the concert, Billie started shout "Slamahehe" (or some other stuff, I don't know) for like 2 minutes. Shouting "Hey-oh" is much better than this stupid nonsense.

I'd prefer nonsense, it's more original than shouting always the same

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I don't like Makeout Party. I want to like it, and I think it will be fun if they play it on the tour but it's the one song on Dos that I always skip. I think it's still the name that bothers me :lol:

Same here, this song is the GD song I skip the most.
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You're totally right. I remember watching Jaded live in Chicago and at some point of the concert, Billie started shout "Slamahehe" (or some other stuff, I don't know) for like 2 minutes. Shouting "Hey-oh" is much better than this stupid nonsense.

I like both :D. I think the important thing is that there's something extra to entertain/connect with the crowd. In the 90s it was snottiness, randomness and silliness, now it's theatrics, crowd participation and silliness. They're not as angry and strange now :lol:, so their current way of doing the extra entertainment is fine by me.

But it's not the same, he should just do it between songs in my opinion. Or at least I'd like it if he stopped shouting lines instead of singing like in She when he shouts 'to smash the silence with the brick of self control'.

I'd prefer nonsense, it's more original than shouting always the same

They've always done stuff during songs though. They used to do a whole big messing around skit during Paper Lanterns that made the song last 9 minutes, and they used to start singing Sweet Home Alabama during Disappearing Boy for example. Billie also sang lines differently and shouted them sometimes, changed the words of songs (eg "How now brown cow" in When I Come Around), and did call and response with the crowd (shouting different noises - including hey-oh - or making noises on the guitar and getting the crowd to copy them), all during songs.

I agree that things are less random now but there's also a better connection with the crowd, and that seriously is the best thing about the show. Plus Billie still does come out with quite a lot of random stuff (getting the crowd to make sex noises and then coughing and saying "I've got a hair in my mouth" is one of many things from the 21st CB tour that comes to mind :lol:) as well as the more choreographed stuff anyway. Maybe when watching videos the hey-ohs can get a bit tiresome but once you're there in the crowd all you notice is the awesomeness of interacting with the band.

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I'd prefer nonsense, it's more original than shouting always the same

Mhm..yeha I see your point..

I like both :D. I think the important thing is that there's something extra to entertain/connect with the crowd. In the 90s it was snottiness, randomness and silliness, now it's theatrics, crowd participation and silliness. They're not as angry and strange now :lol:, so their current way of doing the extra entertainment is fine by me.

This. :D

I listened to a bootleg from 1994 yesterday and Billie was so weird...it wasn't this "cool" weirdo thing..just fucking creepy. They covered "Eye of the Tiger" and Billie just shouted "BLALBALBAL" that wasn't cool, that was creepy.

So I get Dannys point, but I think this Hey-Ho is much better.

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I listened to a bootleg from 1994 yesterday and Billie was so weird...it wasn't this "cool" weirdo thing..just fucking creepy. They covered "Eye of the Tiger" and Billie just shouted "BLALBALBAL" that wasn't cool, that was creepy.

So I get Dannys point, but I think this Hey-Ho is much better.

Creepy is exactly what I thought of when listening to some nonsense during the older performances. Or, even more, second-hand embarrassment. Just sitting and wondering why does Billie feel like this is completely normal and not creepy at all. :lol:

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Creepy is exactly what I thought of when listening to some nonsense during the older performances. Or, even more, second-hand embarrassment. Just sitting and wondering why does Billie feel like this is completely normal and not creepy at all. :lol:

Because why would it be creepy?

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Because why would it be creepy?

I don't know. It just feels like that, and I can't explain it. Like, there is nothing creepy to sing nonsense to entertain the crowd really, but it just feels super weird and embarrassing.

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Don't think so. 90s concerts were still amazing and fun without the hey ho's.

I think 90s concerts were even better...I don't like hay ho's that much :)

You're totally right. I remember watching Jaded live in Chicago and at some point of the concert, Billie started shout "Slamahehe" (or some other stuff, I don't know) for like 2 minutes. Shouting "Hey-oh" is much better than this stupid nonsense.

