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Unpopular Green Day Opinions


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I hate the eyeliner, it's always the first argument my friends throw at me when they tell me Green Day is a shitty band...it should be about the music not their look

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this was the video I alluded to, his voice is clean, would work on an acoustic album

They've actually played it live. Only audio, but it sounds like he didn't have trouble singing it to me.

see this is why I come to this site, never seen this video. Not bad actually, had nice carry on the high notes, better than I expected. So I rescind that statement
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this was the video I alluded to, his voice is clean, would work on an acoustic album

see this is why I come to this site, never seen this video. Not bad actually, had nice carry on the high notes, better than I expected. So I rescind that statement

Ah man, I love his voice in this video. He kind of sings the same style in Macy's Day Parade as well. But yeah, an acoustic BJA album would be great. Hell, even an acoustic GD album would be awesome.

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Dude, you kinda proved my point, your friend called you "not a true fan" for having a negative opinion about the band. That's my whole point in that aspect, she didn't respect your opinion. Green Day was the first band I got into when I was 5, my friend took Dookie from his Uncle, and we've listened to the band ever since, but people need to know, Green Day isn't perfect. People get shitty when someone says things like "I like 21st Century Breakdown" or "Nightlife is actually an alright song". I like 21stCB and Nightlife but some people can't handle an opinion that's different from their own. I acknowledge and respect what you said, but you proved my point.

Except I didn't prove your point because, as a fellow Green Day fan, I am not like that. You can't take an entire fanbase and fit them into one category. There are over 50,000 members on this site alone (I believe) and not everyone here is a die-hard, obsessed, I-don't-value-your-opinion, "Green Day is the new-age Jesus" kind of fan. I understand where you're coming from but it's useless and quite honestly stupid to group the entire Green Day fanbase under one umbrella. Some fans are like that but some fans aren't. It's give and take, just like any other band or movie or whatever's fanbase.

I don't know how unpopular this is, but I think Troublemaker is one of the trilogy's most underrated songs tbh. It's probably my favourite of all three CDs.

Troblemaker's definitely my favorite song from Uno, if not from the entire trilogy. The guitar is so catchy and the lyrics are incredibly witty.

Plus, it holds my favorite Green Day lyric of all time. "I wouldn't say I'm straight 'cause I'm bent out of shape".

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[*]UNO, DOS, TRE has decent songs but they were over-produced, the live versions are superior

The trilogy isnt over produced in fact production wise it's their less produced album since the Lookout era albums...

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The trilogy isnt over produced in fact production wise it's their less produced album since the Lookout era albums...

Maybe not in a sense of grandiosity, but the vocals had a lot done to them, and the guitars were squeaky clean. There's a reason the songs sound so different live.

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Maybe not in a sense of grandiosity, but the vocals had a lot done to them, and the guitars were squeaky clean. There's a reason the songs sound so different live.

Vocals had a filters but that doesn't equal over produced...

And the guitars being clean has NOTHING at all to do with the production

The guitars being clean was the band decision and set the amps that way...

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Vocals had a filters but that doesn't equal over produced...

And the guitars being clean has NOTHING at all to do with the production

The guitars being clean was the band decision and set the amps that way...

Therefore, it would be incorrectly produced (subjectively) rather than overproduced (too much tweaking with the sound board/added layers or effects)
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Vocals had a filters but that doesn't equal over produced...

And the guitars being clean has NOTHING at all to do with the production

The guitars being clean was the band decision and set the amps that way...

I suppose I consider tweaking the vocals and just having a very pre-packaged sound is what I was trying to say when I said "over-produced". I may have used it incorrectly in your vernacular, for that I apologize. The fact still stands that I didn't like the production that WAS done on it. Didn't know that it would be personal for you, I guess that opinion was an unpopular one, then.

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I suppose I consider tweaking the vocals and just having a very pre-packaged sound is what I was trying to say when I said "over-produced". I may have used it incorrectly in your vernacular, for that I apologize. The fact still stands that I didn't like the production that WAS done on it. Didn't know that it would be personal for you, I guess that opinion was an unpopular one, then.

