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Green Day Dreams


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Ever had a Green Day related dream thats funny, stupid, random or weird? Fell free to share it here!

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Haha, i did actually dream something once :P

I was sitting with Mike, Billie, Tre and some wierd old man ive never seen before, and we were eating mashed potatos :o but then suddenly the old man died.. I dont know, but i think it had something to do with the story about laurie L on kerplunk :P The last thing i remember is that we sat in a church, and that the Rabbit from Awesome As Fuck was there HAHA, but thats actually what i remember from that dream. nothing else :mellow:

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I had a Green Day dream last night. This is so weird as I usually do not have GD-related dreams but man, last night's dream was weird.

It started off with Uno being released. For some reason Wow, That's Loud was on Uno and that was the jammiest fucking song ever*. It was so catchy and made you just get up and move. Also in the middle of the album were these two songs that were instrumental and they were electronic 8-bit songs, like from old video games. My dream then jumped to me hanging out at my mom's friend's house with Billie and Jason. We were all dancing around to Wow, That's Loud and then we decided to play hide and seek.

Weird fucking dream.

*Calling this now. If this song turns out to be amazingly catchy, let it be known that The Ballad predicted it in a dream. :ninja:

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I had a dream they announced the tour dates and my friends and I were all freaking out. So, yeah, that's on my mind and I'm gonna need them to announce the dates soon, thanks.

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I've dreamed that I've played live them like 50 times over the last 8 years.

Regular fan boy dreams. + Some where I have sex with all of them also.

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I had a dream that I was at Green Day's ¡Uno!, ¡Dos!, ¡Tré! tour, but my family and family friends were the only ones there. It must have been a sound check or something, because lights were on in the stadium and the guys weren't really playing but just fiddling around with instruments and stuff. As I'm sitting there, I notice that the set is this hula party theme with palm trees made out of construction paper and plastic leis, but then it changed into Roger Water's "The Wall" theme with the marching hammers and a giant mickey mouse puppet. Billie then started making the puppet poke me in the face, laughing the entire time. As I knocked the giant Mickey hand out of my face, I notice Tré riding a unicycle on the stage, only he's wearing my girl's v-neck GD t-shirt and jean shorts. I guess I made some kind of grossed out face because soon Billie Joe and Mike came over and were like "We'll make him give you your clothes back if you want..." But I was too grossed out so I said Tré could keep them.

Then Billie turned into an 11-year old version of himself. And then I woke up.

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I had a dream that I won tickets to the LA show, and at the show, Green Day was auctioning off their clothes and I paid $60 for Billie's pants. :lol:

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I regually have dreams that I'm at Green Day concerts....... and then I wake up and realise I'm not at a Green Day concert and cry myself back to sleep :sad:

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Ever had a Green Day related dream thats funny, stupid, random or weird? Fell free to share it here!

you forgot to add dirty in there.

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I had a dream last night about Jason Freese moving in next door and he had a bunch of weird furry (as in furry culture) parties that kept me awake all night. Then there was something about spanking that donkey in Shrek and a missing newspaper. Sometimes I wonder..

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Shortly, I was at a GD concert, they had the big stadium stage, but the crowd was only like 50 people...and after the concert I went to a cafe with some random people. Green Day came in, but no one reacted. Except me, I burped very loudly. Of course, everyone noticed that and stared at me. I actually don't remember anything else, GD was actually only in a supporting part in this...but yeah, my dreams are pretty weird. :P

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Had one two nights ago...

Managed to go back in time with a magic wrench I was using to fix my scooter. Ended up in the early nineties in a garage-shack-house with the Billie, Mike, and Tre - who was getting a blow job from a very busty blonde in the back of a van when I got there. (I couldn't tell if he was enjoying it or if it actually hurt) An old russian lady was serving all of us lunch out of a sink-turned-fire-pit when a crazy girl-women-scene-thing broke in and tried to kill everybody. I killed it with long words and a toothbrush, and Billie Joe melted into a literal pile of mush/powder that Mike put in a bag right after.