I don't think so. I find "Slamahehe" waaay funnier :lol::lol:.

I'm bored with all those hay ho's because they're so predictable...if he sometimes changed the word he screams it would be more interesting and I would enjoy it more.

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But it's not the same, he should just do it between songs in my opinion. Or at least I'd like it if he stopped shouting lines instead of singing like in She when he shouts 'to smash the silence with the brick of self control'.

I'd prefer nonsense, it's more original than shouting always the same

This! Though of course I don't dislike the "Hey Oh's" , but it's just to much, I mean, in every fucking song these days, it's just way to much. And as I wrote earlier, the main thing I dislike is the way he screams different lines or words in songs, or screaming like " come on " after every single word. I'd also prefer nonsense ;)

And I'm not talking shit about Green Day or Billie now, I'm just saying my opinion, even if some people in this thread would call it "moaning". If some people can have their own opinions , so do I and everybody else.

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I don't know where I should write this, but I think this thread is good for that.

I think a lot of people of you don't know the german band "Die Ärzte". I think they are some kind of the german Green Day. There are some kind of similarities. Both bands are live louder, harder and faster. Both bands have very long concerts..and both make fun of this "They aren't punk anymore" shit :D

Maybe some other germans share my opinion. And for the people who don't know them, I'll post some songs of them.

there is a thread for them.

Creepy is exactly what I thought of when listening to some nonsense during the older performances. Or, even more, second-hand embarrassment. Just sitting and wondering why does Billie feel like this is completely normal and not creepy at all. :lol:

ok, see this is what i loved. you love the rockstars. i love the punkband.

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ok, see this is what i loved. you love the rockstars. i love the punkband.

Well you claiming what I like and what I don't is a bit off the point.. I don't see how me not liking random shouts from Billie makes me the fan of 'new' GD (as if that existed, ahem...)

I'm saying that I don't like some of those. I am not claiming that every single thing he used to say was creepy, weird, etc. (e.g. the pet rock thing is one of the most memorable things for me from their shows, or it was awesome how Billie interacted during Woodstock or some of the early shows that I have seen/heard recordings of). But some things indeed were pretty weird to me. And if that makes you think of me as a really different fan or something, well, then that's sad.

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I don't know. It just feels like that, and I can't explain it. Like, there is nothing creepy to sing nonsense to entertain the crowd really, but it just feels super weird and embarrassing.

Haha I know what you mean. I enjoy the weirdness and cringing though :D. And he might not do it as often now but he still comes out with some preeeeetty weird stuff. I believe he was shouting "I'm bleeding! I'm bleeding! I'm bleeding.....from my anus!" for no apparent reason at one of the 21st CB shows for example lol. I like how there's still a bit of the old randomness and creepiness in their shows along with the modern theatrics and more rock star type stuff. It's a nice mix.

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I know that the word "underrated" is thrown around all the time on this forum, but seriously: Castaway is the most underrated Green Day song EVER. I think it's absolutely perfect, it's so upbeat, great lyrics and has a cool bass bridge. It's just so fun. It's probably even my favorite from Warning (and I love Warning a lot). It's a shame they never play it.

It's probably my ultimate Green Day summer song. :dance:

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Don't think so. 90s concerts were still amazing and fun without the hey ho's.

Green Day were not the stadium masters they are now. During the Nimrod tour their live experience greatly improved, it's too bad that around that time they started playing smaller theatres.

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I wholeheartedly agree. And I suspect that even though some people moan about the hey-ohs and messing around etc and insist they'd prefer shows without it, if the band stopped doing it they'd find themselves bored and missing the fun and connection between band and crowd that makes Green Day shows so special ;)

See, my thing is I absolutely love the crowd interaction for a short period during songs and between songs. What I don't like is when Billie makes a three minute song ten minutes longer (that's probably an exaggeration) by screaming "Hey-oh!" in the middle of it. I like it when there are other crowd interactions (pulling a kid on stage to play guitar, stage-diving, having people sing during Longview) or when the random things have a point, such as the skit sort of thing they used to do with Paper Lanterns back in the late 80s/early 90s.

