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Unpopular Green Day Opinions


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when i was 13 my mum bought bullet in a bible for me and wanted to watch it with me to see what the fuss was about and i had no idea about the whole wanking thing so needless to say it was rather awkward. eh.

My 11 year old cousin watched it when he was 9 and it became his signature dance move to this day. He loves doing it at big family events, especially with our grandparents around.

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My 11 year old cousin watched it when he was 9 and it became his signature dance move to this day. He loves doing it at big family events, especially with our grandparents around.

sounds like a little angel he does

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my grandad wanted to come with me the first time i saw green day. unfortunately he died before he got the opportunity, but at the time i was mortified at the idea that beej might do his wanking thing on stage while i was there with my GRANDAD. in retrospect, though, it's just part of the show and tbh my grandad would have loved it. he was always one for flamboyancy and showmanship. (and in the end all billie did was the usual mooning)

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Repost from a previous thread:

A moment I'm recalling now is the time when I was watching Bullet In A Bible with my dad. When it came to "Hitchin' A Ride", I knew what was coming, so instead of pausing it or skipping the masturbation part I went and hid in the bathroom until that part of the song was over. When I came back out my dad was laughing his ass off.

Hitchin' A Ride's bridge is awkward no matter how you look at it.

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My 11 year old cousin watched it when he was 9 and it became his signature dance move to this day. He loves doing it at big family events, especially with our grandparents around.

It does sound like something a relative of yours would do.

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when i was 13 my mum bought bullet in a bible for me and wanted to watch it with me to see what the fuss was about and i had no idea about the whole wanking thing so needless to say it was rather awkward. eh.

I was 12 when it came out I think, and my mom wanted to watch it with me too. I didn't let her. :lol:

But previously she and my dad had already seen it live when we went to a concert that fall, so I don't see why I was so freaked out about watching it with her.

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It does sound like something a relative of yours would do.

I'm not even gonna argue that. My other relatives are just as bad.

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I tend to want to listen to She's A Rebel. In fact...I think it's time for a listen.

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But that was Tre :P

I know. So is Dominated Love Slave. He's still part of Green Day

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I tend to want to listen to She's A Rebel. In fact...I think it's time for a listen.

I'm past due for a full AI listening session.

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I'm past due for a full AI listening session.

This was me a week ago. I decided to listen to it on the ride home. It was odd, having an existential music experience on a bus full of people.

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I just watched the Bullet in a Bible Hitchin' a Ride performance again

Maybe I've seen it one too many times (that makes me sound like a perv, but I objectively believe it's a great live song in all eras) but Billie Joe's public, so called 'jacking off' is really not that dirty.

I agree with this. I regularly watch it with my family and it's not really embarrassing.

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I really prefer Lights Out or Hearts Collide over Know Your Enemy

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"Are We the Waiting", to me, is among the most underrated songs from American Idiot.

Be my best friend. Right now. Please.

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The Static Age is not only my favorite Green Day song but also my favorite song of all time.

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My mom came with me to my first Green Day concert because I was ten or eleven. Billie mooned the audience several times, took off his pants during King For a Day, and humped the stage.

My mom became a huge Green Day fan after that. :ermm:

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Wild One is missing a verse! It would have been amazing if it would have been less repetitive.

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I say this a lot on GDC, but I really appreciate the mass media attention American Idiot's singles received. Especially Boulevard of Broken Dreams. There was a time I refused to listen to it simply because I heard it so much on music video channels and the radio (which is something I think a lot of people here agree with), but now, I understand that it was so popular at the time because it's such a fucking good song. Those lyrics! They completely blow me away. That melody! Simple, but so perfect.

Part of me wishes I could re-live the American Idiot era as a 20 year-old, with the perspective I have now of music. I'd be ecstatic with every single play.

I feel the same way about wanting to re-live American Idiot, it was the record that got me in to this band but I was only 10 years old at the time and my relationship with their music was basically: "well, it sounds cool". It wasn't until years later that I fully understood it and could relate to it. I love that album above all else, so if I could hear it for the first time now, with the life-experience and knowledge I have gained over the last couple of years, it would be amazing beyond words.

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Right? I wholeheartedly agree. It is incredibly powerful. My heart always skips a beat when the guitar kicks in.

I also love the heaviness and darkness of that song. It is a lot heavier than a lot of Green Day's music, and I love it when they do heavier songs. The verses also sound reminiscent of the Misery for me, which is a huge plus.

