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Unpopular Green Day Opinions


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I feel like a lot of great albums from the 90's, notably Dookie, Metallica, and Nevermind, have a strange phenomenon among them: The albums themselves are pretty much 100% pure gold, but the singles were so completely and utterly massive that they overshadow the rest of the album's tracks despite the fact that they're all quality.

Pulling Teeth used to be my least favorite track on Dookie, but then I realized that it's completely tongue in cheek and satirical. And even beyond that, it's still a brilliant pop song, so it's gradually become one of my favorites.

Totally agreed. Pulling Teeth is actually the most played song on my iTunes. 1231 plays lolol.

But yeah, some of Dookie's best tracks were the non-singles. I really hope the whole album gets played in its entirety soon.

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Totally agreed. Pulling Teeth is actually the most played song on my iTunes. 1231 plays lolol.

But yeah, some of Dookie's best tracks were the non-singles. I really hope the whole album gets played in its entirety soon.

I honestly wouldn't mind if the band just went ahead and did 1 massive 2 hour show where they played American Idiot for it's 10th Anniversary and then follow it with Dookie for it's 20th.

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I honestly wouldn't mind if the band just went ahead and did 1 massive 2 hour show where they played American Idiot for it's 10th Anniversary and then follow it with Dookie for it's 20th.

My mind would be blown from awesomeness if on the next albums tour (late '14-15?) or on the last leg of this tour, they do 50% shows just Dookie and A.I. and the other half all trilogy :runaround:

Pulling Teeth used to be my least favorite track on Dookie, but then I realized that it's completely tongue in cheek and satirical. And even beyond that, it's still a brilliant pop song, so it's gradually become one of my favorites.

For that reason, Poprocks and Coke is my favorite "pop" song of all time.

Stand-alone, it's amazing. The simple message works perfectly and I also love the double meaning that makes him seem like a creepy stalker :lol:

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I honestly wouldn't mind if the band just went ahead and did 1 massive 2 hour show where they played American Idiot for it's 10th Anniversary and then follow it with Dookie for it's 20th.

that would be perfectness at his highest level. i mean In The End & Emenius Sleepus live :woot:

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I wish the studio version of 8th avenue serenade had the "4 5 6 7 8" during the stop

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I feel like a lot of great albums from the 90's, notably Dookie, Metallica, and Nevermind, have a strange phenomenon among them: The albums themselves are pretty much 100% pure gold, but the singles were so completely and utterly massive that they overshadow the rest of the album's tracks despite the fact that they're all quality.

Pulling Teeth used to be my least favorite track on Dookie, but then I realized that it's completely tongue in cheek and satirical. And even beyond that, it's still a brilliant pop song, so it's gradually become one of my favorites.

I used to despise Pulling Teeth until I actually sat down and listened to it (and the lyrics). Now it's one of my favorites off Dookie. :P

One thing I've noticed about Dookie, is that I've heard the massive singles so many times (like Basket Case) that I've gotten a little sick of them. None of the singles are my favorite songs off the album. :lol: I like them all, of course, but they're not my favorites anymore.

I honestly wouldn't mind if the band just went ahead and did 1 massive 2 hour show where they played American Idiot for it's 10th Anniversary and then follow it with Dookie for it's 20th.

I think the entire Green Day fandom would die if this happened.

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speaking of billie cursing i never minded it till the trilogy..ive actually enjoyed it till now..i felt like he just peppered in fucks and stuff for the hell of it..thats just how it sorta felt for moi

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Moi? Look at you all classy with your French.

But yeah, I agree, a lot of the f-bombs felt forced, like the way a kid would sing it just because he realized it annoys his parents.

im darn classy..i agree like Fuck laundry Fuck Broccoli Fuck going to bed without dessert!

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Moi? Look at you all classy with your French.

But yeah, I agree, a lot of the f-bombs felt forced, like the way a kid would sing it just because he realized it annoys his parents.

It sounds like he's trying too hard to be dirty. Like, "Oh, yeah, if I put the word fuck in here, it seems punk and vulgar, right?" It doesn't flow most of the time.

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Well obviously I mean you read the great goatsby. And exactly. One of my favorite things about AI was the way Billie ripped off a choice cuss word in the proper spot, but the Trilogy just doesn't have the same flair.

Best examples are on Letterbomb: "strike the fucking match to light this fuse", and obviously St. Jimmy.

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Well obviously I mean you read the great goatsby. And exactly. One of my favorite things about AI was the way Billie ripped off a choice cuss word in the proper spot, but the Trilogy just doesn't have the same flair.

yes AI cursing was miles better and

sorry to spam but you mentioned my favorite book/movie

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I really don't mind the cursing in the Trilogy. It's part of that sense of urgency it all has, none of it feels forced to me at all. Maybe I'm just too desensitized by my own swearing but yeah, I really couldn't care less about it.