No your production oponion is quite popular one

I personally like the trilogy's production but I understand that others don't escp by going on the past albums productions.

It is my pet peeve of folks saying it's over produced but just using the clean guitars as the reason of over production when the clean guitar tones have absolutely nothing at all to do with the actual production the clean guitars is on the band and performance side production is simply recording what is being played and capturing the best sound Green Day couldnt play with a heavy dirty sound then production just simply makes into a clean soft sound doesn't happen that way the vocal filters been going on since American Idiot

Sorry if you took my post as a attack if you did wasn't meant as one

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I don't know if it's unpopular or not but I miss the epic Green Day, American idiot/21stCB epic Green Day

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I don't know if it's unpopular or not but I miss the epic Green Day, American idiot/21stCB epic Green Day

Same I love 21st (and AI too)

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Same I love 21st (and AI too)

Once a band goes epic, playing arenas and big stadiums it feels weird when they try to make a u-turn

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  • The trilogy contains some of their best work.
  • I skip Fell for You, Sweet 16, Ashley and majority of the time skip Little Boy Names Train and The Forgotten (i like them, just, skip them.)
  • I don't think they should play King for a Day live anymore.
  • I much prefer Green Day live back in the late 80's and early 90's, before they were big - I would fucking kill to hear Road to Acceptance and Paper Lanterns in like 1991.
  • As much as this contradictions the above bullet point, they should have continued to use fireworks and explosions and fireworks like from the 21st Century Breakdown tour.
  • I miss when Billie was on drugs on stage, and his 'drugged' look and snarls and flinches and Mike's mic head banging and eye rolls.
  • I am REALLY pleased that they have gone back to wearing shitty clothes, even though it's like Green Day image branded (i loved it when they just wore shitty jeans and a t-shirt)
  • I honestly do not care for their image, as long as they just play their music, but i'm just saying.
  • Insomniac is my favorite album.
  • I really fucking hate some fans, some of them are just cringey - I'm not going to label them or pick them out, just saying like.
  • Not really a fan of the musical.
  • I hate the word 'musical.'
  • Foxboro Hot Tubs > Green Day; I don't think we'll see them live again though because you can't have Foxboro Hot Tubs without alcohol, and i'd rather Billie be not drinking.
  • Green Day don't necessarily 'copy' older bands but, after listening and being a fan to a lot of older bands, you can tell that Green Day are extremely heavily influenced by stuff.
  • I think Billie's confidence isn't fully back ever since rehab.
  • I enjoy Nightlife a lot but ever since watching Cuatro, it annoys the fuck out of me that it could have been 999999999% better. It's so fucking good when they're just jamming in the studio.
  • I don't think they'll ever be bigger than American Idiot.

I'm sure there's a lot more stuff I could think of if i thought about it a bit more but, that's all for now.

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  • I don't think they should play King for a Day live anymore.
  • I much prefer Green Day live back in the late 80's and early 90's, before they were big - I would fucking kill to hear Road to Acceptance and Paper Lanterns in like 1991.
  • Foxboro Hot Tubs > Green Day

  • King for a Day is really not about the song as much as it is about just dicking around and singing some partial covers of other songs. It's entertaining to see it live, but they've done almost identical things for 8 years with this song/act. So I agree.
  • Green Day back in early 90's were pretty bad compared to the anything post-dookie. BJA had little/no vocal range and the drumming was sloppy, they weren't as skilled musically. Obviously because of their age. Compared to other groups in that stage of their career, they were fantastic, but compared to later versions of themselves, well it's not close.
  • Hut Tubs songs are entertaining to an extent, but you can tell by the lyrics and the very similar songs from the Hot Tubs that this was in fact a side project. They lack the same witty lyricism in the Hot Tubs. They saved the good stuff for green day.

(All opinions, obviously)

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  • Green Day back in early 90's were pretty bad compared to the anything post-dookie. BJA had little/no vocal range and the drumming was sloppy, they weren't as skilled musically. Obviously because of their age. Compared to other groups in that stage of their career, they were fantastic, but compared to later versions of themselves, well it's not close.

