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Picture Request Thread


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Hey guys!!! I was searching of some photos with billie joe when he had the dreadlocks and obviously i found this http://www.greendayauthority.com/photos/8043/ It appears everytime in white and black, yesterday i found it a version of this but in color, i don't know for what stupid reason i didnt save it .-. I searched it a looot and now i'm not even sure if i really saw that version with color. Someone there have that photo colored? Pleeease

Here :)


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Can anyone think of two pictures of the guys doing the same pose from different points in their careers, like the Beatles' Red and Blue albums?

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Does anyone know if the photos from this shoot were ever released? Because I want them. There is a Jason in them.


I can't even remember where this screenshot is from now.

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Can anyone think of two pictures of the guys doing the same pose from different points in their careers, like the Beatles' Red and Blue albums?

I can't find them right now, but the first that comes to mind is where mike and tre are holding BJ upside down. They did this in promos in '93 and the Trilogy

{edit} here's some




and mike seems to like this pose



there's one more from the AI era. I just had it but i x-ed out by accident

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there, I'm looking for pictures of Billie Joes tattoos. I've found a few images on tumblr and such, but they are a bit too small.

If any of you have some larger images of Billie's tats please send them my way!!

My email if you need it: greenday_spazoid@yahoo.com


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Hey there, I'm looking for pictures of Billie Joes tattoos. I've found a few images on tumblr and such, but they are a bit too small.

If any of you have some larger images of Billie's tats please send them my way!!

My email if you need it: greenday_spazoid@yahoo.com













This might help, too http://www.greendaycommunity.org/topic/28064-green-days-tattoos/ :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks! Do you maybe know what year was this from?

Sure ! Exact date is 11th August 1998 at the Sziget Festival in Hungary !

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Does anyone know if there are any high quality images of the unreleased Whatsername music video footage? I want to make the party girl my avatar (particularly the final scene, where she's passed out on the table with the drinks) but I can't find any good images on Google. I've just screenshotted the Youtube video for the image I have now.

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Looking for a black and white picture of Green Day from maybe 1997, where they are standing on a side walk with a sign for a restrung called "Ming's Kitchen" in the background. Taken by a photographer in Berkeley.

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Looking for a black and white picture of Green Day from maybe 1997, where they are standing on a side walk with a sign for a restrung called "Ming's Kitchen" in the background. Taken by a photographer in Berkeley.


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Thanks! I happened to pass by this place last weekend. Now it is a Creole place. The sign still remains, but the establishment has fit in the words "not anymore" to the sign. Guess it was too much to take it down.

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Hi It's me again, I would like to know what's the brand of Billie's polka dot shirt that he wore under his waistcoat during the 21st breakdown world tour and if somebody knows the brand of this waistcoat too.

I know Is a bit hard to tell the brand of that shirt or at least where I can find it, but you may help me .


And this is the waistcoat, and I can't recognize the brand inside that circle. ThaNks in advice again :)


Edited by Rober J Benitez
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Hey guys, so I was watching to Green Day's Behind The Music documentary, and I came across these old school pictures that I really enjoyed. I tried very hard to pause the video at the perfect time to take a good screen shot but I didn't have much sucess... Does someone here have the orignals pictures of these screen shots? Whitout these logos and stuff?? :runaround::ermm:tumblr_nig1gfSHBr1tn1iq5o1_1280.png


Of course there were plenty of other cool pictures I have never seen, but it would take too long to screen shot all of them, so I chose the ones I enjoyed the most.

The last time I requested something in here no one replied me :( Hope this time I get lucky

Edited by Slappy_1039
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Hey guys, so I was watching to Green Day's Behind The Music documentary, and I came across these old school pictures that I really enjoyed. I tried very hard to pause the video at the perfect time to take a good screen shot but I didn't have much sucess... Does someone here have the orignals pictures of these screen shots? Whitout these logos and stuff?? :runaround::ermm:tumblr_nig1gfSHBr1tn1iq5o1_1280.png


Of course there were plenty of other cool pictures I have never seen, but it would take too long to screen shot all of them, so I chose the ones I enjoyed the most.

The last time I requested something in here no one replied me :( Hope this time I get lucky

There are no originals of these pictures. And there are no originals of other pictures from Behind The Music, except for select few.

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