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Unpopular Green Day Opinions


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I can't remember, were you around when the video premiered? We had such a ... fun ... debate about the subject and I felt the same way you did. It was taken really seriously and it made me feel uncomfortable as all hell. The Holiday video was a joke, it was satire, it was fun. I didn't find anything off with the band before iHeart besides not being happy with the Oh Love video, but in hindsight I saw it.

I lost my password for an extended period of time (haha) so I didn't bother to retrieve it and start posting on here again until iHeart happened. I was absent for the discussion leading up to Uno's release. I'm pretty sure I just vented a lot in the comment section of GDA instead. Like, a lot. :lol: Oh Love was an actual "we're rockstars hanging out with hot chicks" video, and that is so far from my idea of who Green Day are. Not that you can't change your image, but that particular image is the exact opposite of what I associate them with. They're silly, they're fun. They're family men. I know it was just a video and some acting goes into music videos, but still.

I kept thinking they were acting weird in interviews. And I know because of everything that happened that sounds really absurd, but I just felt like something was amiss. And I had no idea WHAT was going on (there was no way of knowing), I just felt like something had changed. At the time, I thought it was a "me thing", considering how I felt about the Oh Love video and whatnot. In all the comments I read no one seemed to think anything strange of the interviews, so I just started to think that maybe I had grown apart from them in the three year hiatus between albums. Obviously now I know my observations were legitimate and it wasn't just my imagination!

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I think you're absolutely correct. It has the smartass nature like a lot of the band's lyrics from those days, it's got humor and yet, it's also got heart with its message. However, I think their performances of it are just not that fun anymore. They seem almost rote and I think the time could be spent performing something else.

It's the highlight of the concert for first timers, but if you're a hardcore fan who has watched BIAB and or gone to multiple concerts, it gets old fast.
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I honestly think the reason that the trilogy didn't blow up as big as it should of is because of the current music scene. Pop-rock, punk-rock and just rock in general isn't the big thing at the moment. It's all about the electronic music and variations of it. Dubstep, techno, etc. And I honestly think that's a pile of horse shit, because quite frankly, all the electronic music IS shit. I mean honestly, dubstep is terrible. (No offense to any of the electronic music fans out there, I'm simply just giving my opinion.) Call me crazy, but I actually like connecting to the music I listen to and actually feel what the band was feeling at the time that they wrote that certain song, lyrically and instrumentally.


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Okay, okay. I will watched King For A Day tonight! The only reason I don't like the song is that it has trumpets in it and I despise most forms of trumpet/brass music. If the live version doesn't have this, then I'm sure I will love it. I also don't like when they have saxaphone in their live songs. Just once I wish they would've played Static Age live without it because that really takes away from my enjoyment of it.

Here's one that's perfect for you! No trumpet/brass, just Billie playing a pretend trumpet :D

But you should definitely watch the others, this one isn't nearly as interesting ;)

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Here's one that's perfect for you! No trumpet/brass, just Billie playing a pretend trumpet :D

But you should definitely watch the others, this one isn't nearly as interesting ;)

I watched the Rod Laver one. Okay, it's fuckin' funny!:lol: I guess I have been missing out all this time!:D Though I still don't like the saxophone.:P

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I think that is a perfect way to describe the "Oh Love" music video...lazy. At least to me, there was nothing unique about it. I also feel Kill the Dj was the same way. It was a very stereotypical, cookie cutter music video. It didn't have that Green Day-esque air to it. I personally don't see how "oh love" fits in with the trilogy...Billie made the comment that Uno was like classic Green Day, but I don't feel that "oh love" had that sound. And I was not pleased at all when they decided for that song to be their first single. It doesn't really encompass the album.

well you have to admit the trilogy is one big party. It defines booze and naked girls.

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I just heard the side projects of GD. FBHT are awesome, but The Network WTF, c'mon!

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I just heard the side projects of GD. FBHT are awesome, but The Network WTF, c'mon!

Noooo...the Network are so much better than Foxboro Hottubs. I don't get everyone's hate...

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Noooo...the Network are so much better than Foxboro Hottubs. I don't get everyone's hate...

lol no FBHT are better by far

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Noooo...the Network are so much better than Foxboro Hottubs. I don't get everyone's hate...


