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Issues with GDATW


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the first and third ones almost look as if they were signed on Ms Paint, as in, they aren't signed at all but someone drew signatures on the digital picture. :huh:

Ahahahaha! Exactly what i was thinking

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Is there a thread about the purple heart thing? I'm extremely interested in this part of the story.

Do you mean a thread about her giving Billie Joe a purple heart? Not that I know of. I only heard that part of the story from others who witnessed the giving.

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I donated some money to GDATW as I didn't get involved in the day. I'll be pretty annoyed if it turns out it didn't go to charity!

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I have to say, I'm glad I backed away from the situation fairly early in... She had been begging for help with the website so I offered to write the summaries on the misc. bands Green Day and it's member are part of - I wrote a few and sent them to her. The first one I did get a "thanks" for.. I sent her the next two and had to prompt her to see if she had recieved them - I asked her if they were OK. She just sent me an e-mail that said "they're OK" - and then I never saw them on the website. I can't say I'm the best writer in the world, but I think what I wrote was more than sufficient. Her behavior and responses to e-mails just seemed so odd to me, but I'm a bit paranoid so I thought maybe it was just me!

I was actually a little ticked at her when I looked on the GDATW website and saw my name as the organizer of the Chicago GDATW event! I had already told her that it was on a date I wasn't available (We weren't even going to be in town!). She never took my name down so I fellt like an asshole that I wasn't planning something! I think I did get an e-mail from someone - was it Tony? - that inquired about what people were setting up.... I'm like "no, sorry, she should have removed my name"...

I feel so bad that very well-meaning people were afffected by this whole thing. From what everyone is saying here it sure seems that Dawn had not only physical disabilities but also possibly mental disabilities... We may never know to what extent she really "meant" to lie/decieve...

I'm proud of those well-meaning folks though - sounds like GDATW gatherings did some good in their communities and the GDC Awards in NYC looked like a blast!

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I know GDA isnt responsible for any of this... but many people found out about this project through gda.... and I mean... MANY.

^^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^^ worries me.

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Is there a thread about the purple heart thing? I'm extremely interested in this part of the story.

I think she talked about that in the huge American idiot on Broadeay thread.

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Something that still angers me to this day is the fact that Dawn blatantly stole the idea of 'Green Day Across The World' from two younger GDCers who came up with the idea first. She came into their thread and started taking the entire thing over, even though they didn't want or ask for her 'help'. She ended up twisting the fuck out of it, of course, and made it into the massive money/attention grabbing scheme that it's become.

It was originally meant to be a simple day once a year on which Green Day fans were to celebrate the fact they liked Green Day by doing simple shit, like listening to Nimrod, or smoking a joint, or watching Bullet In A Bible, or hanging with fellow Green Day fans, or running around screaming Green Day lyrics in public, or trying to get #greenday trending on Twitter, or whatever.

In other words, it was supposed to be like Flag Day for Green Day fans, not Earth Day the second.

The really funny thing is, (and it's not important to me anymore but it's still a coincidence)

But back in 2005/2006 I was on myspace at the time. And I came up with this idea that on May 28th, all GD fans would have a "Green Day Marathon" where you would celebrate Green Day by mostly just listening to all the albums in a row, or watching GD dvds, etc etc

I managed to get like 50 people to do it :lol: but I thought it was such a coincidence that several years later, this event happens.

And I know there is a significance to May 28th, but I don't remember what it is. I wouldn't have just chosen the day for the hell of it.

Anyway, like I said, it's not important to me. It was just something fun I came up with, but I think its a quirky coincidence.

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The thing that saddened and confused me was that Dawn rarely seemed to be happy during all of this. Even after the party in NYC went like a dream for the most part, she was still upset and angry at the end of it.

Lol I'm surprised you remember that! If I recall correctly.. you were just a wee bit wasted that night :P

The reason why she was upset that night was because she didn't get to really talk to Billie Joe or give him the award she had made for him and the band. She had a special award she wanted to give to him, but she felt as though because of all the people, he felt mobbed and was rushed out the door. She was really upset because she didn't get to say goodbye. At least, this is all what she told me anyway. I don't know if there were other contributing factors other than that, though I do recall talking to her on the phone earlier and her being really upset that the venue she rented out for the party wasn't going to be ready and no one was helping her with decorations. That's all I really know.

Is there a thread about the purple heart thing? I'm extremely interested in this part of the story.

I remember there being a thread where she talks about it a bit more, but I can't recall what the thread title is. From when I talked to her about it, she never said how she obtained it. She only mentioned how Billie was so important in her life that she wanted to give him something truly important of hers so that he would see how much he meant to her or something like that. She gave him the purple heart, explaining to him what it really was and meant and because of Billie's humor he pretended that he was going to swallow it so that it would be a part of him forever. Again, that's all I really know from that situation.

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hey luke... did you ever get yours?

Nope, not received anything at all, not even one of those 'you participated' things that everyone should have got

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omg just saw some posts about the website

From a designer's point of view, that website is appalling and not worth the money she spent.

