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Green Day References


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I'm watching the quiz "Pointless" on BBC1. There's a question about short singles, and one of the options is The Simpson's Theme. I know the answer to which artist it's by!

Edit: The contestant knew it! But only 2 out of the 100 people they surveyed did. I hope he wins the show. And the host is pronouncing it "Green DAY". I enjoyed watching this round :D

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Yesterday after a very long physics question I came out with a force of 1039 newtons.

Nobody else could understand why that made me so happy! :D

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Dave Grohl is aswering some questions right now on reddit and he aswered to this comment:


My mom met you and said her favorite song of yours was "Geek Stink Breath". I sincerely apologize on behalf of my family.


that's ok... let moms be moms, tell her i say Hi..

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I have a videogame called BMX XX, and it has Basket Case !

Each time, i play this game, i always put Basket Case as the principal song, and i sing each time :D

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The Kerplunk version of WtP is playing on the radio right now and I'm honestly wondering if the radio djs realize they're playing the "wrong" version that would normally be played. Especially because on the website it links to Dookie :lol:

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I was compiling the police blotter for the newspaper yesterday and found this address in one of the police reports... Teehee.


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In Ipanema Beach (Rio de Janeiro - Brazil) there's a pub called Shenanigans.

I'm not sure it's a Green Day reference...I've been there before...in fact...the first time I went there...about 8 years ago...when I walked in it was playing 'Misery'. Next time I go there I'll ask someone if the name is because of Green Day.

Also...a long time ago....I was in a bar with some friends and a truck passed by...it was a truck from a company called Passalacqua.

I always thought that was a Green Day reference, inspite of the two S's. Just now I was searching the internet to know for sure and in fact it is not a Green Day reference. Passalacqua is the last name of the founder of the company. But that's cool anyway.

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In the movie 'American High School', a song is played during the prom which sounds exactly like American Idiot.I mean exactly.Just the lyrics are different.

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a while ago I saw a video of this band on tv... check out their name :lol:

Where's the Green Day reference?

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Where's the Green Day reference?

well it's not a real reference :lol: but their name just reminded me of that part on BIAB:

“You could be having the worst day ever, you know, everything’s gone wrong; your girlfriend broke up with you, you know, your dog got hit by a car, your life is in complete turmoil. And then that night you have this great show, and then you- there’s that feeling of “fuck everybody. Who cares? I don’t give a shit. Fuck the dog, the dog’s dead.” You know, but all these people are freaking out.”

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When I got out of work today, I was wearing my 21st Century Breakdown Hoodie, and I walked into a McDonald's on the way home. The customer in front of me was being a dick. So I got to the counter and I told the kid at the register I work in retail, so I know how shitty people can be. There was an employee mopping the floor who looked at my hoodie, and he was like "Oh hey, I know, that guy was being a Nimrod!" and he looked at me and pointed at my hoodie. lol I thought it was pretty awesome.

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"Pages you could like"... How could I like this and ruin the magic number? :sad:


When I uploaded that pic, this was the caption (it made me think of Walk Away :) )


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I was watching Community when Shirley said "Sodom and Gamora" , immediately made me think of Kill the DJ

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I was watching Community when Shirley said "Sodom and Gamora" , immediately made me think of Kill the DJ

I though the same thing at the time! :D

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