Basically, I like the "Hey!"s if they don't interrupt a song too much or are done in between different songs. I'd much rather prefer Billie screaming random words in the middle of a song than hearing "Hey!" over and over again in the middle of American Idiot.

Green Day were not the stadium masters they are now. During the Nimrod tour their live experience greatly improved, it's too bad that around that time they started playing smaller theatres.

That's completely true. I read a 1998 interview in Modern Drummer with Tre while they were on the Nimrod tour. Tre changed what kind of kit he used, as well as how many drums, and Mike and Billie became absolutely brilliant at creating new ways to interact with the crowd. Tre kept talking about how different it was and how he thought the crowd was enjoying it a lot more than they had when the band was touring for Insomniac.

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See, my thing is I absolutely love the crowd interaction for a short period during songs and between songs. What I don't like is when Billie makes a three minute song ten minutes longer (that's probably an exaggeration) by screaming "Hey-oh!" in the middle of it. I like it when there are other crowd interactions (pulling a kid on stage to play guitar, stage-diving, having people sing during Longview) or when the random things have a point, such as the skit sort of thing they used to do with Paper Lanterns back in the late 80s/early 90s.

Basically, I like the "Hey!"s if they don't interrupt a song too much or are done in between different songs. I'd much rather prefer Billie screaming random words in the middle of a song than hearing "Hey!" over and over again in the middle of American Idiot.

That's completely true. I read a 1998 interview in Modern Drummer with Tre while they were on the Nimrod tour. Tre changed what kind of kit he used, as well as how many drums, and Mike and Billie became absolutely brilliant at creating new ways to interact with the crowd. Tre kept talking about how different it was and how he thought the crowd was enjoying it a lot more than they had when the band was touring for Insomniac.

Yup. There's an interview somewhere where Billie Joe talks about the "Arena" Green Day. They stopped treating these massive shows like punk shows because they realized that there's a time and place for that. It would get to hectic and dangerous, and a lot of people at arenas want a show and an awe-inspiring experience, not a broken rib. Which is also why they choose their setlists the way they do, not every song is going to have that live energy that a massive crowd demands. Someone on here said they wanted to hear "Panic Song" instead of Hitchin' A Ride. Well, that's a great song, but it doesn't have the energy of songs like Hitchin A Ride, JOS, or Basket Case.

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Judging by all the comments, maybe I'm the only one who doesn't like Nightlife...

Well, everyone on YouTube doesn't like Nightlife. :P

I know that the word "underrated" is thrown around all the time on this forum, but seriously: Castaway is the most underrated Green Day song EVER. I think it's absolutely perfect, it's so upbeat, great lyrics and has a cool bass bridge. It's just so fun. It's probably even my favorite from Warning (and I love Warning a lot). It's a shame they never play it.

It's probably my ultimate Green Day summer song. :dance:

I love Castaway! One of my favorites from Warning. :D

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Jeez, we have some "punk purists" on here it seems. I have a really difficult time believing some people dislike the stage antics of Billie Joe Armstrong. It's what made BIAB, and every other live show they've ever done. The hey-oh thing isn't new, as someone said. I've seen a lot of old shows where they did that. It's just crazy to me that you guys dislike it! I see your reasoning, but it seems so, idunno, "elitist" in a way. Either way, I love it! IF it wasn't for those antics I probably wouldn't have been as big a fan a few years ago.

Also, the fact he recorded the hey-ohs in one of the trilogy songs made me so damn happy. I wish he would have done it more, or added in the live crowd reply! I can't remember which song it is, but when I first heard it live and he did they hey-ohs, it was astounding! I really wish the call and reply had been recorded into the song.

