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Since someone asked for it... here are for anyone who's interested in a huge ass (Really... It took me the whole math lesson including hiding and interruptions [Yes. I read it in school. I'm such a badass,right? ] to read ) article in the current 'visions' the scans. Would be better if you're able to read german :P My scanner's shit, the magazin's fucking fat and the pages got a little fucked up in my school bag, but yea. I tried my best, It's quite legible.

Intro (Not entirely about Green Day)










Here starts the semi interesting interview.


Concert Review (Berlin Wuhlheide)


Übrigens irgendwie unverschämt dass das in drei Teile gesplittet wird, ich meine... Das Magazin kostet immerhin um die 5, 6€ ... Naja, so lang man sich auch für die anderen Bands interessiert. :rolleyes:

awesome, do you know where i can buy that magazine. very long article and the quality of the scan isn't that bad :thumbsup:

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awesome, do you know where i can buy that magazine. very long article and the quality of the scan isn't that bad :thumbsup:

i got it at a Kaufland and i'm sure they sell it at any train stations but instead of that i have no idea where you could buy it...

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awesome, do you know where i can buy that magazine. very long article and the quality of the scan isn't that bad :thumbsup:

Deutsche Bahn :P

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Would anyone be able to post a few interesting things from the Visions article? :) I'd read it except I don't speak German...

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i got it at a Kaufland and i'm sure they sell it at any train stations but instead of that i have no idea where you could buy it...

kaufland is too far away from me and my train station isnt that big :(

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kaufland is too far away from me and my train station isnt that big :(

does your train station have a shop that sells magazines?...i'm sure it gives that magazine there then ;) ...or maybe you could try to search it anywhere it gives any magazines, cos since it was in that Kaufland it might be that they also sell it at Real or other supermarkets that sell magazines ;)

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does your train station have a shop that sells magazines?...i'm sure it gives that magazine there then ;) ...or maybe you could try to search it anywhere it gives any magazines, cos since it was in that Kaufland it might be that they also sell it at Real or other supermarkets that sell magazines ;)

my train station doesn't sell anything. but i think i gonna look for it at our edeka :)

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my train station doesn't sell anything. but i think i gonna look for it at our edeka :)

oh:/ ...yeah you can try it there, if not...do you also have a Netto in your region? you could try it there as well;)

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and GD are btw mentioned somewhere else as well :P

thanks for posting the scans :)

naja, stimmt schon, dass es teuer ist und es dann vielleicht scheiße ist, wenn man drei von diesen magazinen kaufen muss, wenn man das komplette interview lesen will, allerdings find ich es gut, dass sie es in drei teile untergliedert haben, ich mein, schau dir mal an wie viel die schon allein in dem einen heft über GD geschrieben haben, wenn das is den anderen beiden magazinen genauso viel wird, ist es einfach nur genial und auch fast unmöglich in ein magazin zu packen, weil es gibt ja auch noch andere bands...und der preis ist sicher so teuer weil da immerhin 2 CDs drin sind und weil, wie auf der ersten seite erwähnt wurde, die produktionskosten und die vertriebskosten gestiegen sind. deshalb nervt mich der preis wohl eher weniger, aber was mich wirklich nervt ist, dass Billie wiedermal falsch geschrieben wurde...aber komischer weise nur manchmal und nicht immer :huh:

You're welcome :)

Ja, natürlich wäre das viel zu viel gewesen und der Artikel ist geil, trotzdem wird das ein teures Vergnügen, und leider haben mir die CDs kaum zugesagt (Ich hätte viel lieber das Billy Talent Album das in der letzten drin war gehabt. verdammt :rolleyes: )...Aber hey, es ist Green Day und ich komme 2x an fünf Tagen die Woche am Hauptbahnhof vorbei... Wie soll ich da dann bitte widerstehen das nicht zu holen? :lol: Allerdings wird mich das Interview ziemlich enttäuschen, falls die Fragen nicht besser werden. Gerade wenn man sieht was für witzige und rare Stückchen Infortmation dabei rauskommen, wenn man Fans die Fragen stellen lässt, das meiste in dem aktuellen Artikel war ja schon bekannt. Aber trotzdem - Hammer! Mich fasziniert es ebenfalls jedes mal, wie man Billie erst mit y schreibt, sich dann jedoch wieder umentscheiden kann... Haha. Und wo? Ich hab nur etwas mehr als die Hälfte der Zeitschrift gelesen, der Rest hat mich nicht interessiert :P

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You're welcome :)

