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I found some beautiful comments from Mike :wub: Always when I read his comments it gives me so much inspiration and hope!



The second one made me cry :cry: I love Mike. I don't get why phrases like the one about rubbing a bean on his shoes to run faster gets to be in every Mike Dirnt quote page and not phrases like this one.

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I have no words to describe him. Those comments made me cry, he truly cares about us.

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As much as Mike's words are moving, I can't help but roll my eyes in annoyance because fans just love to take to the band's instagrams to air their troubles and hope for a response. And not even necessarily real troubles, we saw that fake suicide thing a few weeks ago. There are so many fakers out there just saying "I'm GOING TO KILL MYSELF TONIGHT. IF YOU RESPOND I WON'T." And that's such a shitty thing to do to a person. And Mike can't know if that person is just trying to get a comment out of him. So fans are putting him in a really mean situation that's totally unfair. You wouldn't do that to someone in real life, why is it OK to psychologically ambush him on the internet? The guy is not your shrink and yeah, it great when a hero can "save your life," but to make him feel like his photo-posting app is a den of inner turmoil that he has to mop up is a really cruel thing to do to him, IMO. If Mike posts a really emotional photo or note expressing his own struggles, it might make sense for fans to share theirs.

I saw someone commented on one of Britt's recent pics like "I CUT MYSELF OH MY GOD I NEED TO STOP CUTTING MYSELF" and I'm just thinking "OK, true or not... why are you posting this on a picture of Mike Dirnt's wife riding a horse?"

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As much as Mike's words are moving, I can't help but roll my eyes in annoyance because fans just love to take to the band's instagrams to air their troubles and hope for a response. And not even necessarily real troubles, we saw that fake suicide thing a few weeks ago. There are so many fakers out there just saying "I'm GOING TO KILL MYSELF TONIGHT. IF YOU RESPOND I WON'T." And that's such a shitty thing to do to a person. And Mike can't know if that person is just trying to get a comment out of him. So fans are putting him in a really mean situation that's totally unfair. You wouldn't do that to someone in real life, why is it OK to psychologically ambush him on the internet? The guy is not your shrink and yeah, it great when a hero can "save your life," but to make him feel like his photo-posting app is a den of inner turmoil that he has to mop up is a really cruel thing to do to him, IMO. If Mike posts a really emotional photo or note expressing his own struggles, it might make sense for fans to share theirs.

I saw someone commented on one of Britt's recent pics like "I CUT MYSELF OH MY GOD I NEED TO STOP CUTTING MYSELF" and I'm just thinking "OK, true or not... why are you posting this on a picture of Mike Dirnt's wife riding a horse?"

I totally get what you saying. And yes, there are lots of fakers out there and silly people saying silly things that have nothing to do with the pictures posted.

However, Mike doesn't have to take the time to respond and yet he does and in a very gentlemanly and intelligent manner. He gives support and encouragement. Whether the person is real or not or the situation is real or not - he still does it. And if that person is indeed fake, so be it. But maybe someone else reading his response will be encouraged by his words.

I think it's very kind of him to take the time to write anything.

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As much as Mike's words are moving, I can't help but roll my eyes in annoyance because fans just love to take to the band's instagrams to air their troubles and hope for a response. And not even necessarily real troubles, we saw that fake suicide thing a few weeks ago. There are so many fakers out there just saying "I'm GOING TO KILL MYSELF TONIGHT. IF YOU RESPOND I WON'T." And that's such a shitty thing to do to a person. And Mike can't know if that person is just trying to get a comment out of him. So fans are putting him in a really mean situation that's totally unfair. You wouldn't do that to someone in real life, why is it OK to psychologically ambush him on the internet? The guy is not your shrink and yeah, it great when a hero can "save your life," but to make him feel like his photo-posting app is a den of inner turmoil that he has to mop up is a really cruel thing to do to him, IMO. If Mike posts a really emotional photo or note expressing his own struggles, it might make sense for fans to share theirs.

I saw someone commented on one of Britt's recent pics like "I CUT MYSELF OH MY GOD I NEED TO STOP CUTTING MYSELF" and I'm just thinking "OK, true or not... why are you posting this on a picture of Mike Dirnt's wife riding a horse?"

This is exactly how I feel about this. And Mike is just so amazing. Even if those are just cries for attention, I'm sure his words are appreciated by many others :)

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Only the first leg is over. ;)

I hope that is true :(

And omg Mike, now i love you even more :wub:

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I totally get what you saying. And yes, there are lots of fakers out there and silly people saying silly things that have nothing to do with the pictures posted.

However, Mike doesn't have to take the time to respond and yet he does and in a very gentlemanly and intelligent manner. He gives support and encouragement. Whether the person is real or not or the situation is real or not - he still does it. And if that person is indeed fake, so be it. But maybe someone else reading his response will be encouraged by his words.

I think it's very kind of him to take the time to write anything.

That is exactly how I see it, despite how badly I am (as somebody who does community management for a reclusive celeb) annoyed at messages like those.

For one, we never know if the person is for real or not. We don't know if they have anybody they trust enough. I remember being desperate and clinging to a foreign friend who was 13 years older, because I REALLY and TRULY believed that nobody else understands me. If somebody can get that from Mike, so be it. :)

So, a huge hug for Mike (and his awesome tractor, which just has to be mentioned all the time). You see, a lot of people who have had the tough life he's had become selfish, outright deliquents and whatnot. And Taurus men in general tend to preach instead of helping out. It takes quite a character to be the other way round.

I'll quote my mom for the end: "The one of them who looks sad, I can see so much pain in his eyes and I don't even know why!"

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Billie, how much cuter can you get :wub::wub:

Will have to show this to mom, she'll react just like you did. Maybe both her problem and my problem is that we see Billie in the same way we see our dog, minus having to bathe him. :o

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he looks so good and "fresh" in that photo - not sure if that makes sense.

it makes me happy to see that he's doing so well.

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he looks so good and "fresh" in that photo - not sure if that makes sense.

it makes me happy to see that he's doing so well.

Pretty much my thoughts exactly. He doesn't look so drained.

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Gosh, I guess I'm the only that thought he looked very tired. In the minority again!

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Oh man! :wub: he looks so good.

Billie, how much cuter can you get :wub::wub:

OMG :lol: and minus having to get rid of his poopoos.

hahahaha :lol: :lol:

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