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Unpopular Green Day Opinions


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That is literally the most popular opinion on this entire forum.

For me it's like unpopular but popular at the same time

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For me it's like unpopular but popular at the same time

So it's a unpopular opinion in your own mind? :mellow:

Not creepy at all :P

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Unpopular because sometimes I think studio versions should sound better but then I think a great band has to sound better live

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Extraordinary Girl is one of the worst songs from American Idiot, I don't know, it's just the song I listen to the least/skip the most when I listen to it

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Unpopular because sometimes I think studio versions should sound better but then I think a great band has to sound better live

OH I see what you mean! :shok:

Yes a studio recording must/should be better but that doesn't mean a live performance should be worse! Because in a studio version you get all the clarity you hear every instrument well and a live performance is pure raw rock n' roll with mistakes sometimes but with a different sound everytime!

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Extraordinary Girl is one of the worst songs from American Idiot.

Read the OP. You should write why, elaborate a little.
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Good Riddance is my least favorite Song by Green Day. I know so many people love it but to me it is just over played.

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I gonna be bashed for this unpopular opinion but, for me, Lazy Bones is awful and in the three worst songs of the trilogy.

I don't know why but I don't like this song. Sorry, bros.

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Guest Just Another Joe

My bad, thought it was an indie. another indie then. Maybe epitaph or Fat Wrechords, more likely they would probably set up their own record label though.

S'alright dude! :) I agree with those two, personally I think Fat Wreck is a good choice.

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Here's an unpopular opinion...40 is not old! This occured to me as I was just reading in another thread where someone said Billie looked old in a video. First of all, I've never seen anyone who can look so different in so many different pictures than Billie can, but that's a whole other subject. I'm sick of hearing "the guys in Green Day look great for their age," "Billie doesn't look his age", "Billie looks great for his age" "I can't believe he's 40" etc. Yes, they all look great, for any age. This is a band of 40 year old men who have a broad appeal to many age groups from teenagers to I'm sure people in their 50's and up even!. If you are 20 (or 12), 40 does seem ancient I know. But everyone will wake up late one day and realize they aren't so young (and might still be dumb!) ;)

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Ok, I think I get the point of this thread...

My unpopular opinion of Green Day...

I really don't like 21st Century Breakdown. Like at all. Despite all of his instance of the characters, Christian and Gloria, I don't see the story. The only thing I see are the random mentions of their names in the songs. The whole thing felt forced and fell flat to me.

Tre was built up to lead to an overall disappointment. "Epic?" No. There are certain gleams of good songs like X-Kid and Missing You, but overall, it was ok. I definitely wanted a stronger ending to the trilogy. And the comparison of "Dirty Rotten Bastards" to a Jesus of Suburbia/Homecoming was grossly misinterpreted. I felt the different sections between DRB did NOT go together at all. Very disjointed and random. And the lyrically content was just not there. Really felt no connection to the songs like I usually do.

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The only unpopular opinion I probably have isn't all that unpopular; I think Dookie is so entirely over rated, amongst both fans and non-fans alike.
Also, 21st Century is an incredible album in my eyes. I do have a bit of personal stuff in there, but that's another subject. The album was fantastic. I've never understood it when people said it fell flat for them, I suppose everyone was expecting American Idiot note for note. I didn't know what I was getting and upon purchasing/first listen, I cried a few times. I think that many who dislike it really haven't say down and listened to it in a while. I mean really sit, close your eyes, and listen to it. Put on a CD or something, or just pop in your headphones next time you get an hour free, it'll really change your opinion on it. Make sure you have decent headphones too, a lot of "the mix was weak" stuff I agreed with until I used some decent headphones and you really notice how great it sounds.

Again, neither too unpopular, but neither of them are more common than their opposing counterparts.

Oh, and I couldn't care any less about Jason White or Freese. They are completely irrelevant to me in just about every way. Jason joining the group just seems ridiculous to me, but I'm not getting into all that here.

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After giving another look at this thread, I'm starting to think that American Idiot is more overrated than Dookie. Honestly I don't understand how people can write off such an amazing record. But then again, I don't understand a lot of opinions that pop up here on GDC.

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I feel sorry to those who hate 21st Century missing out on a great album (Christian's Inferno aside) maybe should put your hate for it aside and really listen to it once

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I don't really like any songs by the Network except for Roshambo, but I think Roshambo is a fucking brilliant song. I know, doesn't really make sense to me either.

