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Unpopular Green Day Opinions


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i really like 99 revolutions as an opener. it was never one of my favorites on the trilogy until i saw it live and i loved it, it has really great energy. that being said, nothing will ever top the song of the century/21cb opener for me. so perfect.

speaking of which, i've found myself really nostalgic for the 21st century breakdown "era" lately. it's weird, because 21cb is far from being my favrorite album, i absolutely love the trilogy, wouldn't change anything about it, the show i went to on this tour was the best i've ever seen them perform, but...i don't know. i just miss it. maybe it's just because i really miss all the interviews and seeing them on tv and stuff :( i was really hoping they'd get back into the swing of things and start promoting the trilogy but i don't see that happening now.

I can't blame them for taking it slow, but it feels really weird, like it's Green Day's stunt double.

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i really like 99 revolutions as an opener. it was never one of my favorites on the trilogy until i saw it live and i loved it, it has really great energy. that being said, nothing will ever top the song of the century/21cb opener for me. so perfect.

speaking of which, i've found myself really nostalgic for the 21st century breakdown "era" lately. it's weird, because 21cb is far from being my favrorite album, i absolutely love the trilogy, wouldn't change anything about it, the show i went to on this tour was the best i've ever seen them perform, but...i don't know. i just miss it. maybe it's just because i really miss all the interviews and seeing them on tv and stuff :( i was really hoping they'd get back into the swing of things and start promoting the trilogy but i don't see that happening now.

Yeah, 99 Revs is an alright opener. But you know what would be really cool? If they opened with Panic Song. All that fast drumming and bass leading up to an awesome song. Jeez.

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Yeah, 99 Revs is an alright opener. But you know what would be really cool? If they opened with Panic Song. All that fast drumming and bass leading up to an awesome song. Jeez.

Like I said, :P

For ones they've done in the past, I'm sick of hearing Welcome to Paradise. Pleeeaaase, no more.

Since 99 Revolutions is the only one I can claim to have seen live, I'll just say it was amazing. It's the perfect speed for banging your head or jumping around in the pit. I have to say, it was one of the best parts of the night on Thursday.

For future openers, I would be blown away if the played Panic Song as they came on stage. I say this because this means that the crowd has about 2 whole minutes to get pumped before Billie starts singing. And we all know that when Billie isn't allowed to sing for even a moment, he'll get into some funny business. While Mike and Tre are playing to kick off the song, I can just imagine all the faces he'll make at the crowd and all the pranks he can pull. After Panic Song, I would love to see Dirty Rotten Bastards, with all the yeah-yeah-yeahs and ra-de-da-de-di's to get some crowd interaction.

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You have Jason White as your ava but you don't like Pinhead Gunpowder? What kind of dope are you smoking. :mellow:

Actually, I do like that song and a few others but for the most part I don't really care for them :P
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on the current setlist it's played during the encore at the end. it goes with American Idiot, Jesus of Suburbia and they end with Brutal Love!

And depending on the show, Good Riddance

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And depending on the show, Good Riddance

you're right. but they played Brutal Love more times

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I still don't understand dropping Good Riddance (except for Pennsylvania's shows, including mine. What's so special about the state? :lol:). I'm not necessarily complaining, but the rest of this tour was so dependent upon old, tried and true songs, and then they dropped, arguably, their most famous song. It was just weird to me.

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Speaking of Good Riddance, I'm not sure if this opinion is unpopular or not, but I prefer the version of the song that was on the Brain Stew single rather than the one that's on Nimrod. The whole half step down tuning and just the rawness of it makes it that much better IMO.

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Speaking of Good Riddance, I'm not sure if this opinion is unpopular or not, but I prefer the version of the song that was on the Brain Stew single rather than the one that's on Nimrod. The whole half step down tuning and just the rawness of it makes it that much better IMO.

Me too. I think GR is a song that should just be short and to the point.

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Here is an Unpopular point of view about Green Day:

Billie Joe is wrong for letting us down by having a drug addiction, being an alcoholic, and by making abusive remarks to people.... and Adrienne might be much worse.

Here is a popular opinion of him:

Billie Joe helps people.

My Unpopular opinion is: He is two sided and has no place to be calling people hypocrites. It's like casting the first stone while being a sinner. Take his interview for example where he talks about keeping alcohol away from his children... then one word: iHeart . I hope Mike gives him the kick in the pants he deserves if it happens again.

