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Going off topic on the DRB vs. JoS discussion here, but...

East Jesus Nowhere is overrated. Peacemaker! Oh, Peacemaker. Peacemaker can definitely beat the crap out of East Jesus Nowhere any time.

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Well, looks like this just might be a good thread for me.

  • I think that ''Ashley'' and ''Dirty Rotten Bastards'' are the worst songs from the entire trilogy.
  • I think that ''Jesus Of Suburbia'' is the worst song on American Idiot.
  • I think that Dookie is one of Green Day's worst albums.
  • I consider Shenanigans to be one of Green Day's main albums.

DRB is definatly not Green Day's worst song.It's simply genius.Making a song like that is not easy.I don't understand why you hate it.It's got a good bassline, a good guitar rff, some amazing catchy vocals and brilliant drumming by Tre.It's my favourite song of the trilogy.Even on the poll here, members voted it as the best song off tre, which it is.It was one of the few tracks of the trilogy that lived up to their expectations.

Again, according to me JOS is the best song of AI.If it's 9 minutes does it matter?The fact that we don't even realize that 9 minutes are gone while listening to it proves it's a great record.Playing it live isn't so easy either.It's themes keep changing every 2-3 minutes, which keeps the listener interested in the song for 9 mins.

Dookie is not the worst, it may not be the best though.Some songs are just beautiful.Also, it's was a perfect album for Green Day to get them to stardom.Nimrod/Insomniac/Warning would not have done that.

Shennanians is good.When you say it should be the main green day album, you are implying that green day's bsides are good enough to be included in the main album, which I agree.

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i can't deny JOS is awesome. even if we only keep the dearly beloved part it's stil bad ass.

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Dos > Uno > Tre.

The only 3 really good songs off Tre are X-Kid, Brutal Love & Drama Queen. In that order.

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After being told One Direction tickets are 80€, Green Day's prices are not that bad :P

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In Spain a normal price is 50, 60€, I think.

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I hate wow! that's loud, its so boring and repetitive

I agree plus the annoying sounds

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I dislike the vocals on Makeout Party. It's instrumentally genius but it's just not as good vocally-wise, it gets annoying.

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I would like Green Day to experiment a little bit on the next album. They said that they were in their most creative years while making the Trilogy. I strongly disagree with that, most of the songs are just adjustments to their older songs and others just have the same vibe of Nimrod/Warning era. IMO there was nothing new except Nightlife and Kill the DJ.

21st Century Breakdown was a huge step forward in their career ( in fact it is my favourite album) and I was hoping they would continue to grow as a band. Having said that i still like the trilogy but in 5 years time I think it will be forgotten.

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I would like Green Day to experiment a little bit in the next album. They said that they were in their most creative years while making the Trilogy. I strongly disagree with that, most of the songs are just adjustments to their older songs and others just have the same vibe of Nimrod/Warning era. IMO there was nothing new except Nightlife and Kill the DJ.

21st Century Breakdown was a huge step forward in their career ( in fact it is my favourite album) and I was hoping they would continue to grow as a band. Having said that i still like the trilogy but in 5 years time I think it will be forgotten.

Yes, yes, YES.

I loved 21st Century Breakdown and thought its ambition was commendable. And no one seems to agree with me when I say they need to experiment more and that the trilogy shows that if they don't they'll become hopelessly boring. There's some good stuff on UNO!DOS!TRE! but a large proportion sounds derivative, and the so called 'experiments' that are there are rushed and as a result don't sound particularly sophisticated.

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There's more than one way to experiment though. On 21st CB they did it with more complex sounds, on the Trilogy they did it with more simple sounds. I don't think the Trilogy sounds like any of their other albums, it's unique with the super clear sound of each instrument and its dirty retro rock and roll vibe. I think both were new and ambitious, just in different ways.

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I prefer Know Your Enemy over 99 Revolutions

Me too! Catchier and punchier song all round. Plus you don't get to shout "raw ham!" at shows during 99 Revolutions (it totally says "Well gotta know the enemy, raw ham" :D).

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(it totally says "Well gotta know the enemy, raw ham" :D).

