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Green Day Tweets


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Emma Peterson @emmzzuh 22m

Billy Joe from Green Day is here. #sxsw (@ Uncommon Objects w/ 3 others) http://4sq.com/O8IYOF

Amanda Crawford @thispandarants 1m

Tre Cool from Green Day is wandering around the Rachael Ray party. Teenage me is squealing. #RRFeedback

meagan @meaganjuarez_ 43m

Sabby's mom & sister saw Billie Joe around the shops at Austin and I am SO JEALOUS.

Sabrina Barekzai @sabrinabarekzai 22h

Billie Joe Armstrong on my flight to Austin #CelebSightings

Claire Jackson @claclajackson 1h

Meeting Billie Joe Armstrong it's nbd or anything

The Mastersons @The_Mastersons 3m

thanks @rachaelray and @TeamRachael we had a blast! Also, thanks to Mike Dirnt from @GreenDay for the guitar pick during our set...

Eric Gohs @ericgohs 26m

waiting to cross the street on South Congress, I looked over & Billie Joe Armstrong from @GreenDay is next to me. Too f'ing cool. #sxsw

ben Raifsnider, jr. @itgetsrad 26m

Green Day came into my store today & bought a bolo tie. #SXSW

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Emma Peterson @emmzzuh 22m

Billy Joe from Green Day is here. #sxsw (@ Uncommon Objects w/ 3 others) http://4sq.com/O8IYOF

Amanda Crawford @thispandarants 1m

Tre Cool from Green Day is wandering around the Rachael Ray party. Teenage me is squealing. #RRFeedback

meagan @meaganjuarez_ 43m

Sabby's mom & sister saw Billie Joe around the shops at Austin and I am SO JEALOUS.

Sabrina Barekzai @sabrinabarekzai 22h

Billie Joe Armstrong on my flight to Austin #CelebSightings

Claire Jackson @claclajackson 1h

Meeting Billie Joe Armstrong it's nbd or anything

The Mastersons @The_Mastersons 3m

thanks @rachaelray and @TeamRachael we had a blast! Also, thanks to Mike Dirnt from @GreenDay for the guitar pick during our set...

Eric Gohs @ericgohs 26m

waiting to cross the street on South Congress, I looked over & Billie Joe Armstrong from @GreenDay is next to me. Too f'ing cool. #sxsw

ben Raifsnider, jr. @itgetsrad 26m

Green Day came into my store today & bought a bolo tie. #SXSW

I hate every single one of these people.

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Joe Cool @ElGatoDeFelix 2h

@AlexGulyan Billie Joe is speaking at SUNY Oneonta in a month for that new musical he wrote. You should purchase plane tickets asap

Kyle Davis @Kyloxx 4h

Never washing this hand cuz of Mike Dirnt Met Green Day :)

Stephen T Erlewine @sterlewine 4h

And to steal a line from @jrichmanesq Billie Joe Armstrong is looking like Jack White tonight #sxsw

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rain @heyheyrain 6h

Billie Joe Armstrong in first class on our flight home, just asked me if I checked out the @BURGERRECORDS show last night

rain @heyheyrain 7h

If we go down, we go down with Green Day

Henrik Bowadt @HenrikBowadt 6h

Leaving Austin on the same flight as Billie Joe. Perfect ending to SXSW 2014!

WZBC @wzbc 7h

Just walked past Billie Joe Armstrong in the Austin airport.

WZBC @wzbc 7h

@WrenneEvans haha yes so bizarre. He's wearing a sweet bandana

Nik RIvers @thenikrivers 6h

Having a pre flight beer in Austin. Who's at the table next to us? Tré Cool of @GreenDay @AxeOntheAir almost creamed himself. #SXSW14

Kayla Merrill @kayla_merrill Mar 16

Today Billie Joe Armstrong and his entourage sat down next to me at the airport. So there's that.

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Beth Wieman @shesarebel 16m

Sooooo basically this is my recap: Foxboro Hot Tubs need to retire in my opinion. #fht

Stephen T Erlewine @sterlewine Mar 14

Foxboro Hot Tubs has everything I like about Green Day and nothing that I don't.

Stephen T Erlewine @sterlewine Mar 14

Foxboro Hot Tubs just started covering the Who's "A Quick One (While He's Away)" and I started laughing with joy #SXSW

Lorne Chan @lornechan Mar 14

Green Day, err Foxboro Hot Tubs has figured out the everybody-with-iPhones dilemma. Throw balloons in crowd


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Why do people like this get to see them and a grateful person doesn't?

Don't be so quick to judge, she's seen them before (with me once and definitely appreciated it lol), and shared loads of awesome photos and videos and recaps of the shows on here for everyone who hasn't got to see them as well, and that's just her opinion of that show in comparison to the others. People are allowed to go and see a band whose shows they've enjoyed in the past and give their honest opinion of the experience.

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Don't be so quick to judge, she's seen them before (with me once and definitely appreciated it lol), and shared loads of awesome photos and videos and recaps of the shows on here for everyone who hasn't got to see them as well, and that's just her opinion of that show in comparison to the others. People are allowed to go and see a band whose shows they've enjoyed in the past and give their honest opinion of the experience.

Do you know why she thinks that??
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Don't be so quick to judge, she's seen them before (with me once and definitely appreciated it lol), and shared loads of awesome photos and videos and recaps of the shows on here for everyone who hasn't got to see them as well, and that's just her opinion of that show in comparison to the others. People are allowed to go and see a band whose shows they've enjoyed in the past and give their honest opinion of the experience.

Ok, but it just came off sounding kind of ungrateful. She could of at least said why they should retire, then at least I could understand her opinion.

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Ok, but it just came off sounding kind of ungrateful. She could of at least said why they should retire, then at least I could understand her opinion.

Yeah that's fair enough having just read that tweet I suppose. I guess no one can really help the opinion they have of a show when they go to it though.

My guess is that this person preferred them drunk and thinks they're now...too...fake?!

I dunno about that (she's a member here so if she feels like posting about it here she will haha). It could partly be because these shows were part of a festival where they'd been billed as "featuring Billie Joe Armstrong" and stuff and there were probably a lot of non fans there, I can imagine it wouldn't have had as much of a free and disorganized feeling as a short notice show in a little club totally on their own would. But in any case the vast majority of people who saw the show clearly loved it so looks like it was still good!

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Courtney Kessler @courtneekessler Apr 5

Green Day's bassist Mike Dirnt at the wedding

Courtney Kessler @courtneekessler Apr 5

@RyanCenicola I'm at my uncle's wedding and he's best friends with the bride

Jessica Moss @jessicajmoss Apr 5

Mike Dirnt from green day pic.twitter.com/yAb4pOHpQA

Courtney. @courtneysgee Apr 5

Bass player from Green Day is at the wedding. Well ok

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