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Unpopular Green Day Opinions


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I think it's really great, but I agree it's overrated as I don't think it's a million times better than the other songs on the album as it seems a lot of other people do.

Also literally all the time I'm listening to the yea-ea-ea-ea-ea-ea, yea-ea-ea-ea, ye-ea-ea-ea part of Dirty Rotten Bastards, I'm imagining a large opera singer singing the bit of this song at 1:34:


I know the similarity has been pointed out loads of times before but I don't just see it as a similarity, it's actually part of the song for me :lol:

I think it was Billie who said that the point of writing Dirty Rotten Bastards, was to give the crowd one long ass energetic song to get off on; something like Jesus of Suburbia.

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Well, looks like this just might be a good thread for me.

  • I think that ''Ashley'' and ''Dirty Rotten Bastards'' are the worst songs from the entire trilogy. Both feel very uninspired, both feel unrewarding to listen to, and both of them just seem like wastes of time, especially ''Dirty Rotten Bastards'' and its 6 minute long ass. How or why DRB is getting all its praise is beyond me, seeing how it's nothing more than a half-hearted attempt to make another Jesus Of Suburbia. And on that note:
  • I think that ''Jesus Of Suburbia'' is the worst song on American Idiot. As much as I am a fan of long songs (Believe me, I've listened to ''7 Skies H3'' [a 24-hour long song, mind you] all the way through before), this song just seems like an experiment to see if their fans really will listen to whatever they throw out there. And, apparently, it was worked, considering how the damn thing has become a single and practically has its own fanbase. It just seems like a bunch of similar sounding unfinished tracks were thrown together without any rhyme or reason. Maybe if the individual tracks were actually worked into full length songs, I would enjoy this much more. Until then, it's a 9-minute fodder track to me.
  • I think that Dookie is one of Green Day's worst albums. Now, I know what you're thinking. Yeah, it helped catapault them into the mainstream audience. Yeah, it helped make the 90's become what we know it as now. Yeah, it sold a lot of copies (which isn't a legitimate reason as to why one should like it, but alright). But the tracks just seem too... I dunno. Something about them doesn't work right with me. Maybe because it just seems a bit too polished [compared to 39/Smooth and Kerplunk, which were vastly superior albums in both songwriting and instrumentation]; maybe because the album is trying too hard to be what people claim it to be; maybe because it doesn't feel much like a cohesive unit as it does a collection. There are some standalone tracks I really enjoy, like Pulling Teeth, Having A Blast, and F.O.D., but as a whole, the album really doesn't live up to the hype people love to give it.
  • I consider Shenanigans to be one of Green Day's main albums. I don't know exactly how ''unpopular'' this opinion might be, but I always see people dismiss this album as a ''B-Sides Collection Only'' type deal, and I simply don't dig that notion. The tracks all work together, the tracks all sound amazing, and it simply feels like these tracks belong in this collection. It captures them in that moment in time, and it feels like a scrapbook of the band. All the highs and lows.

I'll post more when I think of them...

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  • I consider Shenanigans to be one of Green Day's main albums. I don't know exactly how ''unpopular'' this opinion might be, but I always see people dismiss this album as a ''B-Sides Collection Only'' type deal, and I simply don't dig that notion. The tracks all work together, the tracks all sound amazing, and it simply feels like these tracks belong in this collection. It captures them in that moment in time, and it feels like a scrapbook of the band. All the highs and lows.

It IS a b-sides collection and not a studio album though :P. And it's not a moment in time really, the songs range from 1994 to 2002. But I don't think those are negatives at all and otherwise I agree with you. Even though it's really a mish mash it's a well put together mish mash, and the songs are great. I like your idea of it being like a scrapbook, describes it perfectly.
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I don't know what makes Irvin Plaza such a loved concert. Billie's vocals were still pretty bad because of his problems and the setlist didn't have anything special besides 409 In Your Coffeemaker, Scattered and I think Brat, but Brat and 409 weren't even proffessionally recorded (they were but weren't uploaded) and Scattered had the same problem as Nice Guys Finish Last: Mike's microphone is too low and you can only hear Billie singing, which takes out a lot of the song's epicness.

Just to clear it out, I did not like Billie's voice on 2013 and I do think Mike's vocals need much more volume live, but I really like Green Day live.

