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I am aware it is a B-Sides collection. Hence why the first part of that point was that I consider it to be one of Green Day's main studio albums and not just a ''B-Sides Collection''.

And, yes, the tracks ARE a moment in time. Like you said, the songs range from 1994 to 2002. The tracks are representing the era in which they were recorded, in that moment in time. The album is a collection of all these moments in time that not many people were able to experience when they first came around. I think it's a wonderful ''collection'', and as a whole, the songs work as one cohesive unit, like a proper studio album should.

But even without that association, it's still not a good song. It's bland, boring, and feels like it's trying way too hard to be something it clearly isn't. Now, if they just stuck with doing the ''Calling All Demons'' part, and made that it's own song (which, and correct me if I am wrong, was going to be the original plan), then I wouldn't have a problem. Instead, they created the cavalcade of cacaphony known as Dirty Rotten Bastards, a song trying too hard to be Jesus Of Suburbia, whether you associate it with said song or not.

I've honestly no idea whether they intended to make a single song out of the calling all demons part. I was just suggesting that it may be worth evaluating the song as totally unique piece of music, IF you hadn't already considered it. If you still don't enjoy it, that's a matter of personal opinion. I just don't feel it is a rehash of or anything even close to Jesus of Suburbia; I don't believe they would have produced something so obviously unstructured if they were trying to recreate such an 'epic'.

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The Clash were only covering it too so I don't think anyone could criticize you for that! Thinking about it I'm not sure which I prefer, I like them both. I remember laughing when I first heard Green Day's version though, there's just something funny about that song :lol:

I can't even listen to it. It's the most pointless cover ever, it just sounds like a polished up version of The Clash with Billie singing.

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Me too! Catchier and punchier song all round. Plus you don't get to shout "raw ham!" at shows during 99 Revolutions (it totally says "Well gotta know the enemy, raw ham" :D).

I always thought it was "well gotta know the enemy, right here" XD

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Do you know the enemy?

Do you know your enemy?

Well gotta know the enemy, raw ham

Some people might think it it's just a random noise but psh what do they know :P

Yeah, I thought it was 'oh hey' or something, but you're right: that's far too sensible :D

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The Clash were only covering it too so I don't think anyone could criticize you for that! Thinking about it I'm not sure which I prefer, I like them both. I remember laughing when I first heard Green Day's version though, there's just something funny about that song :lol:

oh thanks for the info i had no idea it was already a cover! :P

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What the fuck is up with all this HATE? I'm surprised most of you are even HERE on this site! 1) Dookie is incredible. I think it's a little overrated, but awesome and relatable to everything. 2) Insomniac is a great album, in fact it was my first Green Day album, banging bass. 3) Warning? Fucking awesome. Seriously. The song warning is rhythmically badass. 4) 21st century is great for when you're mad at the times we are in. 5) Green Day are NOT going to have a 20 year old sound anymore, so just live with it. 6) so what if the trilogy sounds a little off? They wanted garage rock and that's what they did.

Where's the love??? Green Day are amazing in all of their albums.

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What the fuck is up with all this HATE? I'm surprised most of you are even HERE on this site! 1) Dookie is incredible. I think it's a little overrated, but awesome and relatable to everything. 2) Insomniac is a great album, in fact it was my first Green Day album, banging bass. 3) Warning? Fucking awesome. Seriously. The song warning is rhythmically badass. 4) 21st century is great for when you're mad at the times we are in. 5) Green Day are NOT going to have a 20 year old sound anymore, so just live with it. 6) so what if the trilogy sounds a little off? They wanted garage rock and that's what they did.

Where's the love??? Green Day are amazing in all of their albums.

No one's hating on here. Everyone is just showing one aspect of Green Day they might not like, we do not have to blindly approve all that they do.

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oh thanks for the info i had no idea it was already a cover! :P

It was originally a Crickets song

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To me, there is no better album then Insomniac. It's so raw, and angry, I think it's where Green Day truly shined. I would do anything if they would make another album like that, just pure punk with horns, but I know they never will. I appreciate and love how they are changing, but to me there is nothing like their good old, fast, hard songs. I think, on that album, there is one particular jem, which is Panic Song. I feel it always skipped because among fans, because of the long, and sort of dragged on intro, but when it ges to the actual song it's amazing. If I'm not mistaken, Mike wrote it, and it seems that my favorite lyrics from Green Day songs are often written (or helped) by Mike, such as J.A.R. (Hopefully I'm not mistaken again). But yeah, if I were any of you who doesn't frequently listen to Insomniac, I'd suggest giving it a full run through sometime soon.

