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Unpopular Green Day Opinions


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Plus if someone someone stole the tapes, wouldn't they have tried to release the music by now?

Well depends they'd have to have to have the equipment to transfer to cd

I think the band just didnt like the results and started over

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1. Rest is Green Day's worst song.

2. Restless heart syndrome is even worse though. I try to forget it ever existed, but I can't, which is a shame because...

3. 21st Century Breakdown is one of their best albums.

4. I think that believing in the story about C&V getting stolen is what's unpopular. How come the thief never tried to sell it and make profit? Likely story.

5. I'm going to be banned for this, but I don't think Billie Joe's excessive use of "you know" is funny anymore.Well, it some times is, but more often than not it's a bit annoying and exasperating when you want to hear his answer to a question in an interview and all you get are a few words and a bunch of "you know's". I want to hear what he thinks/knows on the matter, not do a "fill the blanks" test in form of a "replace the you know's with the appropriate word".

6. I would have never though of this as an unpopular Green Day opinion, but I like She's a Rebel, I like it a lot actually. In fact, when I think of the album American Idiot the first beat that comes to mind is that of She's a Rebel. Yes, even before the song American Idiot. shrug.

I'm sure I've got more, but I'll come back when I remember them.

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Mike is not under rated. Now that's unpopular. Cos he fucking is. Especially in the albums AI and 21stCB.

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i don't think he does the "you know" thing on purpose though :P i don't think it's funny, but i don't get annoyed that he does it either.

No, I don't think he does it on purpose either. But ah! It drives me mad sometimes. It's like "god damn it! can you please finishing a fucking sentence for crying out loud?" But then, I had a professor who talked very slow and used a lot of speech crutches, and I had to sit and listen to the woman struggle to form sentences for 4 hours, once a week, for 9 whole months. That's probably when I lost my patience for that type of thing.

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During their live shows I wish they'd put away the toilet paper guns, 10 year olds on stage butchering Longview, and incessant hey-ohhs, and just play the damn songs.

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4. I think that believing in the story about C&V getting stolen is what's unpopular. How come the thief never tried to sell it and make profit? Likely story.

Some albums have been legitimatly stolen and has never been leaked Neil Young has an reward to whoever returns the masters to an unfinished album from the 70's to this day no one returned it nor have any of the 7 songs been leaked

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I think Rocky should have been given a guest spot on the trilogy.

You know what? If that's unpopular or "wrong," I don't wanna be right.

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I´m gonna do this :P

-I love "Oh Love "and no just the song, i love the video too.

-I don´t like Panic Song or Insomniac, it´s not that i hate the album, but i relly don´t like it a lot, i think that i just hear it like 5 or 7 times.

-I love the heey oohs in the shows, i never get tired of it.

-I love Rest and know Your Enemy.

-I love the way they perform KFAD, i just love it.

I think that it´s from now :P

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5. I'm going to be banned for this, but I don't think Billie Joe's excessive use of "you know" is funny anymore.


-I love the heey oohs in the shows, i never get tired of it.

-I love Rest and know Your Enemy.

-I love the way they perform KFAD, i just love it.

YES! :runaround: I totally agree!

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I love Know Your Enemy. Especially the video for it. They looked like a bunch of badass motherf*ckers. :toocool::lol:

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5. I'm going to be banned for this, but I don't think Billie Joe's excessive use of "you know" is funny anymore.Well, it some times is, but more often than not it's a bit annoying and exasperating when you want to hear his answer to a question in an


Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know?

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I think 99 Revolutions is an amazing intro. Better than American Idiot but not as good as 21CB. Kill me.

I know a lot of people shit on 21CB (the album) but I really think 21CB (the song) was a great opener. Just hearing the beginning of the song, the buildup as the band comes out? Shit, I'm getting chills just thinking about it. This time, the band just appeared ... like, the Good, Bad and the Ugly buildup fell flat for me, and then they just were there onstage and just started playing this rote, not all that exciting song. With 21CB, you had the instruments just all coming together at the end of the intro, the "ooh"s, the pyro (I can live without the pyro but it was cool in the opener) and it was just really exciting. 99 Revolution is just such a simple song to me.

(I'm sorry, I just really hate Billie's love for that goddamn song. :lol:)

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I know a lot of people shit on 21CB (the album) but I really think 21CB (the song) was a great opener. Just hearing the beginning of the song, the buildup as the band comes out? Shit, I'm getting chills just thinking about it. This time, the band just appeared ... like, the Good, Bad and the Ugly buildup fell flat for me, and then they just were there onstage and just started playing this rote, not all that exciting song. With 21CB, you had the instruments just all coming together at the end of the intro, the "ooh"s, the pyro (I can live without the pyro but it was cool in the opener) and it was just really exciting. 99 Revolution is just such a simple song to me.

(I'm sorry, I just really hate Billie's love for that goddamn song. :lol:)

In my opinion, 99 Revolutions was a really great opener. Unexpectedly great.

I just think it's a song meant to be played live, studio version is good, but doesn't do it justice.

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5. I'm going to be banned for this, but I don't think Billie Joe's excessive use of "you know" is funny anymore.Well, it some times is, but more often than not it's a bit annoying and exasperating when you want to hear his answer to a question in an interview and all you get are a few words and a bunch of "you know's". I want to hear what he thinks/knows on the matter, not do a "fill the blanks" test in form of a "replace the you know's with the appropriate word".

This, this, this, a million times this.

He especially does this whenever interviewers ask him to explain concepts in the music. He's far more articulate in song.