Little Girl is like a Kurt Weill song - the sound and the inky-dark feel, with a seam of humor running all the way thru it. The lyrics are so vivid and acutely observed, and I think it's one of Billie Joe's best vocal performances, in terms of interpretation. So many shades of feeling, from low-down insidious whisperings to wailed-out anguish, all wrapped up in a melodrama-tone that gives the edge of mockery to it. It's a really fine piece of songwriting - it's polished and arch and knowing, but at the same time, it never betrays the real emotion that's at the heart of it.

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Random Green Day Opinions

1. Not too sure about their newfound love of 'over-simplicity'. Not sure what I'm talking about? Take a look at the trilogy. I know Green Day's always been a band that can craft an amazing song using just one chord (or three) but I think the trilogy just went a little over the top with the love. I read a review about Tre that claimed the trilogy was great, but could be heard huffing and puffing of old age. There's too many songs on there that could've been a little more - dare I say it - intricate? Does anyone else think the trilogy is too plain and simple even for Green Day's standards. If you play the drums, you'd notice that on the trilogy the songs are simple and upbeat like their 90s material but it's basically just a beat and a wall of sound now. Take for example the chorus of "Let Yourself Go" or the verses in "Amanda" and a lot of other songs on the trilogy that go from verse to chorus with really no fills. Their last two releases strayed away from the original Green Day sound so Tre's fills weren't exactly needed. However, "Christian's Inferno" can be considered an early sign of this style. Imagine a Dookie with no drum fills or basslines. "Oh Love" is a great song but you can see the same thing going on there. Some people have said the songs lack 'substance'. I would only agree on that if it was pertaining to the song structure and playing. The lyrics, melodies, and tunes seem to be alright. :)

2. Did anyone else think something big was coming before the first single came out? At least, bigger than what we have now. The amount of views and hype the band received by releasing those little clips and interviews last year. We saw the band skating, surfing, driving bikes, and all that. To a die-hard Dookie fan, that was a breath of fresh air after a decade of Green Day in black and red and Bush and politics. I really thought they were going back to their roots on this one and really changing the game. And this is exactly what the world needs right now. The old Green Day of the 90s to show the rock scene of the past decade that a mainstream band can rock in green and blue hair colors. I know Billie went to rehab but I was little concerned about their TV appearances before that. Billie looked sick. It was also kinda weird how they wore themed clothing (like on GMA). I loved the direction they claimed they were going and it seems they're on the right track - but it looks like bits and pieces of their arena days are still left hanging around the stage. It's just hard to discern the state of the band.

3. They said they were going to make a raw, back-to-basics, garage-like album. I think, recording wise they did a great job. But because of the manner they played the songs (the precise drumming, neat song structures, etc.), it ended up being sort of a plain record.. Everything was just too neat. Green Day didn't have to sound anything like a raw and dirty band when they released Dookie because they already were.

I seriously hate having to criticize Green Day in any way especially in front of my fellow fans but I just have to know if anyone else is noticing things I've noticed about the band after they released the trilogy. It sucks enough we weren't able to see the band performing on any TV shows on the day Uno was released. And now I just feel like I haven't heard enough from the band and the fans on the trilogy.

EDIT: I rate the trilogy high by the way. :) There's no doubt the songs on there are more of Billie's masterpieces. I own all the albums and love them all.

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My mom came with me to my first Green Day concert because I was ten or eleven. Billie mooned the audience several times, took off his pants during King For a Day, and humped the


My mom became a huge Green Day fan after that. :ermm:

He took off his trousers? I didn't think that had been a thing since the Nimrod tour...
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Anyone else think Makeout Party is one of the not so good songs on the trilogy? I love the song and all but I feel like it isn't as good as some of the others. Little Boy Named Train is my least favorite of the entire trilogy though.

It's probably my fourth least favorite song from the trilogy. (Nightlife, Wow! That's Loud and Troublemaker are my first, second and third least-favorites, respectively.) I don't have the hatred for it like I do those other three songs, but I just find that it doesn't have a tune, can't grab my attention for longer than two seconds or so and is just really not my thing.

when i was 13 my mum bought bullet in a bible for me and wanted to watch it with me to see what the fuss was about and i had no idea about the whole wanking thing so needless to say it was rather awkward. eh.

My mom came with me to my first Green Day concert because I was ten or eleven. Billie mooned the audience several times, took off his pants during King For a Day, and humped the stage.

My mom became a huge Green Day fan after that. :ermm:

I mean, my mom's always been a fan but the other day she got AAF at the library last week and proceeded to watch the DVD on her own. :lol: I think she liked it more than I did, too!

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I actually listen to Last Ride in....

Interesting. I appreciate the change in style, but I've never had a burning desire to listen to it outside the context of Nimrod.

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