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Unpopular Green Day Opinions


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I'm pretty neutral about Billie personality wise since he's an imperfect human being and he tends to flip around a lot, but I have immense respect for him and Mike. These are two kids who really came from nothing (borderline working/lower class kids) who really pushed themselves and made themselves successful. It's really inspiring for someone like me that's grown up in a similar economic situation (though thankfully my home is intact).

are you implying that Tré didn't? :rolleyes:

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are you implying that Tré didn't? :rolleyes:

Well I'm not sure about Tré. I know his family lived isolated in the Bay hills but other than that I don't know about his upbringing. He was an army brat, right?

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It concerns me slightly that people think they can judge Green Day members' personalities and integrity to the extent displayed in this thread. None of us actually know these people you know....

The truth is I hate what he has done with his life...

This confuses me, because I assume you mean having a drink/drug problem (since the other aspects of what he's done with his life are being a hugely talented and successful songwriter/musician/performer, who makes music you enjoy, and being a happily married family man, which are hardly things to hate)? But.......he got help with his drink/drug problem by going through rehab and getting clean. So what is there to hate now?

Besides, nobody's life and choices are perfect. If Billie had been perfect with no problems and no flaws he'd be a different person, he would've written different songs and made different music (if he'd written songs and made music at all). It's the overall that matters, and overall what he's done with his life looks pretty damn good to me.

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It concerns me slightly that people think they can judge Green Day members' personalities and integrity to the extent displayed in this thread. None of us actually know these people you know....

This confuses me, because I assume you mean having a drink/drug problem (since the other aspects of what he's done with his life are being a hugely talented and successful songwriter/musician/performer, who makes music you enjoy, and being a happily married family man, which are hardly things to hate)? But.......he got help with his drink/drug problem by going through rehab and getting clean. So what is there to hate now?

Besides, nobody's life and choices are perfect. If Billie had been perfect with no problems and no flaws he'd be a different person, he would've written different songs and made different music (if he'd written songs and made music at all). It's the overall that matters, and overall what he's done with his life looks pretty damn good to me.

Basically what I was trying to say, only much more well put! :thumbsup: You're 100% correct.

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your posts just confuse me because i'm pretty sure in another thread you said he was your soul mate. but you don't love him? :lol:

I have chosen not to love him.

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It concerns me slightly that people think they can judge Green Day members' personalities and integrity to the extent displayed in this thread. None of us actually know these people you know....

This confuses me, because I assume you mean having a drink/drug problem (since the other aspects of what he's done with his life are being a hugely talented and successful songwriter/musician/performer, who makes music you enjoy, and being a happily married family man, which are hardly things to hate)? But.......he got help with his drink/drug problem by going through rehab and getting clean. So what is there to hate now?

Besides, nobody's life and choices are perfect. If Billie had been perfect with no problems and no flaws he'd be a different person, he would've written different songs and made different music (if he'd written songs and made music at all). It's the overall that matters, and overall what he's done with his life looks pretty damn good to me.

There's more than just the addiction problem. But I won't post it on here, because it is too unpopular and I don't want to spread hate on the forum.

The addiction problem is not him. What I hate is what he's done. I don't love him, I haven't met him, and I don't want to.

I am looking for the video because it is a reminder of why I don't want to meet him, it would help explain.

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I am getting tired of people laughing at me for it. I want to find the video so I don't have to explain it anymore.

I do like the music.

That's enough about me now.

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Maybe it's just me, but it seems pretty hard to hate the members of band but like their music. The majority of music, especially Green Day's music, is influenced by their personal lives. Therefore, you can't really separate the two.

@EternityRagnarok - from what I've read when browsing this thread, it appears to me like you once idoled the guy, but now you hate him post-meltdown. I don't know, I mean I'm not really proud of what he did, I don't think anybody is, but we still respect the guy and applaud him for turning his life around before it got any worse. The band doesn't take any shit so whatever video you find, I wouldn't take it to heart. They mess around, but they're generally nice guys.

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It would be easier if you explained - chances are you aren't going to find the footage. I am at a loss to know why you don't like him as you haven't met him. Billie would be first to say he is not perfect - nobody is. He is dealing with his own shit on the world stage. Yeah he had a meltdown but he got up pretty dam quick. Did he hurt an animal or something. I am finding this all confusing and no one is making fun of you we are trying to understand.

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@iScottie Maybe that's the problem... I took the video to heart and it was horrible. Still, anyone who 'knows' me should see that video so I don't have to keep explaining to them.

Even if the audio is located, that would be better than not finding it at all. In which case... look for him singing the campfire song and reciting a poem.

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I thought you said he was coming down a hallway and gave a shrug - I am so confused.

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I thought you said he was coming down a hallway and gave a shrug - I am so confused.

there was more I posted about it.

no one is making fun of you, i'm pretty sure we're all just really confused. i've read what you said about the video and it just confused me more, assuming the reason why you feel this way about him is in the video you made a thread about? what's so bad about him reading a poem? not to mention you said the video is from 93 or 94...that was 20 years ago and you're still holding whatever it was against him? i'm baffled.

It was what he said at the end of it before he shrugged that hurt so much. You are right though, that is a long time to be holding a grudge.

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I don't really understand how you've seen a video that no other Green Day fan has seen or heard of or what could possibly in it that's so bad. But the thing is, if you're not going to say what was in this video that was so horrible then to be honest I'm not sure why you're posting about it here. Surely it's only going to make you feel bad, and confuse everyone and make them want to know what you're talking about, so what's the point?

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You see.. the video pulled me in until the punch line at which point I was hurt.

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Well if there is a punch line can't be too hard to remember and recite.

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I don't really understand how you've seen a video that no other Green Day fan has seen or heard of or what could possibly in it that's so bad. But the thing is, if you're not going to say what was in this video that was so horrible then to be honest I'm not sure why you're posting about it here. Surely it's only going to make you feel bad, and confuse everyone and make them want to know what you're talking about, so what's the point?

I had posted my opinion and it turned in to this. I'm sorry I'll be quiet.

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You sure you didn't smoke something and just imagined a video of Billie reading a poem by a campfire Eternity?

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You sure you didn't smoke something and just imagined a video of Billie reading a poem by a campfire Eternity?

lol that explains it

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You see.. the video pulled me in until the punch line at which point I was hurt.

But again....no one knows what you're talking about. None of us can comment on it or have an opinion or agree or disagree or sympathize, all anyone can do is ask you what you're talking about. So if you're not going to say why keep posting about it?

I'm not saying you're not allowed to post about it by the way, I just can't understand what the point is.

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No I am not a troll... I am just someone trying to find a video and expressing my opinion. People ask me questions and I am tempted to answer them.... even when they are off topic. So I really should get off of here.

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Thanks for the PM - I think you should just say it since you have been searching for it for a decade now. I think you are trolling us.

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From what I have read people are giving Eternity Ragnarok shit for something they said that they don't agree with now.

It's like if you asked me when Uno! and Tre! came out I would have said they were great albums but now I don't particularly care for them other than a few songs off Tre!. People change with time. What changed my opinion. Well I actually didn't particularly care for Tre! due to the Twatlight song. Uno! I was stoked for due to recordings of Carpe Diem at the secret shows then the album hit and it sucked ass it didn't compare to the recordings.

Sorry went off on another rant. At least it sorta fits with the topic of Unpopular opinions. XD

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Thanks for the PM - I think you should just say it since you have been searching for it for a decade now. I think you are trolling us.

If I say the punchline now, you won't believe me on it and you would think that I am a troll. So I am damned if I do and damned if I don't.

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