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I don't know what makes Irvin Plaza such a loved concert. Billie's vocals were still pretty bad because of his problems and the setlist didn't have anything special besides 409 In Your Coffeemaker, Scattered and I think Brat, but Brat and 409 weren't even proffessionally recorded (they were but weren't uploaded) and Scattered had the same problem as Nice Guys Finish Last: Mike's microphone is too low and you can only hear Billie singing, which takes out a lot of the song's epicness.

Just to clear it out, I did not like Billie's voice on 2013 and I do think Mike's vocals need much more volume live, but I really like Green Day live.

1. Because it was a small intimate show, which is special in itself

2. Because there's good professional quality footage of it

3. Due to number 2, loads of people have watched it and are familiar with it whereas they probably haven't watched much footage from other shows on this tour

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Scattered had the same problem as Nice Guys Finish Last: Mike's microphone is too low and you can only hear Billie singing, which takes out a lot of the song's epicness.

When they used to play American Eulogy, I wanted to punch Billie in the face. I couldn't hear Mike, especially in the chorus when Billie came in and sang "I don't wanna live in the modern world" WAY TO FREAKING LOUD. Like seriously, dude. back off your mic a little, okay?

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Not really sure if it's unpopular or not, but I don't think Dirty Rotten Bastards comes close to Jesus of Suburbia at all

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Don't know if it's an unpopular opinion but, i like Billie's voice now than 15, 20 years ago, i really love his voice on AI but now with the trilogy i think it´s so much better :happy:

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Don't know if it's an unpopular opinion but, i like Billie's voice now than 15, 20 years ago, i really love his voice on AI but now with the trilogy i think it´s so much better :happy:

Especially on Brutal Love, and his funky screams on Kill the DJ

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Especially on Brutal Love, and his funky screams on Kill the DJ


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To all those who don't like Dirty Rotten Bastards: try listening to it without the association of Jesus of Suburbia in your mind. You might enjoy it more.

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I feel like everyone thinks it's hip to crap on Billie's showmanship. Sitting at home listening to him "HEEEYYYY-OHHHH" for 10 minutes isn't fun but when you're at the concert it's a blast because you feel so involved and like you're a part of the music/band. STOP HATING ON THE HEY-OH'S. It's no longer hipster. /endrant

who the fuck hates hey-oh??? they probably hate hugs too tbh

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I love DRB but lets face it, the two aren't really even comparable. JoS is more of a religious experience than a song.

There's no comparison. Yeah Jesus of Suburbia is mind-blowing but Dirty Rotten Bastard needs to be appreciated in it's own. Of course you'll be disappointed if you keep comparing it to other Green Day 'epics'.

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Agree with the second part of that statement. :D I don't like DRB at all. It's a mess of a song.

Because there's no real structure?

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Billy Jo plays a mean harmonica and kazoo.

Harmonica, yes. But when the hell does he play the kazoo?

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JoS is more of a religious experience than a song.

What does that make Homecoming? The ascent to Heaven?

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Yeah as far as I'm concerned the only link between JOS and DRB is that they're both long and have separate parts. They're two totally different kinds of song to be appreciated in different ways, they're not comparable.

Don't know if it's an unpopular opinion but, i like Billie's voice now than 15, 20 years ago, i really love his voice on AI but now with the trilogy i think it´s so much better :happy:

Yes :wub:. It improves with age like a fine wine.
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and while we're on the subject, i don't think homecoming is nearly as good as jesus of suburbia either :P i love it but no

o ^^^^^

I think of JoS as the better "Green Day" song, being more in line with what how I associate their music. That being said...

As far as which has the better sections, my favorite is Dearly Beloved (get the chills), but after that, it's Nobody Likes You and Rock and Roll Girlfriend. For true fans of Green Day, Homecoming is the essential song - all three members have solos! And not to mention, it's the longest song in the library.

My heart is beating from me...

I'm standing all alone...

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

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American Eulogy is more like JOS than Dirty Rotten Bastards is.

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American Eulogy is more like JOS than Dirty Rotten Bastards is.

21st Century Breakdown is even closer

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I love DRB but lets face it, the two aren't really even comparable. JoS is more of a religious experience than a song.

Haha agreed, I don't really think they are either but they tend to get compared a lot because Billie said something along the lines of it being this era's JoS

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