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I feel sorry to those who hate 21st Century missing out on a great album (Christian's Inferno aside) maybe should put your hate for it aside and really listen to it once

Exactly. I think a lot had a negative initial reaction and haven't given much of a chance since it came out. Some were really young and it's understandable, but surely they've grown at least some in 4 years XD

I don't really like any songs by the Network except for Roshambo, but I think Roshambo is a fucking brilliant song. I know, doesn't really make sense to me either.

:o I love Roshambo, but I think the Network itself is one of the best things those guys ever made! I love it to death! I'm really hoping we get more somewhere down the road.

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I feel sorry to those who hate 21st Century missing out on a great album (Christian's Inferno aside) maybe should put your hate for it aside and really listen to it once

I don't get why so many people don't like Christian's Inferno! I think it's a really great song!

And I don't really mind 21CB, not their best tho.

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I don't get why so many people don't like Christian's Inferno! I think it's a really great song!

And I don't really mind 21CB, not their best tho.

I don't hate CI but I don't go out of the way to listen to it

And I think the only reason folks won't say it's the best cause of the production music wise it's great album top 3 in my book

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UNO is not a good album.

TRE is compete shit. Not a SINGLE song i liked!

DOS, on the other hand, is amazing.

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The musical is a good musical. But to me, it is a terrible representation of the original story told on the record. And they poorly injected songs from 21st Century Breakdown into it. Songs from that album definitely fit, but not the ones they chose.

And the Original Broadway Cast Recording sucks. It's like "Glee Does Green Day" to me.

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UNO is not a good album.

TRE is compete shit. Not a SINGLE song i liked!

DOS, on the other hand, is amazing.

Uno was cool

Tre was the best :)

Didn't like Dos that much haha

It;s nice to see how opinions can differ hehe

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The song Green Day gives me feels. What happened to the Green Day I love, those stoned kids just playing their music, it was their passion. Now they have nothing else to do. Green Day just needs to get stoned. Also I remember the flipside interview from 1990 where Billie said he didn't have sex, because if he gave in to sex, he'd have nothing to hope for and nothing to write about. That's where we got beautiful songs like 1000 Hours, Dry Ice, 80, 2000 Light Years Away, Going to Pasalacqua. Now Billie has a wife and kids, and he doesn't know that feeling that all teenagers have; that feeling of wanting the person you love. He has Adie now, he doesn't dream every night of what it would be like to love her. THERE"S NO PASSIONATE LOVE SONGS ANYMORE!!!!!!!

And don't say Missing You is a passionate love song. You saw how they came up with it in Quatro. Mike called it an easy-A.

Man, this thread is gonna break out in fights *coughfuckyoucough* :P

Andres, can we get a dislike button over here?

The song Green Day gives me feels. What happened to the Green Day I love, those stoned kids just playing their music, it was their passion. Now they have nothing else to do. Green Day just needs to get stoned. Also I remember the flipside interview from 1990 where Billie said he didn't have sex, because if he gave in to sex, he'd have nothing to hope for and nothing to write about. That's where we got beautiful songs like 1000 Hours, Dry Ice, 80, 2000 Light Years Away, Going to Pasalacqua. Now Billie has a wife and kids, and he doesn't know that feeling that all teenagers have; that feeling of wanting the person you love. He has Adie now, he doesn't dream every night of what it would be like to love her. THERE"S NO PASSIONATE LOVE SONGS ANYMORE!!!!!!!

I think the passionate love songs ended with the trilogy. Like it or not, viva la gloria and last night on earth are definitely passionate love songs.

And don't say Missing You is a passionate love song. You saw how they came up with it in Quatro. Mike called it an easy-A.

Man, this thread is gonna break out in fights *coughfuckyoucough* :P

Andres, can we get a dislike button over here?

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I love shes a rebel. 'nuff said.

Uno was cool

Tre was the best :)

Didn't like Dos that much haha

It;s nice to see how opinions can differ hehe

Uno was cool

Tre was the best :)

Didn't like Dos that much haha

It;s nice to see how opinions can differ hehe

hehe ya XD thats what i was thinking. a bunch of people love tre but it just doesnt get to me at all. a bunch of people hate dos but i love all of it. weird :)

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