Not to mention, there are restrictions to the use of imagery. Using GD fonts and artwork in that manner is unacceptable without the original artists' permission. On any random GD fan site, eh, it's okay. But a designer is being paid to use another's artwork? shame shame. Not to mention the quality of the images is utter crap. I tried to research the website designer and I was not impressed at all. Definitley not worth the money Dawn spent.


I also had another question..

The money that people paid was meant to go to "charity" Where exactly was this money actually going? Was it going to a recycling plant to help recycling causes? Was it going to other prominent environment conservation organizations? If GDATW is a charity to promote Green Day and environment things... well... what do you need money for? Do you need money to clean up trash outside? No. Do you need money to go recycle? No. Do you need money to go to Green Day concerts? Yes.

This entire time I have been confused as to how GDATW is a charity? Why would anyone want to donate? Where does the money go?

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Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been around lately. I still check in sometimes though and I seen this thread and just wanted to make a quick post.

First off I think you guys are handling this brilliantly and it's very kind of you to try and sort this out a bit. I think this thread is a great idea so we can try and piece all our info together and come to some sort of conclusion and closure.

Please nobody feel guilty or stupid or naive about any of this. None of us were in the wrong, nobody is going to naturally think someone is lying about such huge things for seemingly no reason.

I and I think many others always felt some things seemed a little fishy and were uncomfortable with some aspects of this project. Taking into consideration what Dawn told us about her, I let a lot of that go, believing she needed to do it her way for comfort. Obviously now I know a lot of what she said about herself was not true. I don't doubt however that she's ill in some other ways which I think helps explain this situation a bit. I know we have to be careful about what we say of course.

This is a somewhat random piece of info but I remember during the conversations before the event on here, people were giving opposing opinions to hers and confronting her about a few things and a new account popped up arguing alongside her. It was quite obviously her because the grammar, etc was the same and it was formatted to the left, that I remember clearly. Nobody seemed to say anything about that though, although maybe some others noticed. I wasn't going to say anything because I still felt quite bad for her and thought she was just very upset and passionate about her beliefs. I think also she stayed logged into that account for one post where it was meant to be her (Dawn) again. I hope you guys understand, I know it's a bit complicated.

Thankfully I never ended up being monetarily involved. I had planned to collect money at the Irish event and send it to her though, to be donated but it never went ahead, party due to my suspicions and uncomfortableness but I didn't let on to anyone at the time. (Maybe I should have :\ but I think we were all a little unsure but never expected things to turn as messy as this.)

Like I said, the Irish event ended up not happening anyways. I was the main team leader and was too ill at the time to sort it out and with no-one else that interested it just sort of disintegrated. It turned out I probably wouldn't have been able to go anyways.

In hindsight, we probably should have stopped her from taking sole control of it all but I think we all seen how much she wanted that and with respect and admiration at the time we let her get on with it.

Thinking about it, I doubt that whole web developer stealing her money thing was true, and maybe she made that site herself. It's hard to believe a web developer would make her a site on wix. I also doubt she put as much money into it as she claimed.

It does however seem she put some money and a lot of (perhaps misplaced) effort into it. At the end of the day, I think she actually did want this event to happen and did want to donate to charity. I don't think she intentionally wanted to take people's money for herself or scam anyone, I just think she got extremely carried away and isn't thinking clearily. It seems to me that she desperately wanted recognition and praise and maybe approval from Green Day, esp Billie Joe. I could be entirely wrong of course.

I think it all started to catch up with her recently and she realised she's been found out so that's why she's disappeared. I hope for everyone's sake she comes back and apologises, comes clean and rights some wrongs. That would be good. It's very unfortunate what happened but I suppose we should try to remember some nice things were still done by her and a lot of good still came from this all. Maybe even more good than bad.

Good luck to everyone trying to get their money back and/or items and a sincere "that sucks ass" to people who donated money. Just remember you did it with brilliant intentions and we all know that.

I got to say, the purple heart thing really upsets me though. :\ Billie Joe has been dealing with various incidents and fans for a looong time now though so I'm sure it wont matter that much. It just seems so wrong though. Even though it's upsetting, I kind of hope he finds out.. Maybe he already has, who knows.

Anyways, I also hope Dawn finds whatever she was looking for and gets better soon. It's never too late to make a change and I do think she's a good person deep down. We all have our issues.

Sorry I can't be of more help guys, if I remember/think of anything that could help I'll make sure to post.

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From a designer's point of view, that website is appalling and not worth the money she spent.

Oh my god tell me about it. I was seriously considering offering to give up my free time and design/ create a much better website for them, free of charge just out of the goodness that i thought this project was about. Glad i didn't now if Im honest

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I know it is what it is now with the whole drawing thing.. but reading back on the original guidelines and what was said the prizes will be....and what I recieved as a winner? im burnt up a bit. grrr.. *end rant*

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This entire time I have been confused as to how GDATW is a charity? Why would anyone want to donate? Where does the money go?

It was supposed to collect money, which would then be donated to NRDC in a big batch.