Also, most of the Trilogy isn't really that good. But definitely has a few great ones. Finally, I really liked 21CB, like, all of it. O_O

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What the fuck is up with all this HATE? I'm surprised most of you are even HERE on this site! 1) Dookie is incredible. I think it's a little overrated, but awesome and relatable to everything. 2) Insomniac is a great album, in fact it was my first Green Day album, banging bass. 3) Warning? Fucking awesome. Seriously. The song warning is rhythmically badass. 4) 21st century is great for when you're mad at the times we are in. 5) Green Day are NOT going to have a 20 year old sound anymore, so just live with it. 6) so what if the trilogy sounds a little off? They wanted garage rock and that's what they did.

Where's the love??? Green Day are amazing in all of their albums.

Green Day has been over for a long time and they released lots of albums that's totally normal there are some songs and stuffs some people don't really enjoy. doesn't mean we're not fans and we shouldn't be on this forum. it's the same thing for every bands and artists. Not all the Beatles songs are good, but i'm not hating on them.

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they haven't played kill the dj? i'm returning my stan card.

We are soulmates someone else uses the term stan <3

who the fuck hates hey-oh??? they probably hate hugs too tbh

I actually do hate hugs. I can't deal with them/know what to do when I'm hugged. I have to be in a REALLY weird emotional state to be willing to accept a hug and it's once in a blue moon that I initiate one.

I hate wow! that's loud, its so boring and repetitive

THANK YOU. I'm not exaggerating when I say it hurts my ears. I like the first verse but the guitars are just TOO much.

I hate hugs, but I'm totally fine with they hey-oh's. It's as Lady Nightlife said, when you're sitting at home watching BIAB or something it can be boring, but they feeling when you're there, live, in the concert, is completely different.

ia and ilu let's not hug each other together <3

Going off topic on the DRB vs. JoS discussion here, but...

East Jesus Nowhere is overrated. Peacemaker! Oh, Peacemaker. Peacemaker can definitely beat the crap out of East Jesus Nowhere any time.

YES. EJN has not aged well. I get why they didn't play Peacemaker live; it's not an easy song to perform, I'm sure. But it's still awesome and underrated.

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I actually do hate hugs. I can't deal with them/know what to do when I'm hugged. I have to be in a REALLY weird emotional state to be willing to accept a hug and it's once in a blue moon that I initiate one.

ia and ilu let's not hug each other together <3

YES. EJN has not aged well. I get why they didn't play Peacemaker live; it's not an easy song to perform, I'm sure. But it's still awesome and underrated.

We should get married, really. I'm the same about hugs. We could totally not hug each other together while listening to Peacemaker. :lol:

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What the fuck is up with all this HATE? I'm surprised most of you are even HERE on this site! 1) Dookie is incredible. I think it's a little overrated, but awesome and relatable to everything. 2) Insomniac is a great album, in fact it was my first Green Day album, banging bass. 3) Warning? Fucking awesome. Seriously. The song warning is rhythmically badass. 4) 21st century is great for when you're mad at the times we are in. 5) Green Day are NOT going to have a 20 year old sound anymore, so just live with it. 6) so what if the trilogy sounds a little off? They wanted garage rock and that's what they did.

Where's the love??? Green Day are amazing in all of their albums.

You forgot to say something heart warming and wonderful about 39/smooth, Kerplunk, Nimrod and American Idiot.

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What the fuck is up with all this HATE? I'm surprised most of you are even HERE on this site! 1) Dookie is incredible. I think it's a little overrated, but awesome and relatable to everything. 2) Insomniac is a great album, in fact it was my first Green Day album, banging bass. 3) Warning? Fucking awesome. Seriously. The song warning is rhythmically badass. 4) 21st century is great for when you're mad at the times we are in. 5) Green Day are NOT going to have a 20 year old sound anymore, so just live with it. 6) so what if the trilogy sounds a little off? They wanted garage rock and that's what they did.

Where's the love??? Green Day are amazing in all of their albums.

