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I'd like to hear green day play a metalcore song. From Take Back, Letterbomb, and Hitchin A Ride, we know Billie can scream. Green Day breakdowns.

I agree, those listed are probably my favorite Green Day songs and I'd love for them to do more of that.

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I'd rather shove a meth dosed porcupine up my arse while dancing the Macarena on top of the Eiffel Tower in a thunderstorm than hear Green Day attempt a metalcore song.

the day green day release a metalcore song will be the day that i'm really and truly disappointed with them for the first time ever :lol:

This too.

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I agree, those listed are probably my favorite Green Day songs and I'd love for them to do more of that.

It's fine in moderation, but the majority of an album? NO!

That's the reason why I love The Black Parade and Danger Days, but am indifferent to half of 3 Cheers and most of I Brought You My Bullets (MCR)

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This might be an unpopular opinion. I think the trilogy is great, and that none of the three albums is better than the other. I like them equally! There's one song I'm not really a fan of in each of the three and there's a bunch of songs from each that I just love to death! :D So yeah! I'm a trilogy fan!

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I'm probably one of the biggest, if not THE biggest, "punk elitists" on this forum, but I don't think Green Day has called any of their music punk in a very long time so this doesn't seem....relevant?

And I don't believe their intended audience is scene kids. Do they sound like Blood on the Dance Floor to you?

I'm going to make a general statement and say that every new age punk was probably introduced to the idea of punk because of Green Day or a band that was heavily inspired by Green Day/the 1990s punk revolution (i.e., Blink-182, Sum 41, The Offspring, etc.)

blood on the dance floor and metalcore are two different audiences
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blood on the dance floor and metalcore are two different audiences

I believe she was referring to scene kids, who listen to both, and are widely regarded as having the joint worst musical taste in the world, tied with Spanish pensioners.

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I think Billie Joe will fall in love with me when I meet him.

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blood on the dance floor and metalcore are two different audiences

I was referring to the comment about Green Day's target audience being scene kids.

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I was referring to the comment about Green Day's target audience being scene kids.

Scene kids? I imagine they listen to a more oriental style of music, preferably in a language they don't understand and where genders don't matter because everyone looks fab in their fab costumes anyway.

I like visual kei. *confesses*

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Okay so what in the world is metalcore and scene - kids?

Sorry I'm not hip onto these new labels and what not.

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I honestly have no reaction to what I've listened to.

Congrats, you have now heard every metalcore song ever.

It's bland screamed vocals over random double pedal and layers of guitar wanking.

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Congrats, you have now heard every metalcore song ever.

It's bland screamed vocals over random double pedal and layers of guitar wanking.

He sounds like he need an exorcism, honestly.

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Billie Joe Karen is my soulmate

Céadagh is my soulmate.

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Congrats, you have now heard every metalcore song ever.

It's bland screamed vocals over random double pedal and layers of guitar wanking.

How long do these bands last? I can't imagine a singer being able to shout like that for a long period of time

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How long do these bands last? I can't imagine a singer being able to shout like that for a long period of time

I dunno, I don't think any of them have made it to their 30s yet.

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Kill The DJ is excellent musically, but the chorus is just damn stupid. Needlessly vulgar, and not in the least bit witty or clever. It ruins what would otherwise be a favourite from the trilogy for me.

This from the guy who called me a cunt the first time I talked to him.

How long do these bands last? I can't imagine a singer being able to shout like that for a long period of time

Metalcore bands break up and switch members on an almost daily basis, usually because their singers quit :lol:

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Nightlife, Kill the DJ, The Forgotten, and Brutal Love all have serious flaws, but I put that down more to the rushed nature of the Trilogy. Given time I think a lot of those weaknesses would have been worked out of those tracks. Green Day have proved they can do different stuff, they just need to work a bit harder at it. There's a big difference between slapping down a bunch of angry lyrics and a 4 chord riff, and working on a song completely outside your comfort zone.

I completely disagree.All the songs you mentioned are not flawed.Brutal Love maybe a rip off, but it is pleasant to my ears.The Forgotten is one of the well recorded/produced songs of the trilogy.Kill the DJ and Nightlife are amazing experiments.

I have only two genres-Sounds Good and Sounds shit.There is no comfort zone in them.Green Day has been doing Ballads for 8 years now, even though the one in American Idiot were not like the ones in 21st cb or the trilogy.

Also, the trilogy was never rushed.There was nothing wrong with it except it's promotion.Had it made a multi certification or something, you people would be calling it a masterpiece and won't be saying those negative comments about it.I hated this idea at first but then I really like it now.The critics gave it positive reviews too, even after two of them flopped.

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This from the guy who called me a cunt the first time I talked to him.

I call everyone a cunt, you cunt.

I'm touched that you remember the first time I spoke to you though :P

I completely disagree.All the songs you mentioned are not flawed.Brutal Love maybe a rip off, but it is pleasant to my ears.The Forgotten is one of the well recorded/produced songs of the trilogy.Kill the DJ and Nightlife are amazing experiments.

I have only two genres-Sounds Good and Sounds shit.There is no comfort zone in them.Green Day has been doing Ballads for 8 years now, even though the one in American Idiot were not like the ones in 21st cb or the trilogy.

Also, the trilogy was never rushed.There was nothing wrong with it except it's promotion.Had it made a multi certification or something, you people would be calling it a masterpiece and won't be saying those negative comments about it.I hated this idea at first but then I really like it now.The critics gave it positive reviews too, even after two of them flopped.

Like I said, the only flaw with Brutal Love is that the melody isn't original. I expected better from them. As for The Forgotten, well recorded doesn't instantly mean it's a good song. Justin Bieber is well produced, but it's still shit. You can polish a turd, but it's still a turd. And I disagree like hell on Nightlife and Kill The DJ, but I guess that's opinion.

When you record that much material in a few months, it can only be rushed. I would have loved if they'd stayed in studio for another month, and just beat the kinks out of the songs, and work on the overall sound a bit more. There's a reason they're remixing the guitars now :P

And I really don't think the sun shines out Green Day's arse. I'm probably one of the last people on here who could be accused of it. It's been pretty well established that critics are just as hit and miss with picking up good music as anyone else. And an average rating of 66/100 is barely a glowing review.

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