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Monday night I had of dream of Green Day playing a Surprise show and I was there. Don't remember much.

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Ugh, last night I had a dream where Uno was released early and I was listening to it... Stop When the Red Lights Flash had been moved to Uno and I was listening to that, then I was listening to Sweet 16. It all seemed realistic and then of course I woke up. I hate dreams like that, they're so disappointing :(

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Nothing special and kinda lame but still awesome as fu** when I think back to it... I got on stage and sang and played the guitar like a boss. (Till I ran out of text :angry ) And Billie was like: C'mon, just keep playing and sing some random shit! I just shook my head, fully despearte and near tears, so Billie continued for me.

That's the proof I'm never gonna become a Rock Star :cry: Haha :D

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Last night I had a dream I got to go to a Green Day concert and I also got to meet the boys! :D

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Had another tour date announcement dream, and dreamed that the timing of the dates wasn't ideal. That's all I worry about. :lol:

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um, well i had a dream me and tre went to a strip club together, and my grandma was there. i'm not really sure how that came to be or ended, but it was a little weird.

Sounds like an average day for Tre haha.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In my dream a couple of nights ago I was at the holiday park where I was staying, and there was a really annoying alarm going off. Suddenly, my bosses daughter appeared and was like, God, I wish Green Day's tour bus would stop making such a racket and as she said it the alarm stopped and shit loads of Green Day's tour vans along with their 21CB tour bus started driving off from between the trees and flying into the sky. I realised in the lodge next to me there were loads of teenagers screaming cause they'd seen the vans so I went over to join them. That's when a Japanese TV crew arrived to interview us about what it's like to be a Green Day fan. One of my best mates was there and I got really angry at her cause she doesn't like them, but she told me to shut up cause it was her big break.. I asked the TV crew about the secret shows next week, I was like, look I know Green Day are coming to England and playing Reading Festival, can you just tell me when the secret show is please? But they refused and started auditioning all the kids that were there based on their looks. I freaked out cause I had no make up on and my hair scraped back, so I ran to get my bag but it had fallen into a harbour and was soaking wet. When I finally fished it out I went to put my make up on in the bathroom but there were no lights so I couldn't and instead had to go back to the TV crew without sorting out my face. Whilst I was gone they had switched from interviews to auditioning for the American Idiot Musical and had managed to already cast all the parts.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a weird dream about Billie and Mike. I was walking with them around my hometown for some reason, sort of like I was interviewing them but there were no cameras. I remember getting to this playground at the bottom of my street and they had to leave so as I was saying goodbye I noticed that Billie was walking my way. I guess he lives on the same street now. I started making jokes about how fans must give him crazy demands and that I wanted him to write me my own album, but then he was like "I know you always treat me good on eBay" or something (what the fuck?) and invited me inside of his house. When I went in there was a lot of other teenagers all running around and I followed Billie downstairs to some room that looked really chill but with a bunch of teenagers sitting down in chairs. Billie seemed very indifferent to these kids. They were all kinda douchebags so I left, but when I got back upstairs I couldn't find my shoes. The dream ended with me walking home with a pair of shoes that weren't mine and were probably some girls.

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Last night I dreamt I was at Leeds Festival waiting for Green Day to come on, when they finally did they opened with a song off one of the new albums that no one new, the very first lyrics Billie couldn't hit, his voice was cracking and he couldn't stay in tune. I was defending them to everyone around me, telling them how Billie had been ill and in hospital. They started to get into it and were being their usual ace selves when suddenly the lights on the stage went out, the music stopped and an advert came onto the screens. An announcement said that Green Day were taking a short ten minute break but the whole crowd left and I was left there holding onto hope that they were coming back, two hours later I realised they weren't and Billie was too ill to perform. Clearly a dream heavily influenced by them cancelling the show yesterday!

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