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Unpopular Green Day Opinions


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If I say the punchline now, you won't believe me on it and you would think that I am a troll. So I am damned if I do and damned if I don't.

It's the internet give it time and eventually what ever you decide to do will be forgotten. At least that's what has happened to me the majority of the time.

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No I am not a troll... I am just someone trying to find a video and expressing my opinion. People ask me questions and I am tempted to answer them.... even when they are off topic. So I really should get off of here.

I've seen you post about the video loads of times and you only ever give vague little details of things you remember about the room and how people were moving around and say it contained poetry by Billie Joe and stuff like that. But what you're referring to here is something "horrible" that you "hate". You've never explained about that. No one's going to find the video from the details you've given, and you're choosing not to give us the details that relate to your "Unpopular Green Day Opinion". Unless you elaborate on the part of the video that's given you an "Unpopular Green Day Opinion" I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve by posting in this thread. I don't think you're a troll but there simply isn't any point in posting about something that no one knows anything about unless you're going to explain.

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the only thing that makes you look like a troll is you keep talking about this video none of us have ever seen but you refuse to tell us what the big deal about it was. my god just say it it cant possibly be any worse than when he said he hoped steve jobs died of cancer. just spit it out.

It said that soul mates don't exist, and yet the poem on the video described me, along with other things that were said on it. I am really irritated by it. He does not know me, but my therapist does and she thinks I am nuts because she has not seen the video. That is it in a nutshell.

Can we please just move on?

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Ok i know what Billie revealed in the canpfire video...

It was done into 94 He reads a Edgar Allan Poe poem then reveals he had sex with a 17 year old candian girl named Patty and they had a baby but the girl was dating another guy named Jeremy Bieber so they couldn't come out with the truth that Justin Bieber is really.... Justin Armstrong ....

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Ok i know what Billie revealed in the canpfire video...

It wasto done into 94 He reads a Edgar Allan Poe poem then reveals he had sex with a 17 year old candian girl named Patty and they had a baby but the girl was dating another guy named Jeremy Bieber so they couldn't come out with the truth that Justin Bieber is really.... Justin Armstrong ....

Now that is trolling.

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He has changed his mind cause didn't he call Mike his soul mate at a recent concert.

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i tried to find the video but literally nothing comes up

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It said that soul mates don't exist, and yet the poem on the video described me, along with other things that were said on it. I am really irritated by it. He does not know me, but my therapist does and she thinks I am nuts because she has not seen the video. That is it in a nutshell.

Can we please just move on?

One more thing. I'm sorry to keep pushing this and I can see that you're getting tired of this, but I have just one more thing to say and then hopefully this can all go away.

What I don't get is that you've taken this to heart so much when it isn't even about you. How on earth could it be if you've never even met him? It's just coincidence if it happens to give a similar description to yours. Billie Joe was so young then and he's changed so much. So have all of us, I believe. I'm sure he thinks differently about life, love, and everything now. Besides, what he said in the video wasn't intended to hurt anyone, I'm certain of it. He's not a mean spirited person and, as far as I know, never wants to hurt anyone if he can help it. I'm so sorry that you're hurt by whatever he said and I hope you will get through this. But really, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself and interpret this so negatively.

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i've looked too but there's not even a mention of it anywhere. i don't think it's on the internet, i've spent an absurd amount of time watching green day videos and i've never see or heard of anything even remotely like it.

Same here.=/ I've watched so many Green Day videos it's embarrassing.:lol: I have like over 450 on my computer.:mellow:
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This is actually kinda creeping me out...the details are so vague that it's kinda creepy to me for some reason. Don't know why.

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One more thing. I'm sorry to keep pushing this and I can see that you're getting tired of this, but I have just one more thing to say and then hopefully this can all go away.

What I don't get is that you've taken this to heart so much when it isn't even about you. How on earth could it be if you've never even met him? It's just coincidence if it happens to give a similar description to yours. Billie Joe was so young then and he's changed so much. So have all of us, I believe. I'm sure he thinks differently about life, love, and everything now. Besides, what he said in the video wasn't intended to hurt anyone, I'm certain of it. He's not a mean spirited person and, as far as I know, never wants to hurt anyone if he can help it. I'm so sorry that you're hurt by whatever he said and I hope you will get through this. But really, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself and interpret this so negatively.

Because it described me, I told someone that I fit the description and they won't let it go. They laugh at me and it doesn't feel good. I want to get through this, which is why I am searching for this video, so that they will stop laughing and let it go.

This is actually kinda creeping me out...the details are so vague that it's kinda creepy to me for some reason. Don't know why.

It creeps me out also, those are the memories I have from it, I didn't get to see all of the video because I walked into the room in the middle of it while it was on television. But it was about soul mates and it said that they don't exist at the end of it.

now that is enough. I don't want to talk about it anymore on here because it is off topic.