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They're a very 'reactionary' band. They've never made a record where they weren't out prove something and the trilogy was a way to say "hey, we can still be fun!". From my point of view, it's the first time they've failed. If anything, the trilogy is the first time they've come across as "rock stars". Many people will disagree with me and say the grand American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown albums and performances really showed them being "rock stars". That seems to be what you were suggesting, I think. I disagree; they were very much involved in making the music great and the message of those two records was hugely important and yet very personal in places. Listen to Boulevard of Broken Dreams or 21st Century Breakdown, for example. There's so much heart in those songs. The trilogy, with its references to nothing but sex and drugs (there are a few exceptions), feels soulless.

Green Day is the antithesis of soulless, at least up until now. That's why I love them. I don't know what it is about the trilogy that makes it so unrelatable, so dispassionate, but I don't think it has anything to do with their further rise to fame since 2004. Maybe it was Billie Joe's drink/drug problems, maybe it was just the sheer volume of songs they were dealing with. But they have to bring it back somehow.

Excellent points that I wholeheartedly agree with.

To me, they've always been rockstars, but in the best sense. They've just always had amazing stage presence and really put on a show that truly showed that they were perhaps one of the last groups of true "rockstars." But the trilogy played into every ugly rockstar stereotype, which I hated. I've never seen them as those kind of people. And obviously I don't know them, but from all I know of them, I've never had a reason to believe they were those typical "rockstars" in the sex and drugs sense.

I feel while MANY people do things based on what they want to prove to the world, Green Day are very open about it. That used to bother me a bit, before I realized that its what everyone does all the time, even if they don't say it point blank. But this endeavor was definitely to prove that they could still be fun. And I feel as though a lot of the disconnect in the songs MUST stem partially from the issues Billie was going through, if for no other reason than the "party" album, Dos, is so incredibly dark when its supposed to be about "fun."

I love many of the songs on the trilogy, don't get me wrong. But there is something amiss with the albums. Something is distinctly off. I feel it when I listen to the albums, and I felt it when I saw them in concert in April. Those who were with me at the concert felt it too - not that there was anything wrong with the concert whatsoever, it was a phenomenal show and a beautiful night. But it felt like... I don't even know how to describe it. All I can say is I usually leave Green Day shows feeling over the moon, and I left this show feeling just... weird. I actually came away from that show struggling with some inner fan-issues. Which was so strange, considering how happy I was about what I was hearing about the other concerts before they got to my stop.

There is a part of me that acknowledges perhaps I will never look at the trilogy albums the same way as their other albums simply because of what a bad time that was in Green Day world. I associate listening to a Green Day album for the very first time with utter joy. The day Uno was released was anything but celebratory; I felt completely heartbroken that entire week. I feel like this could somewhat be the cause for my distance from the albums, but I don't know. It confuses me, because some of my all time favorite songs have come from this trilogy. And yet I still feel so strange about the albums.

It is really nice to hear that others feel the same way.

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Here is an Unpopular point of view about Green Day:

Billie Joe is wrong for letting us down by having a drug addiction, being an alcoholic, and by making abusive remarks to people.... and Adrienne might be much worse.

Here is a popular opinion of him:

Billie Joe helps people.

My Unpopular opinion is: He is two sided and has no place to be calling people hypocrites. It's like casting the first stone while being a sinner. Take his interview for example where he talks about keeping alcohol away from his children... then one word: iHeart . I hope Mike gives him the kick in the pants he deserves if it happens again.

I generally agree, but why do you mean by 'Adrienne might be worse"?
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I generally agree, but why do you mean by 'Adrienne might be worse"?

It's speculation by some people on another forum.

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It's speculation by some people on another forum.

can you explain please? i don't know what you're talking about?

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Here is an Unpopular point of view about Green Day:

Billie Joe is wrong for letting us down by having a drug addiction, being an alcoholic, and by making abusive remarks to people.... and Adrienne might be much worse.

It's impossible for Billie to "let us down" since he owes us precisely nothing. But you do know he's openly had problems with drugs and alcohol throughout Green Day's whole career right? So if that's "wrong" and "letting us down" (even though what he puts in his body and how he lives his life is none of our business), surely he was wrong and letting us down before but not now since he's got help and is clean? And he's made occasional nasty remarks about people throughout their whole career as well for that matter, nothing new there either.

