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Unpopular Green Day Opinions


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Green Day should do more shows like the one yesterday, where they played Dookie cover to cover. They stick with the same set list for what seems like forever. Minority and Good Riddance have been closers since 04 at least. King for a day/Shout is always in the same slot, and on this tour in particular, the set list has varied little.

Since people on this forum seem to know what's going on, anyone know when green day is due to be on national tv? Seems like it's been a while. They usually find their way on to The Voice or America's Got Talent.

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I wish it was "F**k Time" instead of "F*** Time". Not that I can't just change the name in iTunes, I just prefer the former. If anything just call it "Fuck Time".

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I wish it was "F**k Time" instead of "F*** Time". Not that I can't just change the name in iTunes, I just prefer the former. If anything just call it "Fuck Time".

I dunno why itunes is like that I can understand why the physical copy has the name edited on the back cover since some stores are hesitate about stocking cds with cuss words shown but itunes is just the net

But yeah you can change it on itunes just highlight the song name and the bar will open up to where u can rename it to fuck time (or whatever other name u could think of)

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I wish it was "F**k Time" instead of "F*** Time". Not that I can't just change the name in iTunes, I just prefer the former. If anything just call it "Fuck Time".

F-woo time is awesome though :P

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Avril Lavigne is fucking punk as hell. CANADA MAKES THE BEST PUNK MUSIC.

And Nickleback too...........said with much sarcasm by a Canadian !

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And Nickleback too...........said with much sarcasm by a Canadian !

Yeah, also Justin Bieber! That guy's so punk :wub:

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Yeah, also Justin Bieber! That guy's so punk :wub:

and nelly furtado, and carly ray jepsen and marianas trench woow we're so punk

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Guest FuckerFrankerZ


I bet this is unpopular but I wish tre <3 could go back to his Mohawk but I mean either way he's still sexy :3

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I like all of Green Day's albums up to 21st Century Breakdown. although there is some tracks on that album that i'm not to keen on. I despise the trilogy albums.

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Yeah, also Justin Bieber! That guy's so punk :wub:

How did I forget?! Shame on me, I shall have to hand in my beaver and flee the country!

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and nelly furtado, and carly ray jepsen and marianas trench woow we're so punk

You forgot the biggest punk of them all: Celine Dion!

I like all of Green Day's albums up to 21st Century Breakdown. although there is some tracks on that album that i'm not to keen on. I despise the trilogy albums.

Not that unpopular! I adore everything up until and including 21st Century Breakdown, but I'm not so sure about the trilogy. I wouldn't go as far as to say that I despise them, however. I despise certain tracks with an ungodly passion (Oh Love) and feel some have potential buy could have been greatly improved (Nightlife). At the same time, there's some good stuff there, too (Brutal Love, Let Yourself Go, X Kid). It's patchy, and underwhelming at times, but there's something about it that keeps me from hating it.

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Cool. I just can't get into those records.

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Billie's laugh in Fuck Time is just so creepy. :mellow: And I might be the only one to think that, for real.

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Billie's laugh in Fuck Time is just so creepy. :mellow: And I might be the only one to think that, for real.

He's a creepy man, in general.

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He's a creepy man, in general.

Well, I need some time to think about this statement before I agree. :lol: He's indeed peculiar. But I like peculiar people. Except for their creepy laughs on songs about intercourse.

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i hope you can forgive me! :wub: it's funny because i've always (ok for a long time anyway) been really interested in them and i enjoy reading about them and things like that, especially sid, but i just don't like their music. i did whenever i was younger, but then one day i was listening to them and i realized i didn't actually like anything that i was hearing :lol:

I can completely understand not liking their music. They're a bit of an acquired taste. :P It took me a long time to actually get into their music too. Out of the original punk bands, musically, they're on the lower end of the scale for me, but their personalities, political views, and philosophies are things I can't get away from. :wub: I do love them and their music though haha.

Yeah, also Justin Bieber! That guy's so punk :wub:


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Before you die, you must know that I don't like Bieber in any possible way :P

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I just can't help but love all of their music. I think Green Day are amazing in everything they do. I find glory in every album in a different way, I get different feelings from every album I listen to. I literally only hate one song: Nightlife. Even if the trilogy kind of scares me because we all know the music is coming from a darker part of Billie than we are used to, I still find glory in it, along with the rest of their work.

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As awesome as it is that they played the entire Dookie album for the two countries that they'd never been in before (Serbia and Austria), I hope that doesn't become the standard setlist of this tour. It leaves even less room for variation since they're putting it in the only spot where stuff actually changed every night (the "request" section). I'd be perfectly fine with just adding rarer Dookie songs to the setlists, but playing the entire album every show when the tour isn't even about that album is a bit ridiculous.

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As awesome as it is that they played the entire Dookie album for the two countries that they'd never been in before (Serbia and Austria), I hope that doesn't become the standard setlist of this tour. It leaves even less room for variation since they're putting it in the only spot where stuff actually changed every night (the "request" section). I'd be perfectly fine with just adding rarer Dookie songs to the setlists, but playing the entire album every show when the tour isn't even about that album is a bit ridiculous.

to me the last two shows were kind of practices for the Emirates where they'll play it again. i think they'll come back at the regular setlist next week after the Emirates.

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Okay, now I REALLY feel like I'm the only person who likes Nightlife. :lol:

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Okay, now I REALLY feel like I'm the only person who likes Nightlife. :lol:

I love Nightlife

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Okay, now I REALLY feel like I'm the only person who likes Nightlife. :lol:

NO. I love nightlife and whoever says they don't are secretly listening to it alone.

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