In hindsight, we probably should have stopped her from taking sole control of it all but I think we all seen how much she wanted that and with respect and admiration at the time we let her get on with it.

This was almost impossible. Whenever someone suggested an idea different from what she was doing, she went into rants about how bad she was feeling and how she was doing everything and paying for everything out of her own pocket and how it was a lot of work etc etc without even listening to what was said. It was impossible to tell her anything. Eventually we reached a point where we were (carefully) telling her that she's really been taking it over, and she didn't even reply, or didn't address the issue anyway. I don't remember the details clearly, but I do remember my frustration about her taking it over and being zero open to whatever others said unless they agreed with her. I let it go, like you said, because of her situation, and because she did do a lot for GDATW (or so I believed, now it's not clear what she's done exactly), even though we disagreed with it.

Great post by the way, I agree with everything you've said.

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I really do hope that anyone who lost... whether it be money... or feels their reputation was harmed (those who wrote about her) or just plain feels duped... gets paid back or gets some kind of closure... I personally would love to do a clean up next year... but I will not be associated with gdatw... unless it is ran by someone else. And all details are forthcoming. I did love getting together with fellow idiots around here... even if we just do it on our own... after all... doing something for the environment is always good... and I do credit the idea for making that happen.

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I did a little searching and found this post from ToniAnn in reference to the Purple Heart thing:


That makes it seem like she wasn't even pretending to have a real purple heart, but a symbolic fake. If it was real wouldn't it be a medal, not a pin? Maybe she wasn't trying to pass it off as real, just to show what he means to her.

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That makes it seem like she wasn't even pretending to have a real purple heart, but a symbolic fake. If it was real wouldn't it be a medal, not a pin? Maybe she wasn't trying to pass it off as real, just to show what he means to her.

All Army medals are pins - they attach to their uniforms that way. They're also easily purchased online. I believe you can buy yourself a Silver Star or Medal of Honor as well. www.medalsofamerica.com . Things like medals, uniforms, unit patches, name patches, etc. are readily available at any military PX on post or Army surplus store.

Purple Heart, yours for only $34.95.

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About the purple heart thing, I may be wrong but I feel like I do remember reading something from her about it where she said it was a ...replica of sorts? Some sort of second one they give you that's not as important as the the main one. Now, that makes no sense and I don't know anything about the military but I'm guessing there's no such thing as that? At the time I believed it anyways. I don't know, I feel confused now! But yes, even though many times she said she gave him a purple heart, I think I read her say it was a replica(?) at one time.

Also, did she claim to have donated to Japan (Red Cross) in the name of GDATW while we were still organising? I feel like that happened but again, I might be remembering wrong, sorry. I have bad memory.

What's the deal with there apparently being shrapnel wounds in her head? ... It seems to be clear now that she was never deployed. It's confusing to say the least and I don't know if I even really want to think about it further.

Seriously though, especially to Tony and Tanya, try to let that feeling of responsibility go. You genuinely have zero responsibility for it, in my eyes at least. All you ever did relating to it was with with very good intentions.


Yeah. It was a very, very difficult situation. :\

Thank you.

Oh well. I think once everything's been sorted a little more the green day community/fan base as a whole should wash their hands of her. Well, obviously it's up to everyone individually how they react and who knows if she'll ever even appear again but even though she did good things and is obviously going through some problems, I feel she deceived us too much, not to mention the band. :\

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Also, did she claim to have donated to Japan (Red Cross) in the name of GDATW while we were still organising? I feel like that happened but again, I might be remembering wrong, sorry. I have bad memory.

I remember the japan thing too... thats why i bought my shirt at that time.

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About the purple heart thing, I may be wrong but I feel like I do remember reading something from her about it where she said it was a ...replica of sorts? Some sort of second one they give you that's not as important as the the main one. Now, that makes no sense and I don't know anything about the military but I'm guessing there's no such thing as that? At the time I believed it anyways. I don't know, I feel confused now! But yes, even though many times she said she gave him a purple heart, I think I read her say it was a replica(?) at one time.

I'd have to see what she actually gave him (or hear from someone who saw it), but they don't give you an "extra" one or anything. When a solider is awarded a medal, he/she gets the medal itself (which is only worn with Dress Blues, read: almost never. Most enlisted people don't even own Dress Blues because they're too expensive and they never wear them), and the medal ribbon (which is worn with "Class As" or Dress Greens). In my opinion, if she gave him the medal ribbon, that's even more laughable, because it would have been even cheaper to buy ($1.25). They also receive an embossed certificate with the medal. The medals themselves are easy to replicate, but the certificate would be a different story.

Shrapnel wounds... car accident, minor surgery, bar fight, fell off bike as a kid... Who are the people who died in her vehicle? I want to know their names. And what was the date this happened? There is a searchable database: http://www.militarytimes.com/valor/

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Nevermind, I found it in her interview: "I wanted to see Green Day from the pit because I just wanted to feel like a normal person. Which is something that was taken from me on Feb. 15, 2006 in the IED explosion which took my ability to walk away."

I plugged that date into the database. No casualties listed that date - in Iraq or Afghanistan.

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