I'd love to know what rubbish you've heard about Adrienne (I wonder if it came from a certain crazy obsessed Adrienne hater that I have in mind?).

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It's impossible for Billie to "let us down" since he owes us precisely nothing. But you do know he's openly had problems with drugs and alcohol throughout Green Day's whole career right? So if that's "wrong" and "letting us down" (even though what he puts in his body and how he lives his life is none of our business), surely he was wrong and letting us down before but not now since he's got help and is clean? And he's made occasional nasty remarks about people throughout their whole career as well for that matter, nothing new there either.

I'd love to know what rubbish you've heard about Adrienne (I wonder if it came from a certain crazy obsessed Adrienne hater that I have in mind?).

hear fucking hear

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It's impossible for Billie to "let us down" since he owes us precisely nothing. But you do know he's openly had problems with drugs and alcohol throughout Green Day's whole career right? So if that's "wrong" and "letting us down" (even though what he puts in his body and how he lives his life is none of our business), surely he was wrong and letting us down before but not now since he's got help and is clean? And he's made occasional nasty remarks about people throughout their whole career as well for that matter, nothing new there either.

I'd love to know what rubbish you've heard about Adrienne (I wonder if it came from a certain crazy obsessed Adrienne hater that I have in mind?).

End of the day Billie Joe Armstrong is a musician, what he chooses to do in his own private life is his own business, he has not let anybody down, he still writes songs and is still willing to perform to the best of his ability and he does that to keep us happy, what he does in his personal life is his own business, not ours, all we can do is show we support him, and it's same with Adrienne, she sticks by Billie through thick and thin, why should we pry on their personal lives? we don't know that Adrienne is " worse " than Billie at all, all we're going off is one person's word, a person's word does not always mean it's fact

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The thing about Adrienne was from another forum. I did not say that it was my opinion.

As to their relationship... I am not sure they are caring so much about that as they do about what they are perceiving in public.


@ Teenage Lush

As to what he said about Psy... In the thread about it you would have noticed that I agreed with what was said 100%.


My opinion was that he is 2 sided, and that seems to be the opinion that noone is commenting on.

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This is a weird opinion and I don't know if anyone's thought it but I think billie and 80 might be swingers, they seem like those kinda people

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@ Jon Benjamin That is just speculation. Unless they come out and declare it, it really is none of our business.

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This is a weird opinion and I don't know if anyone's thought it but I think billie and 80 might be swingers, they seem like those kinda people


But yeah, maybe. XD

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This is a weird opinion and I don't know if anyone's thought it but I think billie and 80 might be swingers, they seem like those kinda people

That's not an "opinion" though, it's based on nothing. Whether they (or any other couple in the world) are swingers or not isn't a matter of opinion, they either are or they aren't. There's zero evidence to suggest that they are and no way of knowing if they are, so there's zero reason to speculate that they are. Making wild guesses about stranger's private lives is indeed "unpopular" because it's ridiculous and intrusive, but wild guesses aren't "opinions". Let's not have baseless speculation about Billie's private life in this thread please.

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It does say these things:

"f you have children, you don't want to have drugs and drinks in the house. It's just not good.
(Billie Joe Armstrong)

"I'm a father. It isn't just my life any more. I don't want my kid finding bottles in the house or seeing his father completely smashed."
(Billie Joe Armstrong)



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^ But surely the things you said 10+ years ago don't necessarily match up with who you are today.

I'm just not really sure what you're getting at. I know he has said those things in the past, but he had a drinking problem. Alcoholism can make someone become the total opposite of what they hoped they'd be. Its an illness. It doesn't make him two-faced if he said one thing years ago and did another recently. It makes him human.

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I believe the trilogy does what it set out to do.

In my opinion it chronicles Green Day's career In era's

Uno - Sounds as near to early green day as we have heard since the mid 90s

Dos - Is like the Nimrod/Warning albums in that its more experimental and different

Tre - Is like AI & 21CB in that the songs are more epic/ballads.

I personally only don't love (not even dislike) a handful of songs from the trilogy.

I do dislike some Green Day songs so its not as if I believe they are above criticism, but I do believe they take a lot of unfair criticism

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