Duuuuuuuuude, have you heard Tré play back around 1992 or whatever? He was so fucking tight.


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I'm a native English speaker, and yet I really have to concentrate to understand what Jamie Bell and Evan Rachel Woods are saying at the beginning of the WMUWSE video. Their mumbly voices really irritate me.

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  • King for a Day is really not about the song as much as it is about just dicking around and singing some partial covers of other songs. It's entertaining to see it live, but they've done almost identical things for 8 years with this song/act. So I agree.
  • Green Day back in early 90's were pretty bad compared to the anything post-dookie. BJA had little/no vocal range and the drumming was sloppy, they weren't as skilled musically. Obviously because of their age. Compared to other groups in that stage of their career, they were fantastic, but compared to later versions of themselves, well it's not close.
  • Hut Tubs songs are entertaining to an extent, but you can tell by the lyrics and the very similar songs from the Hot Tubs that this was in fact a side project. They lack the same witty lyricism in the Hot Tubs. They saved the good stuff for green day.

(All opinions, obviously)

Yea I know about King for a Day but it just kind of hangs a little once you've seen them loads live.

Yea they wern't anyway near as good live as what they are now, but I just preferred them back then, like his vocals in Road to Acceptance were just fucking amazing.


Of course Foxboro Hot Tubs was a side project... But Stop, Drop & Roll and Dos are probably my favorite work from them.

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" Fuck the past, think about now think about the future " - BJ
Yesterday they played whole Dookie..
So disappointed with this tour they are so stuck in the past, I am a huge fan of dookie (in fact I'm listenting to it right now) but playing it on this tour doesn't make any sense.

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" Fuck the past, think about now think about the future " - BJ

Yesterday they played whole Dookie..

So disappointed with this tour they are so stuck in the past, I am a huge fan of dookie (in fact I'm listenting to it right now) but playing it on this tour doesn't make any sense.

Jesus Christ, they go and do what fans have been begging them to do, and play songs off probably their best album, an album that changed the face of music in the 90s completely, and you complain because it doesn't make any sense?

Some people are never happy...

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Jesus Christ, they go and do what fans have been begging them to do, and play songs off probably their best album, an album that changed the face of music in the 90s completely, and you complain because it doesn't make any sense?

Some people are never happy...

that's why it's an unpopular opinion I guess :)

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the eyeliner is gone thank god :lol:

Lol I wouldn't be so sure! It suits him and he likes wearing it so I doubt it's the last we've seen of it.

I hate the eyeliner, it's always the first argument my friends throw at me when they tell me Green Day is a shitty band...it should be about the music not their look

Well, exactly! Why should it matter if he's stuck a bit of eyeliner on? If people are so shallow and looks obsessed that they'd use Billie's make up habits to judge how good the band is I'm GLAD if they're annoyed by it. The fact that Billie's eyeliner annoys people is my favourite thing about it. "I only care about the music not looks" one minute and "wahhh Billie's wearing eyeliner why doesn't he look how I want him to look" the next - hilarious :lol:
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I really wish Mike and Tre would have more singing/vocal parts. Billies voice wears on me fast and the variety is always so cool. they pull it off every now and then but I feel they seriously lack in it

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they said they were about to do something they never tried with the full Dookie and they have been talking about it few times. it was a big suprise for everyone and everyone loves this album so that's great.

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I really wish Mike and Tre would have more singing/vocal parts. Billies voice wears on me fast and the variety is always so cool. they pull it off every now and then but I feel they seriously lack in it

there's a reason why the lead singer is singing the whole time, he's their best singer. haha

Duuuuuuuuude, have you heard Tré play back around 1992 or whatever? He was so fucking tight.

not saying he wasn't a good drummer, but it's clear during the song they were a lot sloppier, tre's drums were sporadic at times. Watch Tre kill it on JOS or Longview on BIAB and tell me he isn't tremendously better

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