Ja, natürlich wäre das viel zu viel gewesen und der Artikel ist geil, trotzdem wird das ein teures Vergnügen, und leider haben mir die CDs kaum zugesagt...Aber hey, es ist Green Day und ich komme 2x an fünf Tagen die Woche am Hauptbahnhof vorbei... Wie soll ich da dann bitte widerstehen das nicht zu holen? :lol: Allerdings wird mich das Interview ziemlich enttäuschen, falls die Fragen nicht besser werden. Gerade wenn man sieht was für witzige und rare Stückchen von Infortmationen dabei rauskommen, wenn man Fans die Fragen stellen lässt, das meiste in dem aktuellen Artikel war ja schon bekannt. Aber trotzdem - Hammer! Mich fasziniert es ebenfalls jedes mal, wie man Billie erst mit y schreibt, sich dann jedoch wieder umentscheiden kann... Haha. Und wo? Ich hab nur etwas mehr als die hälfte der Zeitschrift gelesen, der Rest hat mich nicht interessiert :P

ja klar, es wird ziemlich teuer, wenn man sich wirklich alle drei zeitschriften kaufen muss und die info war teilweise...naja...also ich mein ja nur "Billy" (nicht so große fans werden sich jetzt wohl fragen, ob der typ nun Billie oder doch Billy heißt xD) oder "eine blaue Fender Stratocaster, die der Knirps auf den Namen 'Blue' tauft und die heute sicher im Tresor lagert", eignet sich super für fehlersuch-spielchen :lol: aber alles in allem fand ich das dann doch relativ gut geschrieben alles :happy:

ehm seite 013 und 014, dann seite 019 ganz unten bei den Top 5 des Monats (da werden sie gleich 2 mal erwähnt) und seite 138 bei der "Zukunftsmusik" (Dos! und Tre!) ;)

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Not sure if someone already posted this but...


This pissed me off beyond belief. There's no way of knowing if that's actually Billie, but it sure as hell sounds like it.

If you can't listen to the audio, it's basically this radio show host from the UK who decides to get in on the "Someone wake up Billie..September's over joke." Yeah...THAT one.

Well, this dumbass gets the brilliant idea of calling up Billie somehow when it becomes exacty 12:00 in Cali (Oct. 1st), and making crude remarks about him waking up. Lets just say Billie didn't sound too thrilled. I sure as fuck wouldn't be either.

LOL. I actually thought this was kinda funny. People say "oh, make sure to wake up Green Day" and its really stupid, but then someone goes and actually does it. And how the fuck does this guy have Billie's number????? I want

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Mmm... nobody has the Drum! magazine, or do you know if there are scans somewhere?

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Since someone asked for it... here are for anyone who's interested in a huge ass (Really... It took me the whole math lesson including hiding and interruptions [Yes. I read it in school. I'm such a badass,right? ] to read ) article in the current 'visions' the scans. Would be better if you're able to read german :P My scanner's shit, the magazin's fucking fat and the pages got a little fucked up in my school bag, but yea. I tried my best, It's quite legible.

Intro (Not entirely about Green Day)










Here starts the semi interesting interview.


Concert Review (Berlin Wuhlheide)


Übrigens irgendwie unverschämt dass das in drei Teile gesplittet wird, ich meine... Das Magazin kostet immerhin um die 5, 6€ ... Naja, so lang man sich auch für die anderen Bands interessiert. :rolleyes:

i scanned the article last week, too. but then i decided not to post it cause i thought the information (we actually all now) weren't worth a post :lol:

but honestly, these journalists are so incompetent. emily's army's second album: the thing that ate larry livermoore..... haha

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i scanned the article last week, too. but then i decided not to post it cause i thought the information (we actually all now) weren't worth a post :lol:

but honestly, these journalists are so incompetent. emily's army's second album: the thing that ate larry livermoore..... haha

I know... but I thought the article's nice to read anyway, and it took me about 15 minutes to scan and upload them, so fuck it :lol: And indeed they need to do a better research job next time :rolleyes:

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i scanned the article last week, too. but then i decided not to post it cause i thought the information (we actually all now) weren't worth a post :lol:

but honestly, these journalists are so incompetent. emily's army's second album: the thing that ate larry livermoore..... haha

haha yeah that was kinda funny :lol:

Why didn't I read german in school? Why french?

Oh, je ne comprends pas.. :sorry:

well, we didn't write anything too important, it wa basically just about whether we find the magazine too expensive or whether the prize is okay, what we think of the articles (e.g. they sometimes wrote Billy instead of Billie, but sometimes they wrote it right and stuff like this...)

...and for the article there's nothing too special in there, there's about 3 double pages about Green Day's history that we already know and about 1 page about iUno! and there's also just information in there that we already know...and well, one page was about their concert in Berlin, so nothing new ;) ...though the next issue's gonna be about iDos! and the one after is gonna be about iTre!, maybe there's some more info in there then ;)

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haha yeah that was kinda funny :lol:

well, we didn't write anything too important, it wa basically just about whether we find the magazine too expensive or whether the prize is okay, what we think of the articles (e.g. they sometimes wrote Billy instead of Billie, but sometimes they wrote it right and stuff like this...)

...and for the article there's nothing too special in there, there's about 3 double pages about Green Day's history that we already know and about 1 page about iUno! and there's also just information in there that we already know...and well, one page was about their concert in Berlin, so nothing new ;) ...though the next issue's gonna be about iDos! and the one after is gonna be about iTre!, maybe there's some more info in there then ;)

you forgot another important information: blue is kept in a safe and he got it from his dad.. well, i didn't know that dead people can do things like that and i also wonder which guitar i've always seen on stage haha :D:D

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you forgot another important information: blue is kept in a safe and he got it from his dad.. well, i didn't know that dead people can do things like that and i also wonder which guitar i've always seen on stage haha :D :D

naw there stands that he got Blue before his dad died ;) ...but still :lol: ...yeah i also wonder which guitar that was then :lol:

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