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Green Day References


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Triple reference today in class:

-The time was 10:39am

-My computer had 86% battery

-We had to say a prayer (I go to a catholic school), and it said "long view" in it


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This book is basically a critique of Childhood in modern Britain. The woman who wrote it interviewed and analysed the lives and experiences of several different children and teenagers. The last girl is a teenage mother, Lauren. Lauren loves to sing, and her sister Danielle loves to make her sing. During the interview, Danielle wants Lauren to sing something for the interviewer. "But it has to be punk," she says, "Green Day or something."

Green Day, an important part of childhood in modern Britain...In a good way...nothing to do with teenage pregnancy or anything, just great musical taste ;)

Edited by mussokn
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Today while checking out at the grocery store my friend was using my phone and commented about my ¡Dos! background by saying something like "You would have Green Day as your background!" The cashier's ears perked up and she was like "Is it the whole group or what is it?!" and got all excited. We talked about the trilogy for a few minutes since no one else was in line, and she was raving about how much she liked the band and how much she respected the guys for pursuing something as impressive as three albums in less than a year. She definitely earned cool points. Best trip to the grocery store ever. :D

Green Day finished second in a countdown called "Best of Rock 2004" with American Idiot.

Who got first? :mellow:

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There are some references in How I Met Your mother (i don't know the episode number but maybee someone els does)

1) Ted asks Robin where her Boyfriennd is she ansers "He is at a Green Day Concert" or "He went to see Green Day"

2) They are planing a wedding (i guess?) and they made a list of all the cliché things everybody does at those events. At the top was " Playing Green Days Time of your live with a picture Slidshow"

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2) They are planing a wedding (i guess?) and they made a list of all the cliché things everybody does at those events. At the top was " Playing Green Days Time of your live with a picture Slidshow"

I remember this! My roommates were watching this episode last year and they couldn't figure out why I was giggling so much. :D

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I'm on a walk and there's a girl in front of me with a Misfits shirt on and I was automatically reminded of that picture of Billie asleep on a couch in his Misfits shirt. :D

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Ok, so I was creating a link for a group shot of Green Day on tinyurl and before it processed the photo, it asked me, as usual for a security check, to type out the letters presented to me in a box. the letters spelt out carpe diem. Coincidence? O.o

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last year we had a project in English class which was called "Home is where the heart is" so it just reminded me of the line in Jesus of Suburbia "it says home is where your heart is" , I got really excited XD

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"In addition to their names, he also has a black and white photo strip tattoo of his wife on his forearm, I guess you could say he wears his heart on his sleeve?" <----- Made me laugh :lol:

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I went to a party last night and there were paper lanterns hanging, and there was beer and it's brand was "Tres *something*"

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I made an ¡Uno! color themed histogram in my stats class the other day on Excel.


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I don't know if anyone mentioned this before but in Pokemon White 2 you fight a trainer named Billy Jo and she's a guitarist of course I thought of Billie :P What do you guys think?

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I'm reading my stats textbook right now and I came across a sentence that says "For example, sample data might suggest that 1,000 hours is a plausible value for the true mean lifetime for light bulbs of a particular brand."

When I read the 1,000 hours part I started laughing.

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