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Jeez, we have some "punk purists" on here it seems. I have a really difficult time believing some people dislike the stage antics of Billie Joe Armstrong. It's what made BIAB, and every other live show they've ever done. The hey-oh thing isn't new, as someone said. I've seen a lot of old shows where they did that. It's just crazy to me that you guys dislike it! I see your reasoning, but it seems so, idunno, "elitist" in a way. Either way, I love it! IF it wasn't for those antics I probably wouldn't have been as big a fan a few years ago.

Also, the fact he recorded the hey-ohs in one of the trilogy songs made me so damn happy. I wish he would have done it more, or added in the live crowd reply! I can't remember which song it is, but when I first heard it live and he did they hey-ohs, it was astounding! I really wish the call and reply had been recorded into the song.


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Jeez, we have some "punk purists" on here it seems. I have a really difficult time believing some people dislike the stage antics of Billie Joe Armstrong. It's what made BIAB, and every other live show they've ever done. The hey-oh thing isn't new, as someone said. I've seen a lot of old shows where they did that. It's just crazy to me that you guys dislike it! I see your reasoning, but it seems so, idunno, "elitist" in a way. Either way, I love it! IF it wasn't for those antics I probably wouldn't have been as big a fan a few years ago.

Also, the fact he recorded the hey-ohs in one of the trilogy songs made me so damn happy. I wish he would have done it more, or added in the live crowd reply! I can't remember which song it is, but when I first heard it live and he did they hey-ohs, it was astounding! I really wish the call and reply had been recorded into the song.

Will you please explain to me what Billie screaming "Hey!" has to do with punk elitists? Because I listen to both punk and dislike when he screams "Hey!" for ten minutes straight; however, neither of those opinions are related to the other. If the original Dead Kennedys lineup reunited, went on tour, and I went to go see them, I would dislike Jello Biafra screaming "Hey!" for ten minutes in the middle of Holiday in Cambodia as much as I dislike Billie screaming it during American Idiot.

I love crowd interaction and I like it when Billie screams "Hey! Oh!" but not in the middle of a three minute song. In my opinion, it gets boring and repetitive. This is not from someone who just watches videos online either. I saw them in 2009 and I can genuinely say that when Billie screamed "Hey!" for most of American Idiot, I got bored and wished he would move on.

Bringing it back, I still don't understand what anyone's dislike of "Hey! Oh!" has to do with punk elitists. No one's mentioned punk elitism. I hate punk elitism as much as the next guy, but it's strange bringing it up in an argument when it hasn't even been mentioned. Punk was mentioned in the context of "back when Green Day was a punk band and did more intimate shows" but that's about it.

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Will you please explain to me what Billie screaming "Hey!" has to do with punk elitists? Because I listen to both punk and dislike when he screams "Hey!" for ten minutes straight; however, neither of those opinions are related to the other. If the original Dead Kennedys lineup reunited, went on tour, and I went to go see them, I would dislike Jello Biafra screaming "Hey!" for ten minutes in the middle of Holiday in Cambodia as much as I dislike Billie screaming it during American Idiot.

I love crowd interaction and I like it when Billie screams "Hey! Oh!" but not in the middle of a three minute song. In my opinion, it gets boring and repetitive. This is not from someone who just watches videos online either. I saw them in 2009 and I can genuinely say that when Billie screamed "Hey!" for most of American Idiot, I got bored and wished he would move on.

Bringing it back, I still don't understand what anyone's dislike of "Hey! Oh!" has to do with punk elitists. No one's mentioned punk elitism. I hate punk elitism as much as the next guy, but it's strange bringing it up in an argument when it hasn't even been mentioned. Punk was mentioned in the context of "back when Green Day was a punk band and did more intimate shows" but that's about it.

Because everyone keeps mentioning about the old days. When they played postage stamp clubs with 50 people in them not 50,000 person arenas. The "Hey Ohs" are fine. Most people love them. Its part of what makes a Green Day show a Green Day show and what makes them one of the best live bands around today.

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Will you please explain to me what Billie screaming "Hey!" has to do with punk elitists? Because I listen to both punk and dislike when he screams "Hey!" for ten minutes straight; however, neither of those opinions are related to the other. If the original Dead Kennedys lineup reunited, went on tour, and I went to go see them, I would dislike Jello Biafra screaming "Hey!" for ten minutes in the middle of Holiday in Cambodia as much as I dislike Billie screaming it during American Idiot.