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I know a lot of people shit on 21CB (the album) but I really think 21CB (the song) was a great opener. Just hearing the beginning of the song, the buildup as the band comes out? Shit, I'm getting chills just thinking about it. This time, the band just appeared ... like, the Good, Bad and the Ugly buildup fell flat for me, and then they just were there onstage and just started playing this rote, not all that exciting song. With 21CB, you had the instruments just all coming together at the end of the intro, the "ooh"s, the pyro (I can live without the pyro but it was cool in the opener) and it was just really exciting. 99 Revolution is just such a simple song to me.

(I'm sorry, I just really hate Billie's love for that goddamn song. :lol:)

99 Revolutions is a godawful opener. Though it'd be perfect for closing the set before the first encore.

Why can't they just do the fucking logical thing and open with Nuclear Family, for fuck sake.

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Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know? Ya know. Ya know?

Oh my fuckiNG GOD Y'KNOW?!?!

I find it adorable. I think it stems from his anxiety as I do the same damn thing. Not to that level because I'd have to cut my tongue off but yeah... Still adorable.

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I don't think by any means EJN would have "taken the world by storm." It doesn't have a catchy chorus and lyrically it's too complex to be a popular single. It wasn't a popular song by any means and I heard it on the very obscure rock station in my area maybe twice.

I dunno, it seemed like in every review and interview EJN was focused on more than any other song, people were raving about it. It was the number one song they got asked about in interviews and I remember one where Tre was saying he was really excited for it to be a single and get people's attention. Everyone was surprised when they didn't release it "properly" because it was a huge favourite with fans and critics and the band when the album first came out. I thought it could've been 21st CB's 'Holiday'. I think they only rushed it out like that to make way for musical promotion when that turned out to be a success because they didn't want it distracting from it. As soon as the musical took off they suddenly switched all attention to it, from then on the only 21st CB songs they performed on tv/promoted/released were ones that were in the musical and all they talked about was the musical, so it was pretty clear at the time.

Glad to hear it was heard a bit though! A fabulous way to discover Green Day.

I think Road to Acceptance is extremely underrated. It's all about a problem most of us have at some point, and it sounds energetic and beautiful.

I totally agree! I remember reading a line from it in a Green Day biography before I'd heard it, "I always waste my time just wondering/What the next man thinks of me/I'll never do exactly what I want/And I'll sculpt my life for your acceptance". They already had me just from that line. Really great (and mature) lyrics in that song, probably my favourite on the album.

I know a lot of people shit on 21CB (the album) but I really think 21CB (the song) was a great opener. Just hearing the beginning of the song, the buildup as the band comes out? Shit, I'm getting chills just thinking about it. This time, the band just appeared ... like, the Good, Bad and the Ugly buildup fell flat for me, and then they just were there onstage and just started playing this rote, not all that exciting song. With 21CB, you had the instruments just all coming together at the end of the intro, the "ooh"s, the pyro (I can live without the pyro but it was cool in the opener) and it was just really exciting. 99 Revolution is just such a simple song to me.

(I'm sorry, I just really hate Billie's love for that goddamn song. :lol:)

Agreed. 21st CB was MADE to be a show opener. I'm not that fussed about what they play live because unless they're playing something really distinctive with on stage traditions attached to it like King For A Day or Good Riddance I just get caught up in the show and barely notice/care what they're playing anyway :lol:. But the idea of them opening with 99 Revolutions doesn't fill me with excitement, it's probably in my bottom 5 Trilogy songs. And it's probably one of the least "Trilogy-y" Trilogy songs too so it doesn't represent the feel of the albums well at all.
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Am I the only one that thinks Billie should make another shirt like the "Stupid" one he wore in '94 but instead write "Gay"? I mean, nowadays it would be an accurate description of him...

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During their live shows I wish they'd put away the toilet paper guns, 10 year olds on stage butchering Longview, and incessant hey-ohhs, and just play the damn songs.

Then they'd just be like every other boring band though. Their ability to not take themselves too seriously, be silly, and allow the audience to participate is what makes a Green Day show a Green Day show.

Am I the only one that thinks Billie should make another shirt like the "Stupid" one he wore in '94 but instead write "Gay"? I mean, nowadays it would be an accurate description of him...

He's bisexual and married to a woman so not really. Unless you think there's something wrong with being gay so that "gay" is an insult, in which case gtfo.

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He's bisexual and married to a woman so not really. Unless you think there's something wrong with being gay so that "gay" is an insult, in which case gtfo.

Okay then, how about "Part-Time Fudge Packer"? Look, it's just a joke, I was trying to piss off some Billie fangirls, you know? I don't have any problem with gay people, some of my closest friends are gay.

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Okay then, how about "Part-Time Fudge Packer"? Look, it's just a joke, I was trying to piss off some Billie fangirls, you know? I don't have any problem with gay people, some of my closest friends are gay.

If you're gonna troll, at least stick with it. Show some commitment dude :P

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If you're gonna troll, at least stick with it. Show some commitment dude :P

Okay man, sorry. :lol:

Fuck Billie Joe, fuck him up his stupid ass!

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Okay then, how about "Part-Time Fudge Packer"? Look, it's just a joke, I was trying to piss off some Billie fangirls, you know? I don't have any problem with gay people, some of my closest friends are gay.

Using gay as an insult is likely to piss off 99% of people on this site. Calling Billie gay won't piss off "fangirls" because they don't like the idea of him being gay, but because calling someone gay as an insult is ignorant and offensive. I'm sure you were only joking but that kind of post won't win you any friends here.
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