I disagree with a lot of things posted in this thread too, but honestly I haven't seen much "hate" here, even in this one thread specifically for posting negative opinions in amongst hundreds of other threads filled with people showing their love for the band. I'd say most of the negative opinions are written in a balanced and non-hateful way, and there's probably as many posts disagreeing with the negative posts as there are negative posts :lol:. Don't worry, we love Green Day, but that doesn't mean every single of of us has to love every single one of the thousands of things about them. It's ok not to like everything, so we have this thread for talking about the songs and aspects of the band we don't happen to like so much. Go ahead and have a look around the rest of Green Day Chat, you'll find plenty of posts praising the band from the same people posting the odd thing they don't like about them in here :)
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I think favorite son or even governator would've fit the American idiot story better than holiday does. It's about war, I don't think it had anything to do with the whole Jesus story til the musical. Fuck.

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I think favorite son or even governator would've fit the American idiot story better than holiday does. It's about war, I don't think it had anything to do with the whole Jesus story til the musical. Fuck.

I think Holiday is part of setting the scene, describing the world that JOS is living in. Other songs describe his personal situation and relationships and the place he lives etc, while Holiday describes the messed up political backdrop of the time that he's hearing and seeing and getting pissed off about. It's an important part of showing where the character's coming from and what motivates him I think.
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I think favorite son or even governator would've fit the American idiot story better than holiday does. It's about war, I don't think it had anything to do with the whole Jesus story til the musical. Fuck.

I kind of agree with Favorite Son. Would of been cool if it made the actual album. I can see it being placed right after She's A Rebel.

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What the fuck is up with all this HATE? I'm surprised most of you are even HERE on this site! 1) Dookie is incredible. I think it's a little overrated, but awesome and relatable to everything. 2) Insomniac is a great album, in fact it was my first Green Day album, banging bass. 3) Warning? Fucking awesome. Seriously. The song warning is rhythmically badass. 4) 21st century is great for when you're mad at the times we are in. 5) Green Day are NOT going to have a 20 year old sound anymore, so just live with it. 6) so what if the trilogy sounds a little off? They wanted garage rock and that's what they did.

Where's the love??? Green Day are amazing in all of their albums.

We ALL have some complaint about them. A part of being a fan is knowing what you don't really like, not just adoring them no matter what. If you wanna see all the love, this si not the most appropiate place but all the other threads in this section are.

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What the fuck is up with all this HATE? I'm surprised most of you are even HERE on this site! 1) Dookie is incredible. I think it's a little overrated, but awesome and relatable to everything. 2) Insomniac is a great album, in fact it was my first Green Day album, banging bass. 3) Warning? Fucking awesome. Seriously. The song warning is rhythmically badass. 4) 21st century is great for when you're mad at the times we are in. 5) Green Day are NOT going to have a 20 year old sound anymore, so just live with it. 6) so what if the trilogy sounds a little off? They wanted garage rock and that's what they did.

Where's the love??? Green Day are amazing in all of their albums.

Since when do you have to love everything a band does to be a fan....people are entiltled not to like some stuff. Get off your high horse please.

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Do you know the enemy?
Do you know your enemy?
Well gotta know the enemy, raw ham!
Some people might think it it's just a random noise but psh what do they know :P

I've always thought it sounds much more like "Rohirrim". :P Then you get epic images of Green Day battling Gandalf in the middle of Lord of the Rings.

Not that off topic, lots of people disagree so it's an unpopular opinion, right?

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Nightlife is awesome. If you still don't like it listen to it high.

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I've always thought it sounds much more like "Rohirrim". :P Then you get epic images of Green Day battling Gandalf in the middle of Lord of the Rings.

Not that off topic, lots of people disagree so it's an unpopular opinion, right?

I'll never be able to unhear that now. And I'm very okay with that :P

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I like Rest.

Me too! Why does it get so much hate? (That's not a rhetorical question, I actually want to know)

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I like Rest, too. A lot actually.

99 Revolutions really grew on me. Its one of those songs that gets stuck in your head pretty easily.

Also, I LOVE Nightlife. When I stop and think "Hey, this is Green Day performing with a female rapper" it is a little odd but beyond that I think its awesome. :lol: Honestly, I'd much rather they try different/weird stuff like this than just stay the same like so many other bands do. Its really cool that this far into their career they are still experimenting with new sounds and genres. That's one of the reasons why I love this band.

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