I love crowd interaction and I like it when Billie screams "Hey! Oh!" but not in the middle of a three minute song. In my opinion, it gets boring and repetitive. This is not from someone who just watches videos online either. I saw them in 2009 and I can genuinely say that when Billie screamed "Hey!" for most of American Idiot, I got bored and wished he would move on.

Bringing it back, I still don't understand what anyone's dislike of "Hey! Oh!" has to do with punk elitists. No one's mentioned punk elitism. I hate punk elitism as much as the next guy, but it's strange bringing it up in an argument when it hasn't even been mentioned. Punk was mentioned in the context of "back when Green Day was a punk band and did more intimate shows" but that's about it.

Wow, I said "It seems kind of, idunno, "elitist"?"

So yea, from your rant that I didn't even read all of through, here is what it SEEMED like I said:

"God you fucking elitists bitches. Only like true punk rock huh?!?! Wow go die elitist faggots! Not liking Hey-oh is DEFINITIVELY being an elitist YEP!"

See the difference? I knew someone would over react to that one little word, but that was fast.

You do realize that being an elitist doesn't revolve around strictly punk right? You can be an elitist on just about anything. What I said is that is seemed a LITTLE, POSSIBLY elitist, in essence or in a small manner of speaking. As in it seemed kind of, but not entirely by any means.

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Because everyone keeps mentioning about the old days. When they played postage stamp clubs with 50 people in them not 50,000 person arenas. The "Hey Ohs" are fine. Most people love them. Its part of what makes a Green Day show a Green Day show and what makes them one of the best live bands around today.

Hmm. I don't think talking about older Green Day is punk elitism, in this case at least.

Also, I'd like to add in that I don't think the "Hey oh"s should stop. It does make for great crowd interaction. When he first starts up, I think they're wonderful. I have an extremely short attention span though, which is why I don't personally like it when it goes on for a long period of time.

Jeez, we have some "punk purists" on here it seems.

Wow, I said "It seems kind of, idunno, "elitist"?"

So yea, from your rant that I didn't even read all of through, here is what it SEEMED like I said:

"God you fucking elitists bitches. Only like true punk rock huh?!?! Wow go die elitist faggots! Not liking Hey-oh is DEFINITIVELY being an elitist YEP!"

See the difference? I knew someone would over react to that one little word, but that was fast.

You do realize that being an elitist doesn't revolve around strictly punk right? You can be an elitist on just about anything. What I said is that is seemed a LITTLE, POSSIBLY elitist, in essence or in a small manner of speaking. As in it seemed kind of, but not entirely by any means.

I am not a punk elitist. Anyone who's seen me comment on this stuff recently should know that by now. I listen to a variety of things other than just punk rock.

I just do not personally like it when Billie (or any other musician that exists) screams "Hey oh!" for an extended period of time.

I'm not continuing this conversation.

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Hmm. I don't think talking about older Green Day is punk elitism, in this case at least.

Also, I'd like to add in that I don't think the "Hey oh"s should stop. It does make for great crowd interaction. When he first starts up, I think they're wonderful. I have an extremely short attention span though, which is why I don't personally like it when it goes on for a long period of time.

I am not a punk elitist. Anyone who's seen me comment on this stuff recently should know that by now. I listen to a variety of things other than just punk rock.

I just do not personally like it when Billie (or any other musician that exists) screams "Hey oh!" for an extended period of time.

I'm not continuing this conversation.

Jesus, next time I will make finger quotes much more obvious, mkay? Why do you seem to think this one comment was directed at YOU in particular when there were, idunno, 5-6 other people also talking about it? To be honest, it wasn't about you at ALL, I hadn't even read your comments about it. Don't continue, I'd prefer it. But try to not fly off the handle over 2-3 words in quotes that were clearly not meant to be taken seriously.

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