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Unpopular Green Day Opinions


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I don't know why you wouldn't want to be gay. I'm a straight male and I think it's totally okay for other people to be gay and for guys to call other guys handsome or good looking. Nothing wrong with that.

Thank you haha xD I've been slightly worried about my thoughts of Billie.....as in me thinking he's good looking. Not dirty thought's if you know what I mean :L

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who is green..day?

Oh, just this boy band. You wouldn't like them.

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Billie Joe is not that attractive.

Now YOU'RE breaking the rules! Billie is beautiful and amazing. :wub:

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Omg! Nice to see some loe for 21st CB :)

It didn't win a Grammy for nothing! I love how over the top it is. It's just so fucking camp :D

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Mike's voice is just average: not bad, not revolutionary, not as good as Billie's, but he's a great backing vocalist

Actually I'd say his voice is good. Guy has ridiculous range. I try to sing his harmonies sometimes and I'm like how

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Is it wrong that I'm 16 years old and feel slightly attracted to him, am I gay? I fuckin' hope not. Doesn't everyone have thier man crush?

I'm probably gonna regret posting that.

We've all touched ourselves to the thought of Billie, those we some rough times... I've moved on from that and now I only pleasure myself to Tre.

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Is it wrong that I'm 16 years old and feel slightly attracted to him, am I gay? I fuckin' hope not. Doesn't everyone have thier man crush?

I'm probably gonna regret posting that.

Why would you regret posting that, everyone has girl/guy crushes, it's perfectly normal.

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I don't like Tre's joke songs at all. I can only listen to them once.

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Is it wrong that I'm 16 years old and feel slightly attracted to him, am I gay? I fuckin' hope not. Doesn't everyone have thier man crush?

I'm probably gonna regret posting that.

It's not that weird, even if you are/aren't gay. It's no different than girls calling some other girl pretty or whatever. It's just that, for some reason, it sounds more weird for a guy to say it than a girl.
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Actually I'd say his voice is good. Guy has ridiculous range. I try to sing his harmonies sometimes and I'm like how

I struggle with his harmonies so much. Because of him my voice somehow got higher, and now I struggle to do his low harmonies. Shit's fucking annoying.

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Actually I'd say his voice is good. Guy has ridiculous range. I try to sing his harmonies sometimes and I'm like how

I meant as a lead vocalist, maybe I didn't make that clear enough. And when I said he's a good backing vocalist I meant to lump that with harmonies.

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It's not that weird, even if you are/aren't gay. It's no different than girls calling some other girl pretty or whatever. It's just that, for some reason, it sounds more weird for a guy to say it than a girl.

Because society is fucked up!

Everyone is allowed guy/girl crushes!

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In my opinion;

1. The live version of Let Yourself Go is heaps better than the released version

2. Warning is a kick ass album

3. The trilogy is great!

4. Kerplunk and 21CB are my least favourite albums

5. 21CB and Kerplunk are still amazing albums though

6. Green Day is now what I consider a pop-punk band

7. They have not 'exhausted their creativity'

8. They are not sellouts

9. They don't have a best and worst album

10. Homecoming over Jesus of Suburbia

That took a lot of thought, I'll probably think of some more. This thread is great btw.

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I think American Idiot is the worst song of the album.

i cant go two fuckin' minutes into talking about them without some kid screaming: HURR DURN WANN BEH MERCIA IDIOT in my face. and it just annoys me, its only good live. same for BOBD and WMUWSE

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Why would you regret posting that, everyone has girl/guy crushes, it's perfectly normal.

Yeah, I guess. I've just been embarassed about admitting that I feel that Billie is good looking, man I feel so much better now! :D

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I think Lady Cobra should become an official member and do lead vocals from now on.

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I think Lady Cobra should become an official member and do lead vocals from now on.

Nah. Fuck Lady Cobra tbh

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Yeah, I guess. I've just been embarassed about admitting that I feel that Billie is good looking, man I feel so much better now! :D

There'a always some guy that a guy thinks is good looking. Like there have been guys that I thought were good looking, but I don't think they're hot or wanna have sex with them, ect.

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Green Day are an alternative-punk band and always have been. If such a genre didn't already exist, then I just created it. the sellout brigade can suck a fat one.

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I think American Idiot is the worst song of the album.

i cant go two fuckin' minutes into talking about them without some kid screaming: HURR DURN WANN BEH MERCIA IDIOT in my face. and it just annoys me, its only good live. same for BOBD and WMUWSE


Same goes for Holiday.

I actually heard someone say "I'm a big fan of Green Day, yeah, I love songs like American Idiot, WMUWSE and Holiday"

That is legit^

And I'm just like *FACEPALM*

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Insomniac is the best album because of reasons.

Tell the reasons. Because to me, Tight Wad Hill, Stuart and the Ave and the likes of those songs are some of the most dispensable Green Day have ever written

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