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Show in Austin, TX tonight at Red7


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Didn't the Foxies play Emo's back in 2008?


It's a pretty nice venue, but so is Stubb's.

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I am pretty sure it is not Emo's because they have a show scheduled Thursday for someone else at 9...gonna look up Stubb's now..thanks everyone!

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my cousin's friend (lives in Austin) also said that he heard about the possibility of a Green Day show there, and that its all on the "down low"...

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Nope not Stubb's either....again any other ideas or possible places they could be playing?

Emo's has someone playing inside but not outside so it's still possible there.

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Could be Momo's (also on 6th street). But if the Tubbies played Emo's before, I'll bet that Green Day will be there.

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you know I kept thinking they were getting ready to release something until I checked the one site and none of the new songs were even registered. So I don't know maybe they are just having some fun as themselves this time instead of the tubbies.

also of course have been googling everything...this is a pretty good list. http://austin.about....usic_venues.htm

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all i have to say is that it better be far away from me, i've got loads of important shit to do thursday. (like life changing, court date shit. NO i didn't do anything wrong, it has to do with my ex employer.)

And also a wake for my great uncle who i haven't seen in at least twenty years that i'd promise my mom id go to. However if that were the only thing holding me back, fuck it, she can go stare at a corpse on her own! What's he gonna do? Be disappointed???

Hey, who said rhode island before? LOL. Now THAT would be hilarious, and also i'd be there :)

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ALRIGHT EVERYONE. IVE GOT INSIDE INFO. i just talked to my cousin, who lives in Dallas and has a musician friend in Austin. the guy told my cousin this: "on 6th street in downtown Austin, theres a GIANT blinking green and white neon sign that says St. Jimmy on it. Ive never seen it there before this week"

a giant flashing ST JIMMY sign might just do it folks...

Did he mention if the sign was by itself or in front of a venue?

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I wish they would come play a ahow in AZ soon, but they should be going on tour again one day so I will be happy to see them then!!!

FUCKING HELL. I'm only a few hours away from Texas, but I have school. :cry:

I would so skip school it's Green Day. I skipped school just to insure that I had pit tickets for AZ I also talked my mom in to letting my sisters miss school on the day of the concert so I could drive there early and we could wait all day in line.

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I think that I may actually be able to make it to this!

I think you can change your sad face next to Texas to a happy face because Green Day is playing a show in TX.

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I think you can change your sad face next to Texas to a happy face because Green Day is playing a show in TX.

You know, I think you may be right...I'm gonna do that :)

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Did he mention if the sign was by itself or in front of a venue?

no, he didn't specifically, but by the way he was saying it, it sounded like it was in the general area of a few venues

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I have half a mind just to call up all the clubs on 6th street and ask them about all of this

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I have half a mind just to call up all the clubs on 6th street and ask them about all of this

I volunteer you to do this :thumbsup:

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pfft, don't take a camera in, you'll get in trouble. Get some sort of audio recorder (iPhones work well) and put it in your pocket, and record the show that way.

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