:lol::lol::lol: Now I'll never be able to listen to any other thing rather than "raw ham" whenever I listen to that part of song.

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:lol::lol::lol: Now I'll never be able to listen to any other thing rather than "raw ham" whenever I listen to that part of song.

:lol: Good! I must point out I didn't come up with that though, it's an old GDC tradition to think of it as raw ham :D

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I really love Restless Heart Syndrome

Maybe cause the mood just fits me perfectly

I have no idea why it's hated

My theory is cause Billie has said he didnt care for it so they dont either but it's a great song

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In response to what's going on on the previous page: 21st Century Breakdown isn't a huge leap for Green Day. It's the logical step from American Idiot.

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My theory is cause Billie has said he didnt care for it so they dont either but it's a great song

For Billie, I think he hates it more because of how raw it was for him to write the lyrics and play that song (and the countless revisions) rather than his distaste for the literal song.

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For Billie, I think he hates it more because of how raw it was for him to write the lyrics and play that song (and the countless revisions) rather than his distaste for the literal song.

I agree with that cause if he really hated the song itself i dont see him adding it

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Me too! Catchier and punchier song all round. Plus you don't get to shout "raw ham!" at shows during 99 Revolutions (it totally says "Well gotta know the enemy, raw ham" :D).

Honestly, when in the song dies it sound like he's saying raw ham?

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Honestly, when in the song dies it sound like he's saying raw ham?

Do you know the enemy?
Do you know your enemy?
Well gotta know the enemy, raw ham!
Some people might think it it's just a random noise but psh what do they know :P
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i prefer Fought The Law when it's played by Green Day then by The Clash. but i really love the Clash thought!

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i prefer Fought The Law when it's played by Green Day then by The Clash. but i really love the Clash thought!

The Clash were only covering it too so I don't think anyone could criticize you for that! Thinking about it I'm not sure which I prefer, I like them both. I remember laughing when I first heard Green Day's version though, there's just something funny about that song :lol:

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It IS a b-sides collection and not a studio album though :P. And it's not a moment in time really, the songs range from 1994 to 2002. But I don't think those are negatives at all and otherwise I agree with you. Even though it's really a mish mash it's a well put together mish mash, and the songs are great. I like your idea of it being like a scrapbook, describes it perfectly.

I am aware it is a B-Sides collection. Hence why the first part of that point was that I consider it to be one of Green Day's main studio albums and not just a ''B-Sides Collection''.

And, yes, the tracks ARE a moment in time. Like you said, the songs range from 1994 to 2002. The tracks are representing the era in which they were recorded, in that moment in time. The album is a collection of all these moments in time that not many people were able to experience when they first came around. I think it's a wonderful ''collection'', and as a whole, the songs work as one cohesive unit, like a proper studio album should.

To all those who don't like Dirty Rotten Bastards: try listening to it without the association of Jesus of Suburbia in your mind. You might enjoy it more.

But even without that association, it's still not a good song. It's bland, boring, and feels like it's trying way too hard to be something it clearly isn't. Now, if they just stuck with doing the ''Calling All Demons'' part, and made that it's own song (which, and correct me if I am wrong, was going to be the original plan), then I wouldn't have a problem. Instead, they created the cavalcade of cacaphony known as Dirty Rotten Bastards, a song trying too hard to be Jesus Of Suburbia, whether you associate it with said song or not.

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I am aware it is a B-Sides collection. Hence why the first part of that point was that I consider it to be one of Green Day's main studio albums and not just a ''B-Sides Collection''.

And, yes, the tracks ARE a moment in time. Like you said, the songs range from 1994 to 2002. The tracks are representing the era in which they were recorded, in that moment in time. The album is a collection of all these moments in time that not many people were able to experience when they first came around. I think it's a wonderful ''collection'', and as a whole, the songs work as one cohesive unit, like a proper studio album should.

Ahh, in that case I mostly agree! I'd still disagree that it's like a proper studio album as I find it a different experience, more like a very good pick and mix where you get to hear them in different styles and moods, and moments in time as you put it, rather than a cohesive album where there's more of an overall theme or "journey" through the songs. But yes I agree it's a wonderful collection.

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