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(Unpopular?) opinion: the drum beat of Redundant is addictively fun to tap

oh jesus I can't stop laughing i hate you


The goat hates you back :P

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Unpopular opinion I hold: there are parts of the trilogy where I feel as if the lyrics could be better. It almost makes me cringe and it's hard for me to see passed these lines.


Walk Away - "When you fall you're gonna need a parachute, or a used pair of shoes to go, and walk away."

Loss of Control - the entire chorus

It just seems as if he couldn't think of anything else to say and it fit, so they went with it. Obviously we know that BJ is an amazing lyricist, but with some of these songs it just feels as if it's a missed opportunity. I love these songs otherwise, but like I said, it's hard for me to get over it.

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I really don't mind the cursing in the Trilogy. It's part of that sense of urgency it all has, none of it feels forced to me at all. Maybe I'm just too desensitized by my own swearing but yeah, I really couldn't care less about it.

I don't think F*** sounds forced - the dropping of the f bomb as in the other examples given above is completely different to the trilogy because the music sound in the trilogy is cleaner/clearer.

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I think Billie Joe will fall in love with me when I meet him.

I think this too but with Hayley Williams...but yeah anyway I wouldn't like a Green Day metal core song
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The swearing on the the Trilogy is just plain unnecessary for the most part.

Evidence: Kill the DJ.

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The swearing on the the Trilogy is just plain unnecessary for the most part.

Evidence: Kill the DJ.

yeah, why the dj hate fuckstrong? -.-

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Unpopular opinion I hold: there are parts of the trilogy where I feel as if the lyrics could be better. It almost makes me cringe and it's hard for me to see passed these lines.


Walk Away - "When you fall you're gonna need a parachute, or a used pair of shoes to go, and walk away."

Loss of Control - the entire chorus

It just seems as if he couldn't think of anything else to say and it fit, so they went with it. Obviously we know that BJ is an amazing lyricist, but with some of these songs it just feels as if it's a missed opportunity. I love these songs otherwise, but like I said, it's hard for me to get over it.

I can understand Loss of Control, but I've always thought that Walk Away's lyrics (in the verses not that pathetic chorus) were fantastic.
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I HATE the chorus of Sex Drugs and Violence............. Come on- I can sing along at the top of my lungs to every other GD song while I drive, But really... This makes me cringe, roll up my windows, or just skip the whole song.

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Despite the fact that Loss of Control's lyrics are kind of everywhere, I really love the alliteration and rhythmic qualities of the pre-chorus. Billie is singing about 1000 words a minute there but it has a slick rhythm to it, kind of like the verses to Babs Uvula Who. The chorus blows chunks though; everyone on this site bitches about fucking one line choruses but that's not the problem. The issue is that Loss of Control's chorus plateaus; it does all this intense build up and then it flatly lands in "we're all crazy" which ends up feeling like another bridge. Contrast that to Walk Away and 99 Revolutions, which have one line choruses with a lot of released passion and energy behind each word. Otherwise, to me Loss of Control is a terrific live song and its really fun to play on guitar. But to me it's probably the weakest song on the wholly excellent Trilogy.

Sex, Drugs and Violence on the other hand to me is quality Green Day through and through. I wouldn't change a thing about that song.

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I don't think that with fast power chords songs every similarity should be called a rip off. Take any song with 4 chords on the verses. Is it not possible that another artist would think of that same pattern?

I'm talking about people saying Green Day ripped off anothr band or another band ripped Green Day.

Some people just take it too seriously.

I'm not talking about let's say.... Nirvana ripping off "Eighties" with "Come As You Are". THAT's what I call a rip off.

Let's just respect Green Day for writing so much original music and lyrics.

If there's a similar song I'd probably say "oh that kinda reminds me of that song" rather than "Oh my GOD! The bastards! How could they rip that song off?!"

Just... don't judge so much when you don't even know if it's a rip off.

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I don't think that with fast power chords songs every similarity should be called a rip off. Take any song with 4 chords on the verses. Is it not possible that another artist would think of that same pattern?

I'm talking about people saying Green Day ripped off anothr band or another band ripped Green Day.

Some people just take it too seriously.

I'm not talking about let's say.... Nirvana ripping off "Eighties" with "Come As You Are". THAT's what I call a rip off.

Let's just respect Green Day for writing so much original music and lyrics.

If there's a similar song I'd probably say "oh that kinda reminds me of that song" rather than "Oh my GOD! The bastards! How could they rip that song off?!"

Just... don't judge so much when you don't even know if it's a rip off.

So you attack Nirvana but not Green Day? Are you overlooking that the song Warning is just The Kinks Picture Book verbatim?

Come on dont be a hypocrite

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