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Because it described me, I told someone that I fit the description and they won't let it go. They laugh at me and it doesn't feel good. I want to get through this, which is why I am searching for this video, so that they will stop laughing and let it go.

Hmm. Seems to me that this problem has more to do with your feelings about this person who laughs at you than the video itself. Seems kind of dickish for someone to laugh at you just because they don't understand what you were trying to tell them about the video. They're the problem.

Anyway, enough of this now.

It kind of bothers me when Billie gets all sexual on stage such as humping the floor or pulls down his pants part way. I mean, it's funny sometimes, but it gets kind of old when he does it at like every single show. Thank god he doesn't get completely naked anymore. Keep those pants on, boy. I don't really want to see your bare ass.

I do love me some shirtless Billie and belly porn, though! :eyebrows: He can do that as much as he wants!

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It kind of bothers me when Billie gets all sexual on stage such as humping the floor or pulls down his pants part way. I mean, it's funny sometimes, but it gets kind of old when he does it at like every single show. Thank god he doesn't get completely naked anymore. Keep those pants on, boy. I don't really want to see your bare ass.

I agree.

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I hate how Green Day now walks in to Bohemian Rhapsody. It does NOT get me pumped up like Rock n' Roll Radio did. Plus, it's like really long. and boring. I mean, I can see why people think it's a good song, but this just isn't the right context for it.

I actually loved Bohemian Rhapsody being played before the shows; I'll now always have the memory of singing it with everyone else (fuck, I get emotional now when I see that Sonos commercial that features the Wayne's World clip :lol:). It's the Good, the Bad and the Ugly that I find awkward, because I don't think it really works in terms of walkout music; idk how to explain it, but I don't think it really helped get people excited for them to come out (partially because it felt like they just appeared onstage) because it's a song that sets up a dramatic scene ... and they used it to saunter onstage. It didn't build enough of a climax.

Their cover of "A Quick One While He's Away" by the Who is pretty spectacular in my opinion.

It's legit one of my favorite Green Day songs ever. I fucking love what they added to the original song.

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It kind of bothers me when Billie gets all sexual on stage such as humping the floor or pulls down his pants part way.

That's the best part of their shows :mellow: :mellow: :o

I have no shame saying that I enjoy those things at GD shows


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That's the best part of their shows :mellow: :mellow: :o

I have no shame saying that I enjoy those things at GD shows


I agree :D

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The trilogy are the worst Green Day albums. By far.

is this really an unpopular opinion???

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is this really an unpopular opinion???

I doubt it is anymore :P

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I doubt it is anymore :P

well screw u guys :lol::ga::ga::ga::ga:


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well screw u guys :lol::ga::ga::ga::ga:


Yeaah, the trilogy's fucking awesome! :ga:


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I know this was a few pages back but I haven't checked this thread in a while and have just noticed this post. Basically, I agree with you 100%. You've worded my exact feelings about the trilogy in a better way than I ever could, and also my doubts about their live performances. It's funny how much I agree with you on this but at the same time, I absolutely love most of the songs on the trilogy. This - album, era, whatever it is - has provided me with a handful of songs I can call some of my favourites, and really, that's all I can really ask for from an… album (calling it so for simplicity). But still, there's so much confusion in this era I can't quite explain, and I've found myself feeling the exact same way as you about all of those negative points while loving the actual tracks at the same time. You've hit the nail on the head: although the trilogy is great, it's just so disorganised that nobody can seem to form a complete opinion of it.

EDIT: Watch the 20 replies I get saying "I can form a complete opinion of it!!" :lol:

Thanks. Criticizing the album and discussing it with the other people really helps. There ARE some hidden gems in the trilogy. It's sad we don't see any of it getting played anywhere. I even expected a whole new generation of followers and that the trilogy would be an eye-opener. Just not sure what we have now really but I'm staying tuned. I just hope Green Day would do or say something in tour to change our views on the entire thing. I guess I'm ready to undergo another "Shenanigans era" though I think that era seemed a lot more eventful. Maybe Green Day should go on tour with Blink-182 again? That could help and it'd be something really big and different. Green Day do something!

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i'm all for green day doing something different at this point

I think they should do a rap album.

Just imagine something like this: "Yo yo yo, I said ah, I said ah, I said ah, I said ah, I said ah, I said ah, I said ah, I said I don't wanna be an, UH YO, American Idiot." :wub:

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I think they should do a rap album.

Just imagine something like this: "Yo yo yo, I said ah, I said ah, I said ah, I said ah, I said ah, I said ah, I said ah, I said I don't wanna be an, UH YO, American Idiot." :wub:

That can't be right, he didn't even say "y'know" once in that line.

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I almost started singing Stray heart to Mother mary's intro. Green Day are such a fucking rip-off. FBHT should sue them.


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"my names rappin billie and im here to say its fun to rap in a green day way"

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