Lol im just messin its your opinion

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pinhead gunpowder >>> foxboro hottubs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the network

But PHGP arent a GD side band...

Bille side band but not a GD side band

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Some people don't seem to like 21 Guns all that much, so I guess this goes here.

21 Guns is probably one of my favorite songs, at the very least is holds a lot of sentimental value for me. 21 Guns happened to be the first Green Day song I heard and was the song that made me love Green Day, along with music in general. It got me through some rough times in my life and I still get emotional any time I hear it.

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i know that, although they're a jason side band too so it's somewhat green day related? the main point i was making is that the network sucks anyway so it doesn't matter lol

I agree with that cant stand Network lol

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I don't get why you're all calling The Network a GD side project, they've made it very clear that it's not. Stop being silly. :P

But I actually do really like The Network, and FBHT, not sure which more.

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For those who say you like them, are you kidding me?? Yeah, you are. :rolleyes:

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The Network's songs aren't to be taken that seriously, they're a parody of pretentious 80s new wave music for the most part (with their interesting choice of clothes being a parody of the fashion/style that went with it). I love the tongue in cheek humour of it all, plus a lot of the lyrics are just laugh out loud funny, and a lot of the music isn't half bad either. It's really interesting to hear them doing something so different. Take them for what they are and they're fun and cool.

(Although they're not Green Day of course :thumbsup:)

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pinhead gunpowder >>> foxboro hottubs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the network

Foxboro Hot Tubs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Network>>>>>>>>>Pinhead Gunpowder

This is my opinion.

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I have to listen to the Pinheads...

Oh, I'm a Supermodel Robot, what a fuckin' coincidence...:D

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FoxboroHotTubs? Oh my god, sooo good. But we've all heard that music plenty of times before. I really find The Network more compelling because it's so weird and interesting. It's different. Not totally original when there's bands like say, Digital Leather, but still not a common direction. I love both bands, practically equally, but I appreciate The Network a lot more, because they experimented like mad. I just like weird silly shit sometimes. Though at the same time, FBHT weren't supposed to be taken seriously either. I liked the sex drugs and rock and roll vibe of the foxboro hotubs (until it got to a dangerous level, of course).

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Some people don't seem to like 21 Guns all that much, so I guess this goes here.

21 Guns is probably one of my favorite songs, at the very least is holds a lot of sentimental value for me. 21 Guns happened to be the first Green Day song I heard and was the song that made me love Green Day, along with music in general. It got me through some rough times in my life and I still get emotional any time I hear it.

21 Guns is a very well-made song. It gets hated on by Green Day fans because they are sick of Green Day releasing ballads for singles. Plus, a lot of GD fans has false perceptions on what would be "popular" in mainstream music.

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Some people don't seem to like 21 Guns all that much, so I guess this goes here.

21 Guns is probably one of my favorite songs, at the very least is holds a lot of sentimental value for me. 21 Guns happened to be the first Green Day song I heard and was the song that made me love Green Day, along with music in general. It got me through some rough times in my life and I still get emotional any time I hear it.

An unpopular opinion! OK now I'll counter with why I absolutely hate the song.

It's the very definition of the "taking themselves far too seriously" Green Day that took over after American Idiot and went right into the 21st Century Breakdown album, which is why I don't like it. The character of St. Jimmy laces the American Idiot album with their usual dark sense of humour, so the album itself, whilst being all about the melodrama that goes on inside a disillusioned teenager's head, is fine by me.

After the Holiday video, that sense of humour went out the window in favour of super serious, anything to attract the emo kids, the September Ends video was particularly horrific. Then they went and put out 21st Century Breakdown. The cover of that record is yet another example. The video for 21 Guns is another miserable affair, but what's worse is the song itself. It's a bland, formulaic power ballad-by-numbers, a lazy re-write of Boulevard Of Broken Dreams (which itself was a magnificent song, because it came from a real place) that marked itself out immediately as an obvious single purely because of how radio friendly and derivative it was. It screams "let's re-write our biggest single from the last album" and any band who ever does that will always be and should always be treated with suspicion.

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Even though it is a Network song, Roshambo is probably one of THE BEST songs ever written by Billie.

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Srsly though. C'mon guise. :P

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